Chapter 24

Can you imagine how devastated I felt when a whole chapter is gone? ಠ_ಠ And the Internet connection here is...UGH!

And wow, super long chapter.


Arabella's POV

Yesterday has been draining me emotionally. I was exhausted, and the nightmares seem to be getting worse the longer I live. I don't know what to do to make her haunting face get far fuking away from me. Even when she is dead already, the memories of her appear to be determined to stay with me hauntingly till the day I die.

The alarm rings, the sound echoed through the dark room I am in. I feel like I am still there, trapped in the nauseating memories she cursed me with. My breath becomes irregular, the air feel stifled, suffocating me.

I listen to the sound of nature outside, feeling the texture of the soft mattress of my bed as I close my eyes, trying to make myself remember the present and not the past, breathing deeply so that the beating of my heart could become better and normal.

Feeling relaxed, I reach my hand towards my phone on the stand, looking at the time.

4 in the morning. I just barely able to sleep around 2.30 before. I sigh, at least I catched some sleep, rather than spending another sleepless night, accompanied by nothing but the sound of owl hoots and insects.

I clicked on the night lamp, adjusting the level of light so I don't have to squint at the sudden bright light. I climb down the bed and drag my body lazyly to the bathroom.

Clicking the switch of the light in the bathroom, I push the door open. With half lidded eyes, I do all of my business in a daze.

I feel so freaking tired, the dark circles under my eyes seem to get darker by multiple times, silver eyes look dull and dim without light. I walk closer to the mirror above the sink as I wash my hands, tilted my head here and there to look at my face at various angles.

A streak of shining pitch black hair contrasted blindingly against my soft pallette purple dyed hair.

I frown as I picked those strands of hair in bewilderment.

What is this? I thought I dyed this white? How come they suddenly turned black?

A thought crossed my mind.


But I'm supposed to get my Soulhair from way back when I was born?

Wait, I think I had this before. But—

My mind clouded around that particular memory, stopping me from exploring further into past memories.

I seem to be crashing all the basics theory of Soulmate and my existence proved to be the exact opposite of soulmate theories and the nature of human being.

Huffing to myself, I proceed to checking myself out in the mirror before walking back to my bed.

Time passed quickly. After about a couple of hours staring and blinking at the ceiling daydreaming, a stray light of the sun slips pass the heavy red wine curtain and makes me realize that the morning has come with the sun in the sky. It is already seven in the morning.

After a quick hot shower to refresh myself, I struts to Alvaro's room to kiss him morning and make sure he wakes up for breakfast. With the delicious image of toast and coffee, I quicken my steps down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I busied myself preparing breakfast for my siblings, humming an upbeat song under my breath. The cool breeze of morning air from the opened window of the kitchen fanning my face feels refreshing.

My sensitive hearing makes me perk up when I heard the familiar sound of heavy, rhythmic footsteps coming down the stairs. I put a plate of toast and eggs with a cup of black coffee on the dining table just in time in front of Alaric as he takes his usual seat at the head of the table.

He hums in approval as he sips his black, bitter coffee.

I could never understand how he could drink a black coffee completely without sugar. It is so bitter, I have tried it once and swore never to again. I guess a sweet girl like me can't stand coffee as bitter as his. Haha, got it?

"Huh? Ara."

I take my sweet time to look up to him after I took a bite of my toast and a sip of my sweet latte. I'm starving, food comes first. "What?"

He squinted his smokey grey eyes. "Your hair..."

I instantly touch my hair, eyes widen in question. "My hair? Why? What's wrong with my hair? Is there something on my hair?" I pat and brush the strands of soft purple hair in panic, wishing for whatever it is on them gone from inhabiting in my hair.

"No, no." He waves his hand. "Didn't you dye your front streak white? Why is it black?"

"Oh, that..." I calm down when I heard his words, plopping myself on the chair again. "I don't really know. I just found out about that just now. It's a Soulhair, I guess."

"Really? Cool. " He asked, looking excited.

