Chapter 51

Silence descended between the two for a few seconds before Daniel Spoke up.

" You can have your seat now, Rose, there's no need to feel Awkward. " He said offering Rose a Seat on the sofa.

" Oh, thanks. " Rose replied seating down.

" By the way, I love the design of your office. "

" Hm, Thank you. "

" Yes. "

" About what you wanted to talk to me about? " Daniel asked going straight to the point.

" Actually.... " Rose replied as she carefully explained the whole situation to Daniel who listened Attentively.

After she was done Daniel Spoke up.

" So your Father insisted that you get married soon, right? "

" Yes and I don't know what to do. "

" Do you have anyone in mind? "

" Not really. "

" Hm... " Daniel replied and as if thinking about what she said he placed his hands on his chin.

" Why don't we get married? " He suddenly Suggested, Shocking Rose.

" What! " Rose Squealed completely shocked.

" Why are you so shocked? "

" Well, I wasn't expecting you to suggest something like that. " She replied truthfully.

" Hm, so what do you say? "

" Well... "

" Excuse me, sir, your orders. " The voice of the secretary was heard as she walked into the room.

" I didn't hear you knocking. " Daniel said facing his secretary.

" Am sorry sir, I thought..."

" It's okay but doesn't try it again. "

" Alright, Sir. "

" Hm, you can place the tray on the table and leave. "

" Alright, Sir. " She replied as she immediately did as she was told and left.

" You scared her. " Rose said.

" I know but she needs to realize that she can't just barge into anywhere without knocking. "

" Umm, that's true. "

" So what do you say? " Daniel asked referring to their earlier conversation.

" Well, I grew up to believe that marriage isn't a child's Game as it's forever so... "

" I know that and I am pretty sure that we won't regret getting married to each other. "

" Okay, let's get married then. " Rose said suddenly after a few minutes of thought, her reply stunned Daniel as he wasn't expecting her to agree so easily.

" Are you sure? "

" Yes, I am."

" Okay, " Daniel replied as he brought out his phone and called Patrick.

Patrick walked into the office Ten minutes later.

Daniel then instructed him to make an appointment at the civil affairs office bureau.

[ Do you think this is too rushed, Readers? , Well I was thinking of getting them married in a church but sadly I don't think I can write that scene as I haven't been to a wedding ceremony before but don't worry, they'll have a big wedding ceremony later, so I hope that this would do for now. ]

Patrick was at first shocked hearing this but he understood later on what was going on.

After Patrick left.

" Let's have some tea and snacks. " He said to Rose.

Rose nodded and soon they both picked up their teacups and snacks and started eating in silence with both deep in their thoughts.

Minutes later.

" Sir, I have booked an appointment at the Civil Affairs office bureau for two hours. " Patrick said to Daniel when he came into the office later on.

" Alright. " Came Daniel's short reply and Patrick nodded as he went to his own office.

" You can do anything you like in the next two hours, I need to attend a quick meeting with some of my Employees. " Daniel told Rose later.

" Alright, I'll just stay here. " She replied.

" Okay, I'll be back soon. "

" Hm. " Rose replied and soon she was left alone in the office.

She got a call later on from Stella.

" Hello, Sis. " Rose Greeted.

" Hi, Rose, how did it go? Did CEO Daniel accept the proposal? " She inquired.

" He was the one that proposed to me actually after I told him everything. "

" Wow! That's good news! He must like you a lot. "

" Yeah, I think so. "

" It's obvious, so when is the wedding ceremony going to happen? " She inquired.

" Well, it's not going to happen any time soon but we are going to Register our marriage at the civil affairs office in two hours. "

" Oh, so that means, in two hours you'll no longer be single but instead a married woman! ( Mrs. Romero )"

" I guess so. "

" I am very happy for you, Rose! I thought that you'll remain single forever. " Stella replied and Rose could tell that the latter was getting a little emotional.

" Thanks, Sis. " Rose replied feeling grateful.

" Hm, little Lucia wants to speak to you through Video call. "

" Oh, you can convert the audio call to video then. " Rose said.

" Okay. " Stella replied and soon little Lucia appeared on The screen in A light blue Dress.

" Hello, Auntie. " She greeted cheerfully.

" Hi, little Lucia, how are you? "

" I am a completely fine auntie, what about you? "

" I am good. "

" That's good to hear, I heard that you are getting married to CEO Daniel. "

" Hm, that's true. "

" Wow! At Last! I still thought that I was going to use my triumph card before you guys finally agree to be together. " Little Lucia replied grinning.

" Triumph card? What's that? "

" You don't have to know that Auntie, Since I don't have to use it anymore. "

" Hm, whatever you say. "

" By the way, is that CEO Daniel's office you are in? "

" Yes. "

" Wow, it's so beautiful and quite masculine. "

" Hm, I thought so too. "

" Why did you decide to speak to me, though? "

" Well, I wanted to give you my Blessings for your marriage. "

" Alright, thanks. "

" Hm, is that Uncle beside you? " Little Lucia suddenly asked.

" Uh? Where? " Rose asked Confused.

" Look behind you. " She said and Rose did as she said and froze when she saw Ceo Daniel behind her.

" Oh, you are here, when did you get here? " She asked him.

" Not quite long. "

" Already behaving like a married couple, uh? " Little Lucia's Playful voice was heard from the phone.

" Lucia! "

" Hey, little Lucia, how are you? " Daniel asked the little girl in the video call.

" I am fine Uncle, what about you? "

" Am Good, you look very beautiful, young, and cute in person. " He said.

" Aww, thank you, Uncle, you are too sweet, I hope Auntie doesn't have diabetes from your sweetness. "

" She won't. " He assured.

" Alright, I believe you, please Take care of my Auntie. "

" I'll. "

" Thank you, Best of luck with your Marriage. "

" Hm, thank you. "

" Bye Auntie, Don't forget that little Lucia loves you the most. "

" Of course, I know that but why are you suddenly saying this now? "

" Isn't it obvious, when Auntie is married, she will completely forget about little Lucia. "

" That will never happen as little Lucia will always be my darling. "

" Alright, I believe you, Auntie. "

" Okay, bye-bye. "

" Bye auntie, I am expecting a little nephew soon. " Little Lucia said and without waiting for Rose to Reply she quickly hanged up.

Rose felt very Embarrassed that her face turned completely red.

" Don't be shy Rose, it's alright. " Daniel said as he hugged Rose by the waist.

Rose felt an electric shock by the sudden closeness.

" Hey, hey, Don't be so shocked. " Daniel said as he turned her so she could face him.

" You don't have to feel so shy around me, we are getting married today after which we will have our wedding night then we'll live together forever so you need to get used to this. "

" Hm. " Rose replied simply as she suddenly embraced Daniel tightly.

Daniel returned the hug and they stayed like that for the only god knows how long, they only separated when A knock was heard at the door.

[ I am in love with Daniel, Readers! ]