Chapter 25

Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims out there! ♥

P/s: I wrote this on the first day of Eid.

Sorry for the long absence and not telling you sooner. I maybe will go missing again. I'm not quite stable right now, mentally and physically. Thus, the lack of updates. What else, new semester has started. I apologise. Thank you for your support and beg you for your understanding.


"Wait," Raphael cuts in, eyes dull with worry and guilt, "Before that, could you please explain what happened to her? Is she okay?"

Alaric sighs. "She's okay."

Seeing that he doesn't elaborate further, Kairo speaks up, "What happened, actually?"

Alaric sighed again. What could he possibly share with them? "Ara has gone through some terrible things, and that thing still haunts her till now. She may looks strong and independent, but as a brother I know she is soft and fragile inside. Please treat her with care." He hung his head down for quite a moment, not known what is it he was thinking about but his body suddenly tense with tension before he looks up at the faces of his sister's soulmates, grey irises harden into steel. "I don't know what I will do if something bad happen to her again. You understand, right?"

Raphael hesitated, but then chose to ask in curiosity, "What is it? What's that terrible thing that happened to her?" Alaric glances at him, before moves his sight to his beloved siblings sleeping on the sofa beside him with affectionate eyes, as he strokes their hair with gentle movements, "It's not my story to tell. You will have to wait for her to be comfortable enough to tell you."

He pause for a second to let the information sink in before opens his mouth again, phone in hands to take notes,"So, what about those information you sent? Who's targeting you? Could you clarify further? Shall we start discussing the real purpose why we are here now?"

Daniel looks unsatisfied because he seems to still has a comment to say, "Hold on. So, that's it? That is all you've got to tell us? You can not expect us to stay quiet and follow your words like a fool without knowing anything if that is all the piece of information that you can tell us. She's my soulmate for fvck's sake."

Alaric huffs frustratingly as he turn to rest his head against the palm of his hand, elbow on the armrest. Valentino's sharp eyes catch the little movements of irk as he quietly send a glance at Daniel.

A gesture to calm down.

He turns to Alaric instantly, "I apologize for our rude behaviour. My name is Valentino and these are my brothers, Kairo, Ezra, Zachary, Luciano, Daniel, Isaac and Raphael." He gestures to the respective persons. "I suppose I did not catch your name?"

"Of course, you didn't. I never throw it." He rolls his eyes with exaggerated movement. "I am Alaric, Ara's older brother."

"I think I have seen you before." Raphael raises an inquiring eyebrow before throwing his hands in the air. "That is definitely not a pick up line."

"Yes, we have met. At the cafe a few days ago. You are that paedophilia?"

Raphael growls. "Am not." He paused. "But I'm the same guy."

"Back to the main topic." Alaric turns to look at Valentino. Everyone seems to be on edge, glancing at Ara. Who wouldn't be? They finally found their soulmate after who knows how long of years of waiting, but still could not follow their instinct and need to gather her in their arms. So close yet so distant. Valentino clearly understands that, as he spoke in behalf of his brothers'. "I am hoping you could understand our situation. We have been desperately searching for our soulmate for years and some of us even thought of giving it up." He continues. "If you could put yourself in our shoe, everyday was never a completely relaxing day. Our mind was always straying to the thought of the possibilities of never having a soulmate and worrying about their well-being. So, can you tell us more about her?" 

"No, you don't understand." Alaric shakes his head, troubled. "It was never my place to tell you something this personal about her considering that I wasn't with her when it happened." Silence fell, engulfing the room. "I was not by her side when I was needed the most. I don't have that right to tell it to you. I am sorry but I can not tell you. She will explain it much better than me, anyway."

His eyes are resolute, helpless even but firm with his decision.

"So, about the mission?"

There is nothing the boys could do but nodded in defeat. All of them quickly restore their serious expression and discuss about the problem for hours. In the blink of an eye, the clock needle stop at twelve, indicating the curtain fall of midnight. With that, they managed to come to the same conclusion.

"Any objection?" Valentino raises a sexy eyebrow.

Heads shaking in denial.

"I think that is all for today. We will make another meeting if there are any changes. Meeting adjourned."

Alaric looks on as they simultaneously nod, amaze at their synchronize movements. As if they have practice that particular action for hundreds of time to make it that perfect. 

One by one, they seem to be glancing at their soulmate who's sleeping near Alaric. Ezra suddenly voice the very question lingered in their head, doing them all a favor.

