Chapter 50

After the talk with her dad, Rose Went to her Room in the mansion as she walked towards it she saw a maid coming out of it.

" Good day, Miss, I just cleaned up your room. "

" Okay, Thank you. "

" You are Welcome, Mam. "

" Hm. " Rose replied as she walked into the room and as expected it was Thoroughly cleaned and neat.

She then Locked her door and then took off all her clothes, and then went to the Bathroom where she soaked herself in the bathroom.

She finally felt relaxed after a long while, she then started thinking about her father's words.

' He asked me to get married but how am I going to do that? , Who am I going to even get married to. '

' Who? '

She washed and then came out of the bathroom and went to the room where she dressed herself up in a casual Flowery straight gown.

She lied on her bed and started browsing through the net and soon got lost in it.

Knocks on the door Interrupted her from her thoughts followed by a voice.

" Hm, Miss, Madam Asked me to inform you that Dinner is already Served. "

" Alright, thank you. " Rose replied and soon she wore her Home sleepers and got ready to go downstairs.

There she met her mom and dad at the dining table, they were waiting for her.

" Good, evening, Mom, Dad. " She greeted.

" Good evening, darling, I hope you are well-rested. "

" Hm, how are you feeling now, dad? "

" A little better. "

" Okay, that's good to hear. "

" Why are you still standing, come join us. " Her mom offered and she complied.

Soon they started eating, Dinner was Egg fried rice and fruit juice.

[ What I ate earlier. ]

After Dinner.

" When are you leaving, Rose? "

" Tomorrow morning. "

" Alright, Take care. "

" I hope you are ready as you'll be taking over the company soon, you've signed the contract right? "

" Yes, I have. "

" Okay, that's good. "

" I am a little tired dad, Goodnight. "

" Goodnight honey. " Her mom replied as she came to embrace her, Rose let her embrace her but didn't return it.

Her mom, Stacy Quinn just Sighed in understanding, she knew that she couldn't just win over her daughter in one night as she had abandoned the latter years ago and now she's regretting all her actions, she wished that she could go back and correct her mistakes but it's impossible as what's done is done.

[ The harm has been done. ]

Rose went back to her room and was about to retire to bed when her cell phone rang.

It was Ceo Daniel calling.

" Hello, Rose. "

" Hi, I see that you kept your promise of calling me every day. "

" Of course, I need to hear your beautiful voice every night before bed. "

" Seriously? "

" Of course. "

" So wassup? "

" Nothing much I just called to see how you are doing. "

" Thank you. "

" My pleasure, I heard about your father's illnesses, how is he now? I hope he's alright. "

" He's alright for now but I don't know for how long, I am really scared, I don't want to lose my dad, though we are not that close still I don't want to lose him, not to cancer or anything! " Rose said choking a little.

" There, there, You won't lose your dad, he'll be treated by the best doctors so there's a big chance of him to recover so you don't have to worry just keep believing. "

" Hm, Thank you. "

" You are Welcome, do you have anything on your mind apart from this? "

" Hm. "

" Go on. "

" Well,... Can we meet tomorrow? "

" Sure, Where? "

" At your company? Is That Alright? "

" Okay, you just need to give me a call when you arrive so my assistant will come and pick you. "

" Alright, thanks. "

" Hm, Anything else? "

" No. "

" Goodnight, Sweet dreams. "

" Thank you and you too. "

" Hm. " Daniel replied as silence descended between the two, No one Spoke and the call wasn't disconnected either.

Finally, after five minutes of silence, Daniel Spoke up.

" We'll see tomorrow, bye. "

" Bye. " Rose replied as she reluctantly hanged up.

Unknowingly she didn't feel awkward talking to Daniel, it came naturally and after the call got disconnected she felt a kind of longing and loneliness.

[ What does this mean? ]

On the other side.

After Hanging up on the call.

Daniel got distracted from reviewing the papers in front of him as he walked out of his study to his wine bar.

After opening a bottle of red wine, he Served himself a glass and started sipping.

He wondered what Rose wanted to talk to him, because of the way she sounded, he could tell that it was urgent.

' What could be so urgent? ' He thought.

' Could she be in a kind of Trouble? ' But this couldn't be possible as everything was solved already.

' Anyways, let's wait till tomorrow ' He thought.


Early in the morning the next day, Rose left her parent's house after saying her goodbyes and making sure that her father was alright, she promised to visit them regularly.

She drove to her home first to change her outfits before she drove to Stella's home before heading to Daniel's company.

When she got there, she gave Daniel a Call to inform him that she had arrived and five minutes later, she saw a handsome figure walking towards her car, it was Patrick, Daniel's Assistant.

' so Efficient. ' Rose thought Bemused.

Rose got out of her car and immediately Patrick greeted her.

" Good day, Miss. " He greeted.

" Good day, Mr. Patrick. " She replied.

" Ceo Daniel instructed me to Bring you upstairs. "

" Alright. "

" After you, Miss. " He said and Rose started walking ahead.

They Made use of the Private elevator so they didn't collide with any of the artists but when they got to the CEO's floor.

They met with A Young Woman who happened to be CEO Daniel's Secretary.

Immediately she saw Rose, she frowned as this was the first time that A woman came to that floor.

She began to feel envious and started checking Rose out.

As if knowing what was going on in the Woman's mind, Rose ignored her and continued walking till they got to the Door.

After Entering, Rose was stunned by what she saw.

The European-styled office looked like a suite as it was big and comfortable.

She then saw Ceo Daniel who was very Focused on The papers he was reviewing.

' He looks Very Handsome while Working. ' She thought unconsciously, Realizing what she just thought, Rose felt like slapping herself in the face.

" Sir, Miss Quinn is here. " Patrick announced which Attracted the Attention of CEO Daniel who was working.

" Oh, you can leave now, ask my Secretary to make two cups of Tea and some Snacks. " He instructed.

" Alright, I'll, Sir. " Patrick replied as he opened the door and leaving Rose and Daniel alone in the office.