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The New Members(Spy)!

Hamid told them his plan, and all the members praised him for giving such a good plan.

And then go to their houses.

Then Indian Agency gets to know that some group members want to spoil our plans of oppression on Muslims, therefore they send their two spies towards the secret group for knowing their plan.

Then on one day when the secret group was talking about their plan, some robbers came for theft but the two spies of India save them from the robbers, and then group members said them thanks for saving them.

Group members asked them their names.

Then Spy kept their name secret and told them their fake name one said my name is Nasir and the other said my name is Hashir, and we are best friends.

Then Nasir and Hashir asked them their name.

Then group members told them their name one by one.

Then Amjad asked the Hashir and Nasir how do you know fighting.

Shahid said yes you fought very well with these robbers how do you know well fighting, then Nasir replied that Hashir and I are planning to save Muslims from this oppression that's why we learned fighting right Hashir, Huh! Yes yes, you are right Nasir said Hashir.

Hmmm well, you look nice in fighting so you can be a part of our group we are also trying to save Muslims from this oppression, you will be a big help for us said Aliza Yes, yes Aliza is saying right you can be our new group members all the group members said.

Well ok we also want to be one of you then tell us your plans, so we can start work on it immediately, said Hashir

Then Aliza told them their plan.

Then Nasir said you all were really smart your plan is outstanding.

Then all the group members said this was Hamid plans, not ours, said Amjad.

Oh! great Hamid you are an intelligent person said Hashir

Then when to start work on this plan said Hashir

Aliza said we have to work on our plan from tomorrow till then we can rest.

Oh! I love to rest said Amjad.

And all the members were staring at Amjad.

What! I am telling the truth said Amjad.

Then We have to Wake Up for working on our plan right Aliza said, Shahid.

Yes, you are right.