I snort in response. Why would he be excited about that?

"So, what'cha up to today?" I asked, peeking from the mouth of my cup, hand reaching for a snack, "Going anywhere?"

"Nope. I'm gonna stay home today, doing paperworks."

I nod to myself when I heard that. Alaric set up a company a couple of years ago, after he earned enough money from his assassin job to build a company specialising in creating products like necessities and food. Last time I checked, it was growing stable and fast, already occupying the top 5 seat in their field of the country. I am certain if we could give some more years to Alaric, he could expand the business out of the country.

It's not like we will do this assassin job all our life, right?

If we got a chance, we do not want Alvaro to stain his hands with blood like ours. We want him to live a childhood as normal and happy as possible.

Killing people is certainly not easy. All of their deaths weighing heavy on our shoulders. Sure, the pay are very high and handsome. But could money buy happiness? It's up to the person. For me, it is yes and no. We need money, for the happiness of my siblings, but not to the extent of destroying myself. Though I will gladly do that if the situation forced me to, but knowing my siblings, they wouldn't want that.

I stand and collect the dishes when I saw Alaric is finished with his, bringing them to the sink to wash.

It takes a few minutes before I am done and trudging up the stairs and into my room to grab my silver customized laptop.

Snatching my phone and workbook, I walk back out of the room, popping a strawberry milk flavoured lollipop that I managed to get on my way to Alaric's private office down the hall.

I have my own office, just across his but I love to crash in his, with him. I don't have to move and walk if I have something I need to discuss with him. I am too lazy for that.

Stopping in front of a black door with exquisite carving, I knock lightly.

"Come in."

I set my laptop down on the black office table, pushing the scattered papers towards my brother who is scribbling and doing paperworks.

I feign innocence when he sends me the bad eye as I sit on the cushion office chair, getting comfortable.

"All right!"

I proceed to switch on my laptop and tapping on the keyboard.

Since my brother is busy with the new company lately, I was tasked to keep an eye on our illegal activities.

"Ric, I feel incomplete." I suddenly said, wanting to pour my frustration out.

He makes a sound of sort, vocaling his confusion. "All of sudden?"

I thump my head on the table. "I've met my soulmates. But why did I still feel incomplete? As if there's still an empty holes in my soul, that they can't fill. They just filled in half. Why did I feel like this? Do you feel like this too even after you met Ava?"

Alaric frown in thought. To be honest, he did not feel whole at all after meeting his soulmate like how those stories of other pair of Soulmates. Is it just like novel? Exaggerated? A reality that is pale in comparison to the fantasy?

"Maybe because you have not really meet you as their soulmate?" He asked.

I look up in thoughts. "Hmm, makes sense." I look back at him. "Speaking of soulmate, Ric, where's Ava? Is she still out of the country?" I straighten myself as I glance up from my laptop.

He just grunt in answer, returning back to face his papers.

"Ric." I look at him serious. "Are you okay with her being apart from you this long? Does your soulmate bond not hurt?"

He glances at me for a second. "We talked about this, Ara. She has her own life too."

"Are you sure? I heard soulmates can't even be apart longer than a week."

He froze, before looking at me with steel grey eyes behind his glasses. "What are you implying, Ara?"

Is she really your soulmate?

The question is at the tip of my tongue but I chose to swallow it back. He will be upset if he hear that.

I return to my laptop to continue my work as I said, "I'm just curious."

Fingers flying on the keyboard, my eyes moving fastly on the screen of my laptop. After easily succeeded on logging in our own Web for assassin job, my sight instantly zoom in on the red notifications on the upper right corner of the screen.

This is...


A hum in return.

"Ric, look at this." I twist my laptop to face him, pointing at the red symbol as I click it to read the content.

Date : 28 April 2020

Pay : 100,000,000

Urgency : Red

Information : ............

"It's a long term one." I mumbled. After a few passing minutes, I announce, "I'll take this."

Alaric turned his head so fast I fear whiplash for him. "No. We could not risk it."