"Shouldn't she be staying with us?"

Alaric paused for a second, contemplating as he looks deep in thought. Isaac seems to notice his hesitation so he speaks up.

"We won't be able to be apart longer than a week. Our bond is not stable. Might as well for her to start live with us."

Valentino gave a curt nod in agreement. "He is right. If this could make you feel any better, we have extra rooms too. You and your siblings are very much welcome in our home."

Alaric then decided to agree. Having coming to a decision, they went out of the room together.

Raphael's POV

It's her! It's really her! My soulmate! She's my soulmate! She's our soulmate!

Isaac's POV

Sea was my favourite. But then, I saw her. My soulmate.

Kairo's POV

Is it really her? The one I longed for?

Zachary's POV

The moment I saw her, babyfae was the first thing that passed my mind after soulmate.

Daniel's POV

I saw her. My soulmate. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life so far.

Luciano's POV

For who is it that my heart is pounding for? Which one is it, my Soulmark is throbbing for?

Ezra's POV

One could not describe just how much of happiness I feel at this moment. To finally meet eye to eye with my beloved soulmate.

Valentino's POV

I will protect her. My soulmate.


Arabella's POV

Sleep came surprisingly easy for me last night. I don't really remember anything except for having a meeting with my soulmates, truly met with them. I don't know what should I expect from them. Open arms for me to run into? Or maybe possibly a rejection? No one will really want a broken soulmate like me, I can't even take care of myself without burdening someone else. They are stuck with me forever. Add that with our abnormal bond.

My heart is beating fastly against my ribcage at the thought of them rejecting me. Rumors said that a rejection always ended with the pair having problems with their soul energy and could not continue with their life, either they ended it because of sickness and pain from the broken bond or suicide. A shiver traveling down my spine, causing goosebumps to form on my skin. My mind unfortunately take this very moment to rewind the memories of my soulmates arguing last night. I knew that they were different. Something out of the world. What I saw when I was occupying their bodies, I am sure that are not their Soulpower. What I saw at that moment, added with what I saw last night, it was nearly...inhuman. I rub my arms back and forth when I feel another shiver ran down my spine as I climb down from the comfort of a bed.

I smile at the sight of Alvaro, sleeping upside down with soft snores coming out of his parted lips.

Two steps it took for me to notice the unfamiliar surrounding. Instead of a purple and dark blue theme of my room, I found a what I guess is a guest room with white as the dominant color.

Alarm rang in my head, causing me to raise my guard up. Where is this? Where's Alaric? Did we get kidnapped or something?

I summon the wind, all of them are giddy to come to me as I ask them to bring my voice to my brother but then one of my friends remind me in my head. 

Ara, we are at our soulmates' house. Calm down. 

Listening to that, I heave a sigh of relief. You never know. Safety first.

I could feel my eyes lighting up at the thought of us under the same roof. At the next second, a mouth-watering waft scent of pancakes make me take a deep breath as I sigh in longing. As if in cue, my stomach grumbles in retaliation. I had nothing yesterday besides what I ate in the morning. I am extremely starving I could eat a whole, fat cow and still be hungry.

I frown. After pondering for a moment, an argument between hunger and wanting to make a good first impression— since it is someone else's house and all, hunger seems to win an easy fight since it took me for only a couple of seconds before my feet move on its own. 

The interior of the house is exquisite and elegant to say the least. The hallway I have to pass through to get to the grand staircase is full of high priced painting and antiques. I mean, our mansion is considered one of the most wealthy and luxurious, all the furnitures are brand new and up-to-date. But their mansion is the kind you would see in a house of an old rich family that has found their feet for years, with stable wealth and various connections. If to compare the two mansions, our mansion is clearly owned by a nouveau riche. Not that it was anything wrong or to be ashamed about.

Stopping for a moment to admire the grand double staircase and the huge crystal chandelier at the center, I ascended the steps and after a few turns, thanks to the smell I found the kitchen that are connected to the dining room. I peek behind the door frame into the kitchen in curiousity. 

Spotting a mop of ginger hair and a muscled shirtless back of a person, my heart stopped at my throat. It was like my eyes were glued to that beautiful sculpted back, they trailed admiringly to the flexing bicep as he flips the pancake. His tousled hair is oddly fascinate me as I feel the sudden need to run my fingers between those seemingly silky and soft strands. A skip of the heartbeat is like a jolt of electricity as reflexively, I turn and hiding back behind the wall that separate us to take a breath and prepare myself. Did I saw him in an apron and shirtless?

