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The Hamid's Plan!

And then Ahad and Aftab wins the trust of the agency as a scavenger and started reporting us every step of Indian's intelligence mission and the first news they told us was that Indian agency is going to send their two spy Rahul and Shankar for spying on Wake Up group, and also told that, that how they are going to meet us and then we prepare a trap for the Indian's agency.

Hamid planned to tell the fake mission in behind of Nasir and Hashir means Rahul and Shankar, Nasir as Shankar and Hashir as Rahul, and we told them the fake mission and our real plan was too scared the Indian Army from Pakistan's secret weapon to make them stop doing oppression on Kashmir's peoples also Pakistan has so many weapons but there is none any secret weapon exist about what we are talking.

We talked about the secret weapon in front of Shankar and Rahul and asked them not to tell anyone about this weapon because we know that they will report about this to an Indian agency, they will stop the cruelty on Kashmir's peoples.

Shahid one thing that I cannot understand the whole time was this that you stopped the Ahad and Aftab to attached bomb with their bodies because it will make Muslim terrorist in the eye of the world. So, why did you send a bomb with Hashir for killing Indian forces, asked Amjad??

Because that bomb is a fake bomb, I personally asked a person near and dear to me to make it for me, he is a very creative person he makes me a fake which is just like a real bomb nobody will believe that it is a fake bomb, And also I know that Rahul and Shankar will not do as I said they are gone parted ways, Nasir means Shankar and Rahul is gone to their house said, Shahid

But Why asked Amjad?

Do you remember the children you had seen at their house and you were so happy that they are helping the poor children asked Shahid?

Yes, I remember that very well answered Amjad.

Actually, they were helping the poor child so in that kind of situation they will intimidate us by keeping that children as hostages said, Shahid.

So the lives of children are at high risk. We have to do something said Amjad.

No, we do not have to because they are going to surprise by entering their house said, Shahid.

And how? said Amjad

Because we already rescued the kid and this great job is done by Ahad and Aftab said, Aliza.

Oh my God! Are Ahad and Aftab back asked Amjad

Yes, they are, but for now, they are gone to keep that children at a safe place said, Aliza.

Now India will be scared of that secret weapon and will be stopped the cruelty on Kashmir's people, It's mean we have done our duty right Shahid said, Aliza.

No, we only have done the first mission we also have many more missions because Myanmar and Israel are left said, Shahid.