I sigh. I expected this, actually. The last job with a red code ended up with me gaining near death experience. But I have to take the job this time. "It's a Red code, Alaric." I said, pointing at the screen of the laptop with a palm faces the sky, eyebrow raised to emphasise the point.

But he doesn't relinquish, "All the more you shouldn't go."

I sigh. "I should help. They are in danger."

"Don't be too kind, Ara. Be selfish for once, okay?" His forehead creases in worry, hoping I let it go. But I am Arabella Russell, his sister. Of course I wouldn't just let it go. He knows this.

I let out a humourless chuckle, "Me? Kind? I kill people as a job, Alaric. What part of me is kind? I just want the money. They paid for 100 million, Ric."

Alaric sighs. He knows he couldn't change my mind. They do not lack anything, anyway. No reason for me to take such a risk just for that measly money. We both know that.

"Please, Alaric? I need to do this. I feel like I should take this very job."

Alaric looks at me for a moment. I try my very best to show him my determination through my eyes. It seems to work when he finally nods. "Okay, then. But I'll tag along. And you will take a break after this for at least a year."

He looks at me expectantly, that words are the final say. I huffed, "Fine."

I grab back my laptop on the table, pulling it closer to me as I tap on the keyboard, checking the status of the job. It says as soon as possible, so I decided to contact this client to set up a meet for further information.

They reply a few minutes after, and we came to an agreement to meet at Flash Night Club at 9 pm tonight.

I hope the meeting will run smoothly.


Third Person's POV

"Ric, you ready yet?!" Ara yells from downstairs as she fix Alvaro's messy black shirt. He looks so cute in a black turtle neck long sleeve shirt with matching black denim and black Vans canvas shoes.

She wears the exact same thing except with the addition of a black leather jacket.

"Ready? Let's go." She nods curtly at her brother descending the stairs, glancing shortly at his matching outfits with Alvaro as she snort in amusement.

"Let's go."

They walk out of the mansion, the black Mercedes is already parked on the front door. Alvaro speeds up as far as his feet allow while laughing merrily, "I take shotgun!"

They just chuckle, entertained.

The ride took near two hours, as the club located in the city, which is quite far from her area.

Throughout the journey, Alvaro can't stop from bouncing in excitement. This is his first time (not, but he doesn't remember) to be able to follow his siblings to their work!

"Ara, where are we going? Where do you work at? Is it far from here? What about you, big brother? Is there any chocolate at your work? Can Alvaro borrow your pen later on?"

Alaric looks at his gleaming eyes in inquiry, "What do you need a pen for?"

Alvaro grins as he answers cheekily, "What else, for signature of course!"

They just smile helplessly.

The car slowed down to a stop as Alaric park down the underground parking lot.

Alvaro excitedly follow his siblings out of the car and into an elevator on the side.

Chuckling at her brother's silliness, she crouch down to his level with a smile. "So, are you ready?"

The little boy scrunched his adorable face in confusion, "Ready? Ready for what?"

She smiles mysteriously, before waving one hand carelessly, for a moment silver eyes turned to the color of the dark, starless sky before it vanished to a night sky with countless stars.

Alvaro still confused. What just happening? He quickly looks himself over but abruptly look up to his still smiling sister when he did not see his body. "Ara, where's my body? Why is it missing!"

He turned himself over and over in a circle, panic consuming his little being.

Ara laughs loudly while Alaric shakes his head, "That's Ara's doing, little brother. You and I have to hide for this mission."

Ara looks at him in disapproval.

"Why I have to hide?" Alvaro asked, puzzled.

"For..." He thinks for a moment before answering, "For our safety. We have to hide from the bad guy because if they see us, they will hurt us."

"Like in a spy movie?! WOW!"

The elevator dinged, and they piled out of it.

As soon as she steps out, a woman magically appear out of nowhere to escort her to the private room they will be having meeting at.

Ara follows the woman silently, eyes observe every little crook of the club, keeping in mind the location of CCTVs and effortlessly avoid them.

