Chapter 61 : The party

A Month later.

It was little jemmy's one Month birthday celebration.

Luckily for them throughout the whole Month, little Jemmy rarely had any problems apart from her being overly vulnerable to cold.

She was always kept warm and in good health.

The Large hall in their pent house was beautifully decorated for the occasion.

The internationally Renowned Event planner was assigned the contract for the decoration of the hall.

Lucy was dressed in a long blue off-shouldered gown, A diamond necklace was hanging down her kneck, she was also wearing Three-inch heels.

She looked beautiful and dazzling in her outfit, anyone who saw her now wouldn't want to believe that she just gave birth a month ago.

Adam on the other hand was wearing a Blue Tuxedo, Black Pants, and a Blue Italian Red made shoe, matching his wife's dress.

They both looked like young models.

On this day, there was no CEO of a multinational Company but only a father celebrating his daughter's one month birthday.

Since the party was announced to the public, it was well attended by the socialites and some business partners.

Out of the people that attended.

There were two ladies, who wore mermaid red dresses, their cleavage was visible.

The men were looking at them with lust.

The two only smiled it was as if they were already used to it.

They were looking Viciously at Lucy.

" See her all looking dazzling and so on. " One commented jealously.

" Yeah I am completely certain that she seduced Adam Standford and got him to marry her, she's nothing but a shameless slut! "

" Right, I agree with you because if not for that I am sure that there's no way Adam Standford will even look at her, she's nothing but a cheap Slut! "

" Oh? Who are you calling a slut? Don't tell me that it's Mrs. Standford that you are calling a slut? Are you seeking death? " A fairly like voice was heard.

The ladies turned around and were completely stunned to see a stunningly beautiful woman she can be termed as a goddess of beauty in her one-shouldered empire waist long purple chiffon prom dress.

Which fitted her body perfectly, it almost felt like the dress was made especially for her.

They recognized her immediately.

Rose Quinn... Now Mrs. Romero.

" Oh? Why are you not speaking again? Did cat catch your tongue? " Rose Tched.

" How is this your business, Miss Quinn? "

" Correction, it's now Mrs. Romero and yes, it's my business because you are not only Mocking my Sister but my Brother in law! " She deadpanned.

" What? How did Lucy become your Sister? "

" You never know, so you better keep your mouths shut Because I am watching you. " She announced as she walked away from them.

" Who's she anyways? , All acting Big and mighty, isn't she just a cheap model who slept her way up? "

" That's true, I recently heard that she got Married to CEO Daniel Romero. "

" Really? No wonder she feels very proud now, I am very certain that she seduced him too. "

The two ladies continued talking badly about Lucy and Rose without restraints.

As you would have already guessed, these two are Lucy's stepsisters, though they weren't invited to the party, they managed to find their way in by volunteering to be the Female partner of some of the businessmen they were acquainted with.

Rose returned to her spot where she left her husband, Daniel.

" Oh, you are back. " He commented as he pulled her closer.

" Why are you looking so annoyed? " He inquired seeing that she wasn't in a good mood.

" Nothing much, just some set of bitches saying mean things about Lucy. "

" Oh, you don't have to worry about them as I am sure that they'll shoot themselves in the foot soon. " He said in a confident tone.

" What are you planning? " Rose enquired looking suspiciously at him.

" Nothing, let's just let nature take its course. " He replied with a deeper meaning.

Rose pursed her lips as she kept quiet.

" Good Afternoon everyone " Adam's Sultry voice echoed in the hall.

Immediately his voice landed, the whole became gravely quiet all of a sudden.

It was as if they were waiting for him to complete his statement.

" Thanks for giving me your attention, On behalf of my lovely wife and I, I welcome you all to my Daughter's Jemmy Standford one month birthday celebration, Thanks for honoring our invitation, we hope you'll enjoy the party, Thank you. " He said and gave a slight bow to all.

The onlookers were completely shocked by his actions.

They never expected that one day, Adam Standford The Ruthless and Blank faced CEO to bow in public.

It was just too shocking!

" Aww, he's so handsome and manly, I wish I could have him instead of that slut! " One of the two girls commented shamelessly.

Her comment attracted the attention of one of the sharp-toothed women beside her.

" You want to have him? After calling his wife a slut? Don't you think that you are more deserving of the slut title since you want to covet another woman's husband? " The woman replied sharply.

" What do you mean by that? Who's the slut between me and you? Moreover, what's your business in this? "

" I see... tsk, tsk ... I pity you, saying mean things about Mrs. Standford in her own house. "

" How is it her house? , It's Adam Standford's house! "

" I see that you aren't only envious but stupid, did you attend high school at all? Or did you drop out after losing your virginity to a gang member in your school? "

" do you mean by that? Where did you hear that from? " She stuttered a little in shock.

" Got you! Hahaha! You claim to be a saint but you are worse, see you later, darling. " The woman said, Winked, and walked away from her.

" What's up with you Charlotte? Why is your face this pale? " Emilia asked her sister curiously.

