Another one

been a months after Lex and Kenzou officially start their relationship. They didn't really open up about their relationship to their housemates, they didn't want to make other uncomfortable with them so they act like usual but more like friendly than before. They were less talkative when with each other but now they seemed so friendly as they go to campus together and hang out together.

on their way to campus, Kenzou is driving because Lex barely open his eyes after work till dawn last night

"are you okay? why didn't you just stay at home to rest?"

"it's okay, I wanted to come with you" Lex holding Kenzou's belly

"Are you getting possessive now? ha ha ha"

"I don't wanna left alone at home, at least I can see your face in the class" he close his eyes

Kenzou got butterflies in his stomach from hearing flirty words from Lex. Just after they going out together, Lex acts cute and loving to Kenzou even more.

arrived at the campus they heading to the class together, for Kiyo and Shim they already know about their relationship and tries to respect their relationship. though Kiyo still like to tease Lex about taking Kenzou from him.

on their way home Lex the one who drives turn the opposite way from home.

"....." Kenzou looks confused

"let's go somewhere nice for dinner"

entering one big apartment building, Lex's drive the car to the parking lot and both of them out from the car and ride the elevator to the 7th floor

"are we going to meet someone?" Kiyo curiously asking

"Hm... let see, come on" Lex walk before Kenzou, his calming attitude makes Kenzou even curious

stopping at one door, Lex takes something out from his pocket, a key and open the door.

"wait! what is this?" Kenzou hold Lex from walking into

"come in first" Lex's pulling Ken's hands

inside the apartment there is nothing but empty spaces. Lex standing in the middle of the room spreading his hands

"What?" Kenzou didn't get it

"I just bought this like it? I have enough money to buy one since the first month I arrive here but it too lonely so I decided to have a roommate"

"Wahhhh so you were really looking for any roommates back in the day?"

"kind of... so, do you like it?"

"I like it...but I should pay you per month for living here then"

"ha ha ha ....just staying together with me here already enough for me" Lex feels funny, going to the kitchen which connected directly with living room.

Kenzou following from behind in silence, to think that he will live with only two of them in a one place makes him blushing.

Just a months ago they're knew each other and now they will live together. what a speed of relationship but indeed Kenzou feels happy bout it.

"We should think about moving now" Lex turning, no replies from Kenzou "Hello...hello...!!" Lex snaps his fingers i. front of blank Kenzou

"Huh? sorry...what did you say again?"

"When do you think we should move in here?"

"Up to you... I'm fine with anytime"

"How about next weekend?"

"That's will be fine too, when you're not working"

"Okay, let's go home for now" Lex kiss Kenzou cheek then go casually to the door first

" should stop kissing me like that" Ken touch his hot cheeks from shyness

"Let's eat before going home, I'm hungry" Lex smiling shows his white neat teeth.


on the next weekend, Lex and Kenzou move to their new apartment. telling they are going to live together to their housemates not a shocking news for their housemates, living together to reduce living cost is common among the youngsters now days.

even though some actually like to teased them about asking of their exact relationship, it just like that without any confirmation from both Lex and Kenzou, leaving them all guessing.

" Okay wait here, I'm going down to buy some drinks" Kenzou leaving tired Lex sitting in the couch

They didn't have a lot big things to moves because those things they were using is belong there. They bought some households and now placing new heavy stuff such bed and stove and wardrobe, refrigerator and else requires a lot energy too.

it's been a while since Kenzou leaves to buy drinks

"What taking him so long?" Lex going out to see Kenzou.

down the stairs, Lex can hear a conversations. other voice is belong to Kenzou, so Lex just stood near the stair listening to their conversation, he can't see them as his position is also hidden from their sight.

"Thanks a lot for helping me, are you new here?" the girls thanked Ken for something

"Never mind, yes we just moved here" Ken with his calm tone answering

"Oh wow....nice, can I come to play to your house next time?" the girl asking such a pressure questions to Kenzou on their first meeting

"Such a aggressive girl" Lex's muttering by himself while waiting for Ken answers, he feel nervous about what Ken might says

"ha ha... you have to ask that question to my friend, he owned the house" Ken just answers honestly

hearing that answers, Lex feel relieved.

"Your friend? is he handsome too...let me bring my friend there so we can hang out together" the girl getting excited

"ha ha... we'll see. I have to go now...bye" Ken end their conversation

"See you later...!" the girl cheerfully bid her goodbyes too

Lex hurriedly run upstairs. pretending that he was there all the time now he's sitting in the kitchen bar, all looks good except his unstable breathing

"what wrong with your breathing?" Kenzou have one of those drink to him and take a seat beside Lex

" no I'm just.... did some push up... what taking you so long?" Lex came up curious about Ken honesty

"nothing....." Ken casually walking to the boxes which contains their food supplies to arrange them into the fridge

Lex is sitting in silence, he was expecting longer answers, he thought that Kenzou Will tell him anything even those small stories of meeting with neighborhood.