The club interior is luxurious and like it's name, the hallway they have to pass to go to the private room is blinding with colourful neon lights as they walked. Alaric and Alvaro trail behind her as she stroll, seemingly normal except her night sky eyes as she manipulates the light and darkness to keep her siblings out of sight.

They halted in front of one of the many door, the woman knocks before gestures for her to walk in. Ara walks in strides, keeping her head cool and schooled her expression into a blank one.

But she froze at the door abruptly as the facade cracked, when what she saw is eight familiar faces that set longing in her heart.

Control slipped out of her hands for a split second, eyes vanishing to its original silver for a short moment before she instantly picks herself up again. But that's all needed for her naked, silver eyes to make a contact with a pair of gorgeous violet ones.

The relaxed state Valentino and his brothers are in instantly disappeared. Their bodies tense up and the breath was stolen away the moment they saw the beauty standing in front of the door of their room.

Whatever conversation they are having stopped, eyes glued at the gorgeous woman. At that very moment, time seems to stop.

Raphael definitely feels like the time has stopped. His Soulmark that has been tingling calmed down when he saw the woman with beautiful soft purple hair flowing down her back. And to his great pleasure, he saw the shining black strands of hair, like a streak falling gently on her clean forehead that look suspiciously similar to his, in contrast to her light coloured hair. One thing in his mind, soulmate.

Isaac was esthetic. He knows it was her the second his eyes landed on hers. The mysterious pleasing presence he feels a moment ago actually is his soulmate's. He longed to hear her melodious voice again, close to his ear, caressing him with the lull of its melody and bring him to a state of complete heaven.

Every fiber of Daniel's being seems to jump in joy when he saw her. But that is nothing compared to the expulsion of colors in his eyes, like a firework and magic, flying and floating freely before they zoom to color every little things he landed his eyes upon. His soulmate! She is his soulmate! He grins in joy, seeming to found his favourite colour as he stares at the silver orbs that has already turned to a stunning night sky.

Luciano does not know what to make of this situation right now. He doesn't know what to make of her. The woman is like an angel suddenly waltzed in his life, he seems to see halo on top of her head and light enveloping her being. His heart thumped, his Soulmark is tingling for a short moment, the ink of the numbers on his wrist that stayed dead at zero seems to shine. If not for the glinting gold of his Soulmark, he would not believe his eyes even saw anything. She could not be his soulmate. He takes a second look on the numbers to make sure they don't change. And they didn't. He looks at the woman who has froze staring at them, thinking, who are you?

A hopeful look crossed Zachary's face as he looks in between his tingling, shining black Soulmark that has turned golden to the woman with goddess like features. He knows in his heart that she is his soulmate, but without seeing with his own eyes their matching Soulsign, he would not be satisfied.

Ezra is sporting a weird expression on his face. His muscles tense weirdly as he tries to hide his feelings. But like an open book, his bottomless black eyes tell you everything. The happiness of finally found his soulmate after about thousands of years of searching, they lit up like a Christmas tree as they fell upon the drawing of a dragon around her exposed arm, before going back to his. He caress them with a soft glint in his eyes before his eyes looking back at her and stayed there.

Kairo could not help but glancing at the gorgeous beauty in wonderment every now and then. Without a doubt, he is certain the fair skin woman at their door is his fated soulmate. The tingling of his Soulmark is the proof of that statement. His mind chanting formulas rapidly, a nervous habit as he glances in between the woman and his Soulmark.

The first thing Valentino's eyes searched for after he feels the playful tingling of his Soulmark and stared into the eyes of the woman he suspected was his soulmate, is her pinky finger. A red thin thread that should be linking himself with his soulmate is blinking like a broken bulb before disappeared entirely into a blur line of red. But that is enough to assure him of his suspicion as he stares at the tattoo like vine encircles her small, cute pinky. His lips twitch awkwardly, hoping to form a killer smile for his soulmate as a first impression.

The room casted in silence, everyone seems to freeze simultaneously.

