Chapter 62

While everyone else was dancing with their partners, Stella who didn't have a partner walked to the bar to get a nonacholic drink but unexpectedly she bumped into someone.

Someone whom she dreaded to see.

" Long time no see, Miss Stella Jackson. " The man greeted with a fake grin.

" Long time no see to you too, Mr. Rick Caddel. " Stella replied calmly though she was very nervous inside.

" Oh, I see that you've become very bold, I like it. "

" Glad that you do. "

" Why don't we seat and talk about you know.... "

" I don't have anything to talk to you about and if you will excuse me I need to get a drink. " Stella replied taking a step forward.

" Oh, really, if that's the case why don't I announce to the guests that I am Lucia's biological father and that you have been keeping my daughter away from me for years now. "

" As if you'll dare. " Stella retorted.

" Let's see if I dare or not. " Rick said with a smirk as he took a step further as if he was going back to the hall.

Scared that he might do it, Stella quickly stopped him, " Please Stop, we can settle this matter calmly. "

" Oh? But I thought you weren't afraid of Revealing this to the public or don't tell me that you lied about your child, Lucia? "

" Stop it! You don't know anything! "

" Really? Why don't you enlighten me then? "

" What do you want? " Tired of him beating around the bush, Stella asked directly.

Seeing that people were already staring in their direction.

" Let's go and seat over there. " Stella Suggested.

Rick nodded with an ' En ' as he walked towards the chair in a dignified manner.

When they had settled down, Stella spoke up.

" So, what do you want? "

" Hmm, nothing much all I need is Three million USD and then I promise not to reveal your secret to the public. "

" Are you trying to blackmail me into giving you money? "

" Blackmail? Well, you can think what you want, I have stated my demand and you have to give in to it or else... "

" Or else what? " Stella snapped as she banged her hands on the table shocking Rick and the bartender.

" You'll reveal what to the public? That I Stella left you alone and ran away with your child? "

" Of course. "

" And you think they'll believe you? "

" They will, of course, have you forgotten about the fact that the public is mostly in support of men and not Women? " He replied with a cruel smirk.

" Then go, reveal all that to the public but don't blame me for being so cruel. " She replied sharply as her gaze turned cold.

" Are you sure that I should reveal this to the public? Don't you care about the implications? "

" What implications? , Why would I be afraid of the implications of something that isn't true?" She took a deep breath to calm herself down before continuing. " We both know what the truth is and that the story you made is completely fabricated. "

" Oh, oh, no matter what side of the story it is the Public will still be on my side, don't you think so? "

Stella hated to admit it but he was right Will the public ever be in agreement with a young lady who brought shame and disgrace to her family by getting pregnant out of wedlock?

She had to admit that she was very stupid then, she fell hopelessly in love with charm and lies that she decided to give herself to him and didn't even use protection.

How dumb was she?

He promised that he'll never leave her and that he'll take care of her and possibly even marry her but what?

The moment he found out that she was pregnant with their child, he told her without any conscience that she should abort the child immediately but how could Stella do that?

She loved little kids and had been taught from childhood that Abortion is almost equivalent to murder so how can she bear to abort her child?

Her flesh and blood?

So she decided that she wasn't going to abort the child and kept it.

When Rick found out about this, He disgraced her publicly Calling her a slut, and breaking up with her.

Not only did she lose the man she loved more than anything as he was her first love, but she also lost her family that same day as they completely disowned her claiming that she brought shame and disgrace to them.

Stella lost all she had just because she fell in love with a jerk.

At the time she fell pregnant, she was studying business management as her father wanted her to take over the company as an acting president till her younger brother who was the heir comes of age.

Though Managing a company wasn't her dream but she just had to follow her Parent's orders as she had no choice.

But the moment she fell pregnant her parents wanted nothing to do with her and even stopped paying her fees.

Due to this, Stella had to drop out of college and start doing some part-time jobs to survive throughout her pregnancy though it was hard, she almost had a miscarriage twice but it seemed like the child was very strong and kept holding on.

Three months after her delivery, she found a temporary job as a salesperson in a boutique.

The pay was good and she did it for about two years and was able to save up for her tuition fees and then decided to study Theater arts, she wanted to be an actress but it seemed like life had another plan for her as she ended up being a manager.

Ever since that Incident Happened, she had always been very cold to men as she believed they were all the same but Watching Rose and Lucy finding their match, her view had begun to change.

She had managed to get over that but now.

" Tsk, tsk, Don't Tell me that you are regretting not listening to me years ago? Didn't I tell you that you'll regret it? Ain't I, right? "

Stella felt like she couldn't take it anymore " Shut up! "

She hated it when he mentioned that incident, she hated to remember how stupid she was then but well as they say everything happens for a reason.

Despite the pain and suffering she later still managed to find her happiness and source of joy, she found a reason to live and to Smile, she finally found Someone who would reciprocate her love and care that someone was her one and only daughter little Lucia.

Perhaps that's why she didn't blame Rick entirely because if not for him perhaps she might not be able to see her family members' true colors and well, she might not be alive till now.

So despite all that happened she still felt thankful that she was alive and that she had a Daughter she loved and cared for and that her love was returned in ten folds.