To confirm what I saw, I risk a peek again. But this time my eyes landed on a pair of emerald eyes, glimmering with humour as he send me an angelic smile. "Hungry?"

What am I acting like this for?! This is ridiculous!

My lips curl to form a small smile in response as I feel the apple of my cheeks redden in embarassment of being caught staring secretly at him. Well, not a secret anymore since he found out.

I nod to answer his question. 

"Give me just a sec. They are nearly done," He glances at me with a smile. "Take a seat first. Feel free to make yourself at home."

I watch whilst taking a seat around the dining table near the kitchen as he put five pancakes on my plate before scattering chopped fruits and place it gently in front of me. "Have a taste, babyfae." Another kind smile was thrown my way as he took a seat beside me. 

Awkwardly, I took a bite of the pancakes after pouring maple syrup, conscious of his lingering stare. 

He is so inhumanly gorgeous. Every inch of him is so attractive especially his face. I got nervous staring at them. Not knowing if it's because of his beauty or because he is my soulmate. A natural attraction to my soul.

He rest his chin on the palm of his hand as he stares at me intensely. I could not help but tense nervously. His stare do wonders to my heart. What with his heart-throbbing looks, I feel like I could die anytime now by the numbers of time my heart thumping in a weird pace, fearing for my health. 

I frown in worry.

"What's wrong? Is it not good? If not I'll make you a new one if you want."

Startled by his words, I hurriedly shakes my head in panic, and somehow successfully created a small incident as the spoon I use for eating flying quite far from me and landed on the table.

Curse my clumsy hand. What is wrong with me anyway? I behave like a teenage girl would in front of their crush, all shy and blushing.

I laugh awkwardly as I quick to tidy up the mess. "I'm sorry. I swear I'm not like this usually. I'll just tidy this up a little bit."

He chuckles under his breath. "It's okay. I'll do it."

I move to get out of his way, but then my clumsy self decided to be clumsy as always, as my foot bump heavily against the leg of the table.

I yelped in surprise, backing out with one foot and ended up landing on my butt.

This is embarrassing! 

"Are you okay? Did it hurt?" He rushes to my side, examining my swollen toe.

Goosebumps instantly raise on my skin as his skin touch mine. I instantly look up and our eyes met.

A thump was heard behind me, breaking the eye contact. I pull my hand and turn to look at the noise, only to meet with the amber orbs of Luciano.

He eyes between me and Zachary before settling his glare on me. It only last a second though, because as if I was too much of a low-life for him to further give his attention on me, he whirl around and storms out of the house.

I fidget guiltily. I mean, I am his soulmate but flirt with his brother, which is also my soulmate. How confusing is that?

Wait. Did that even call flirting?

"Ignore him. He's just a little confused right now."

"I understand." I manage a small smile. Remembering something, I look down at his feet too, instantly noticed the similar bruise on his toe.

I let out a guilty laugh. "Sorry...about that."

He looks down too before fixing his eyes back on me, lips curl into a stunning grin. "It's okay. I don't mind. This is what connects you and me."

I feel my face warmed at his words, but I act like nothing happened and continue eating my breakfast.


After breakfast, I went to look for my brothers but found out that Alaric went out for his company despite the weekend through the note he left on the bedside table.

I woke my little brother up and assisted him on the dining table before went up to the room we stayed in to look for my things Alaric got for me from our house.

I grab my glasses and pick my music book up with me, moving to find the piano room I asked Zachary about at the breakfast.

The piano room looks elegant and clean with the white color, the decoration is not much and simple, eliciting the calmness in me.

I sit down on the bench and put the book down my lap before picking up my round glasses and wear it. I randomly push down on the piano, creating a somewhat unique melody.

After a few moments playing, I start to seriously creating a song, scribbling the music notes on my book. Maybe I was too absorbed in the music, because I jolt crazily when I heard a deep, melodious voice beside me, causing this time, my pen flying up to who knows where.

"What are you doing?"


Guys, I keep on forgetting Ezra now. What should I do??

Constructive criticism is very much welcome. ^_^ I really appreciate those correcting my spelling, grammar etc. Help me improve my writing. :)