Bewildered with the silence and the rare slip of control from his only sister, Alaric tap her shoulder as a voice to his uncertainty.

Ara blinks repeatedly to gain focus before she started to walk into the room and straightforwardly take a seat on the plush, luxurious couch pushed against the wall and in between two other couches that were occupied by her clients slash soulmates.

She clears her throat after near five minutes of awkward silence. "So, I am—"

"Who are you?" Luciano cut her off.

Ara sigh as she rolls her eyes playfully, "I'm getting to that. Besides, can't you already guess it? Who else would have this eyes colour except Rio?" She sassed, pointing at her irises.

"Wait—wait a damn minute." Zachary holds up his hand. "You meant to say that you, you are the Rio? Like the assassin?"

Ara nodded in confirmation to Zachary's question.

"Cazzo (fuck)." Luciano cursed under his breath as he shifts in his seat at the same time Zachary muttered under his breath, "That's explain the wounds and bruises..."

Kairo cough, his Japanese accent blended in with his words as he glances at Isaac, "I thought you said Rio is a man?"

"I did." Isaac looks equally confused. "And I thought so, too. A siren near the sea told me."

Well, none of their fault anyway, Ara thought. Many assume Rio is a man, being an assassin and all that. I mean, a girl could be an assassin too, you know?

"Clearly what you heard is just a rumor I never care to correct anyway." Ara shrugged. "Safety purposes."

The room is engulfed in silence again, you could practically see the wheels turning in Ara's brain as she struggles to think of a topic to discuss about, trying to delay the time someone will address the elephant in the room.

Just as she parted her lips to speak, Raphael suddenly jump and mutter in awe and disbelief, eyes glowing in some inhumane way, having already smelled her scent in a narrow distance and that's made his lycan grow crazy with the need to have her in his arms. The lycan inside of him keep chanting the same word over and over. "My soulmate, my Erasthai..."

"What?" Everyone has shock written all over their faces, "Your soulmate?" Zachary whispers as he looks at Raphael in disbelief.

Isaac frowns. What Raphael meant by that exactly? She is his soulmate, he is wholly certain of that. Why is she suddenly Raphael's soulmate when she is already his soulmate?

Something inside Ezra seems to snap, the beast inside him was successfully provoked, "What do you mean your soulmate? She's mine!" He growls loudly, eyes already glowing blood red, staring in terrifying rage at Raphael, no, his lycan.

The beast growls back with the same threatening gesture.

"No." Kairo suddenly speaks up. He shakes his head in disbelief, eyes widen to saucers as he looks down at his still tingling Soulmark. "She is my soulmate."

"The hell?! She is MY soulmate!" Daniel yells. He became panic when he heard what his sworn brothers said. "What are you guys spouting nonsense about?!" How can that be? She is his soulmate! His rainbow, the colour of his life. As if to prove a point, he point at the small table in front of them, "See? I can see colours now. The table's dark brown and alcohol in that glass is red. See? She's the one to bring the colors to me! SHE IS MY SOULMATE!"

Luca grits his teeth as he watches silently. This woman seemingly already brought trouble with her. Who is she, exactly?

They continues to argue with each other, the growls are loud enough that the place shakes slightly. When powerful beings like them are together, everything seem to pale in comparison. A fight between them is never ended with a couple of scratches and bruises. They were brutal and wild, animalistic even. Eyes looking at each other, snarls and growls are exchange as a threat, body tense in preparation for a fight. Until they eventually started to change form.

To say that Valentino is stupefied actually, is an understatement. He is utterly at a loss. His one true soulmate is also the soulmate of his, not one but all of his sworn brothers. Well, he is still uncertain about Luciano. He never ever thought this kind of possibility to happen. This completely threw him off guard.

Rio. He glances at the said woman. She is sitting there quietly, lost in her own world. The pretty, angelic woman who is an assassin, a fact that shocked and scared him senseless. Shock that she is living such dangerous life with equally dangerous job, and scared for her precious well being. Valentino gazes upon her, trying to memorize her features. Her enthralling silver eyes—

Wait, silver?

