WebNovelWake Up!!33.33%

The Gunshot!

Oh! Don't be afraid of this gun shot, It's me Aliza. OH MY GOD! Aliza Is your dream to be a hero, said Shahid. No, it's not, replied Aliza. So why did you use gunshot for coming here, replied Shahid.

Are you flying my joke, whatever you better thanks me, said Aliza

For scaring us Huh! Aliza

No not because of it but for saving your lives said Aliza. And how did you save our lives, Would you plz explain??? Said Shahid

During their conversation the youngest member of the group named as Amjad Shouted and all of the group members hide again behind the trees and asked lightly. What happened??

Then he said there is a dead man, then Aliza started laughing and said, "This is how I saved all of your lives, This man seeing you and was coming to kill you, but I shoot him."

Now Do you want to thank me or not Shahid???

Then all of the group members firstly thanked to God and then to Aliza for saving their lives.

Then the old men said We had an awesome idea, but it's risky. Then Shahid said, "In our lives we are at high risk every time," Plz tell us, so we can begin our mission. Then Aliza said, "Wouldn't it better to have a name of this adventurous mission." Then Shahid said, What about Light of the new and peaceful day after a cruel darkness, name Aliza said, No, it's good but not to good Then Amjad said, Are you suggesting a mission's name or giving a speech. All the group's member started laughing at Shahid. Then Shahid replied, Amjad if you have any problem with this name So, why wouldn't you suggest us a better name for this mission. Then Amjad said with a mysterious laugh, Hahaha I already think about it. All members asked, What is it??? He said, It's WAKE UP.

Then All members replied, It's great WAKE UP, Yeah It's really really amazing.

Then Shahid replied, In your life you said first right thing. Then Amjad started praising himself, Yes you are right When I will get married, and will've kids I will tell them about my this creativity, bravery and so on...

Then Aliza said, plz, stop it Amjad.

And Shahid said, Now tell us what is your plan Hamid

My plan is…