"Lex.... are you okay? you're not listening to me" Kenzou words snapped him back to reality

"ooh! sorry... what can I help?" he down from the chair then stands next Kenzou who is putting and sorting the foods into the fridge, helping him.

that's how they finish arranging their things.

at the night after eating, they choose delivery foods because they are too tired to cook after long day unpacking also placing their things.

Lex is sitting tiredly on the couch, oh yes they just bought this simple couch from furniture stores when they were shopping for the household equipment.

Kenzou told Lex to choose the cheapest price and here they got this light green wooden legs couch, it's was the cheapest after discount and the size is fine for two tall guy, it length about 175cm.

"Tired? go sleep now" Kenzou coming from the kitchen, he just finished washing the dishes they used to eat before.

"Not yet but I do feel tired" he closes his eyes

Kenzou standing in front of Lex, softly staring at his handsome perfect boyfriend.

"You'll fall asleep here...go to the room" tapping Lex tight he asked Lex to move while he took out his Laptop from the case

"How about you? you still have something to do?"

"I will revise some of my report and then join you to sleep" Ken press the power button

Lex softly wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's slim waist, kiss him on the neck and he tried to hype Ken

"Ha ha... it's tickle...stop it" Ken turn and hug Lex instead

they are in silence while hugging, feeling grateful for having each other. their relationship is more calm type than hot young blood relationship .

Lex gave up on hyping his boyfriend, released the hug and coup Kenzou face in his palms

cuph cuph

"You're so cute...aahh...I want to kiss you again"

cuph cuph cuph!! Lex gives peck Ken lips more then run to the bed room, knowing that Kenzou won't budge.

"Hmm....ha ha..." Kenzou laughing from seeing Lex just suddenly run after gave him peck.

done revising at 3, Kenzou went to the bedroom to sleep. Laying next to Lex who softly snoring, Ken kiss him on the forehead and ready to sleep.

"Just finished?" seems like the kiss wakes Lex, facing sideway to see Ken and reaching Kenzou body and hug him "Let's sleep" he cares Kenzou's back while now Ken is in his embrace.

"I like it when you hug me like this" Kenzou snuggles his head into Lex chest.

"I like it too so don't you dare to think about snuggling your head on someone else" Lex smiles with his eyes closed

"Keep your possessive for your self, you're the one who has bunches of fans at campus" they having a sweet soft fight with their eyes closed

"jealousy attacking your mind again?" Lex keep hugging tightly

They were into small fight when one day those girls came to the class and talking even touching Lex right in front of Kenzou's eyes which happened to sit behind Lex.

"..." now no replies from Kenzou, not because he fell sleep but annoyed by Lex's teasing him

"Ken...ha ha... please forgive my bad jokes" Lex open his eyes and saw Ken staring at him "let's sleep bae... it's almost 4, come here" Lex's fixing their blanket and hug again.

that's how they spent their first night at their new house


Lex coming home late today, it's almost 3 at the dawn when he arrives at the parking lot in the apartment basement.

He almost press the closed button on the elevator controller when someone shouting

"Wait for me!!!"

it's a girl voices, Lex hold on and a girl rushing into the elevator.

"Aha ha ha ha....thank you. can you please press number 5 for me? thank you ha....ha...ha... sorry if I smell alcohol" she says, struggling on standing with high heels, she took them off and hold them, she must be from clubbing.

Lex doesn't really mind with the smell, he used to it but the way this girl looks so drunk a bit worrisome. she is now leaning on with eyes closed.


it the fifth floor but the girl is now passed out while standing and holding the handling.

"Sorry... we're on the fifth floor now" Lex speaks a bit loud to awake the drunken girl. no movement so Lex hold the elevator door with one legs and pulls the girl heels instead of pulling her hands.

"Oh! ah! ha ha....sorry...sorry...." she awaken and with unsteady steps she wants to walk out from the elevator


her legs got weak, almost fell to the floor if Lex doesn't catching her.

"can you walk? what number is your house?" Lex can't take it anymore, he just wanted to go home but leaving a girl in such a condition is mean.

"There..." she clung to Lex's arm now, pointing at the door number 37 and Lex helping her to walk there with this girl keep clinging to him.

the girl took out the key from her small pouch, couldn't focus on inserting the key so Lex lend his hand open the door for the girl again.

"He he he....thanks a lot...for helping me...why....why are you so handsome?" the girl touching Lex's chest, thanks to her unsteady steps she pulled off the upper one of Lex's shirt buttons when she limping

Lex doesn't care with his shirt now wide open, he turns to leave the girl but someone standing right there, near the stairway is shocking him.

"Ken?! Kenzou...! wait!!"