He takes a second look at her eyes, this time deeply. And his heart falls to his stomach as he looks at her wide eyed expression on her blood drained face.

Something isn't right.

He did not notice the two new presences behind her.

"Stop." Valentino's deep and strong voice booms in the air. He glares at all his sworn brothers before gesturing to Ara.

She is slipping away.

Alaric instantly ran to his sister, crouching down in front her. He pat her hand softly, "Hey, Ara. You there?"

Before he could pat her the second time, he was separated roughly from his sister.

Ezra's bloody eyes stare intensely in his face, "Who the fvck are you? What are you doing?"

Alaric looks back at Ara in panic as she seems to get deeper into her own, terrible memories of the past.

He pushed Ezra with his Soulpower, causing him to fly over and slammed into the wall. "She's my sister for fucks sake!"

He rushes to her, Alvaro standing aside to give room to Alaric as the little boy holds her hand, trying to pull her out of her own mind. He calls to her and lightly shaking her from time to time.

Alaric cups her face, her eyes is staring into space. "Hey, Ara. It's me, Alaric. Your handsome brother is here. You are at a club with me and Alvaro, our little brother. Remember him?"

Alvaro smiles as he sway their hands at the mention of his name.

"Ara." Alaric tries again. "Or is it Bella? Rio? Is Ara there? Please say something."

Ara suddenly pout. She looks up at Alaric with innocent, big eyes. "Bubba? Bella wants to pee."

"Bella? Oh thank god. Is Ara okay?"

She nods cutely. "Ara ish 'kay. Bubba, pee?"

Alaric sigh in relief. "Yes, yes. Let's go."

He turn to look over his shoulder to look at her soulmates, eyes chilling in silent anger, "Look over my little brother, would you? You could at least do that, right?" And he's gone.

The silence is now back. Alvaro took a seat his sister previously occupy. Sitting silently.

Everyone seems to calm down after all the chaos and analysing the situation as they collect their thoughts.

Kairo clears his throat, standing to go sit beside Alvaro. He sends the little boy a genuine smile, "Hey there. What's your name?"

Alvaro glances at him, before looking straight ahead again. He may be too young and immature considering his age, but he is clever enough to know the level of seriousness of the situation his sister is in. And that's because of this older brothers around him.

He hung his head down, mumbled quietly, "Alvaro..."

Kairo smiled tenderly, the others steal glances at the interaction. Feeling a little jealous to see one of them already seem to be bonded with their soulmate's brother.

Alvaro suddenly looks up, his big grey eyes seem to turn a couple of shades darker as he stares at them one by one with an eerily calm and blank expression.

He spoke, "My sister has been through much." Gone was the little childish lilt of his head and the faint lisp that usually came with his speech, "I could do nothing but to stand and just look at her suffering on her own. And it seems to be worse lately." His eyes clouded with some unknown emotion as he look down a little. "I don't know what I would do if something bad happen to her now." He looks up beneath his lashes as he sported a grin so big, completely in contrast with the dangerous glint in his eyes, "You understand, right?"

Valentino and his brothers clearly heard the underlying threat under the little boy's words.

Before they could response and talk back, the door click open and in came Ara and Alaric. They take a seat on the same coach as their little brother.

Alvaro instantly cling to his sister, acting docile and cute. Completely different from his previous self.

The boys, though still bewildered with the kid's bipolar way of acting, want to talk to her about the soulmate thing but Valentino shakes his head.

Alaric let her lay her head on his lap as he clap his hand together, "Well then, shall we proceed with the original purposes of this meeting?"


Soulsign = The sign Soulmates share as a proof to their same, matching soul. (soulsing, soulhair, soulart etc)

As I hinted before, Ara and her soulmates are not the ordinary cases of soulmate as was explained in the Introduction chapter. If you are confused, wait till further chapters and you'll understand.

Just wanna share the fact that I'm a night person. Hbu?