WebNovelWake Up!!100.00%

Identity Reveal!

Nasir told India that Pakistan has a secret weapon that can destroy the whole of India within a minute, After listening to this Indian's politics and forces get afraid of being destroyed.

So, they stopped their oppression on Kashmir and set Kashmir Independent, Kashmir joins Pakistan and gets the status of the fifth province of Pakistan.

All of the Kashmiri's started a new beginning of their life and get a peaceful right.

But the Indian forces came to the house where the Wake-Up group was living to arrest them,

but when they enter their house there was nobody.

Do you know who was they?

They belonged to different Muslim Countries, and also do you know that who was the real group leader.

It was Amjad, he was very clever and the main of the Wake-Up group but change his behavior in another country, this is the best quality of spy, do you know where does he belongs to, its Pakistan.

Hamid belongs to Turkey, Aliza belongs to Indonesia, Ahad belongs to Iran, Aftab belongs to Azerbaijan.

You will know in the next chapters that what was happen in the past, when all this oppression was started, how the spy from different countries united and selected for a mission.