Though they loved money and power, they also knew how to support and defend themselves In a time of need.

Emilia had only gone to use the bathroom for Ten minutes so she was shocked to find out that her sister's face was this pale.

" What happened? " She asked again when she didn't get an answer.

" It's nothing, I just feel a little tired. " Charlotte lied.

" Really? I can see that you are lying, is it Lucy? " She inquired and seeing that her sister was silent she thought it was true.

Charlotte smiled Secretly seeing her Sister's angry face.

She was well aware of what her sister could do.

She was always the one cleaning up her ( charlotte's ) mess so she always felt safe and secured whenever she's with her.

' You'll pay dearly for this Lucy! ' Emilia thought inwardly.


Lucy who wasn't aware that her stepsisters were plotting against her was currently participating in the birthday celebration.

She fed Jemmy the delicious pudding specially made by Rose.

Then it was time for the cutting off of the cakes.

Lucy Carried the little princess who was dressed in a Pink Ballgown, A birthday Cap, and a set of pink Shoes we're dancing on her feet.

Lucy and Adam moved closer to the round glass table where the three-tied birthday cake was placed.

Stella, little Lucia, Daniel, Rose and all their close friends including Jackson joined the fun while the guests just watched them.

While Some were cheering, others were envious and burning In jealousy.

Adam Standford didn't want his little daughter to be revealed to the cruel world yet.

The media weren't permitted into the Hall and all the guests were forbidden from taking pictures or videos.

Before the cake was cut.

Little Lucia Requested to go on stage as she claimed that she had a performance.

They granted her request.

She went to the stage and took a microphone.

" Good day, Everyone. " She greeted cheerfully.

" Okay, so I would like to sing a Happy birthday song for my dearest little Sister Jemmy, I hope you'll enjoy my performance, Thank you. " She said and gave a quick bow.

She gave a signal to the pianist and soon relaxing sounds filled the room.

" You know it doesn't make much sense.

There ought to be a law against

Anyone who takes offense.

Aina day in your celebration ' cause, we all know in our minds.

That were ought to be a time

That we can set aside

To show just how much we love you

And I'm sure you would agree

What could fit more perfectly

Then to have a world party on the day you came to be.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday..... "

[ Happy birthday by Stevie Wonder. ]

She continued singing, her Angelic voice was surprisingly very soothing.

The guests were completely Stunned, they couldn't believe that a Ten-year-old girl could have such a voice.

As soon as the song ended.

An eerie silence descended on the Hall as the Guests were still in a daze.

Soon, a round of applause was heard from the front and soon everyone else joined in.

Lucy, Adam, Rose, Daniel, and Stella weren't too Surprised at this as they were well aware of little Lucia's singing talent and that's why she had gotten a private trainer and it has also been decided that once she turns eighteen she'll be allowed to join Daniel's Agency as a singer.

Little Lucia descended from the stage with a smile on her face, she felt very proud of herself and her mom felt the same too.

Her mom pulled her into a warm embrace as soon as she was within reach.

" I am very proud of you darling, Thanks for making mom proud, I love you, Lucia. " Stella whispered emotionally.

" I love you too Mom and I promise to always make you happy no matter what. " Little Lucia replied.

" Hm. " Stella replied pecking her forehead lovingly.

Quite unknown to them someone was watching their interactions from the crowd.

' I finally found you, Stella, you can never escape from me ever again, never! ' He thought with a smirk.

The three-tied cake was finally cut after Adam and Lucy were asked to make a wish on behalf of the celebrant.

And as expected their Wishes was for the little one to be happy and in good health.

Soon, it was time for the presentation of gifts.

After all the guests who brought gifts had presented theirs.

It was time for the family and friends to do.

Rose gifted the little girl a Cute toy collection which consisted of Teddy bears, Barbie dolls, and some cute singing dolls.

Stella on the other hand gifted the little girl a clothing collection from a Luxury brand.

Daniel gifted the Little girl 5% Shares of his company, Several hectares of land in Luxembourg, and a Well furnished house in France.

The guests were completely shocked by these gifts.

They couldn't believe that a one-month-old girl could be getting this amount of gifts, it was just too much According to them.

Speaking, the gifts weren't too much, it's just that the guests were already envious of the young girl.

Jackson, Adam's PA gifted the girl a mini duplex which was in one of the Most Popular parts of the city, though the gifts seemed Small bell it's the thought that counts.

Little Lucia of course, gifted her baby Sister lots of toys from her collection and also some cute Barbie dresses.

She bought all of this with her own hard-earned money as she insisted that it wouldn't be nice if her Mom bought this.

The couple was very happy to see all of this.

They completely forgot about their sadness and unhappiness for a moment as they lived in the moment.

Soon it was time for the couple to dance.

Everyone present took themselves in two's and started dancing to the music that was playing.

Little Lucia carried little Jemmy in her arms as she danced with her.

Stella who didn't have a partner went to the bar to have some nonalcoholic drinks.

But oh well she barged into someone there.

Someone she dreaded to see.

[ So who is the person? , Any guesses? ]