Chapter Four

It was now lunch time. The advanced class got a full hour for lunch because of how physical the classes were. They were much more draining than the common classed classes. Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon, and Seokjin all sat together, the silence being far too awkward. 

Taehyung was snuggled into Jungkook's side, smiling as the werewolf gently rubbed circles with his thumb onto Taehyung's inner thigh. Rather than sensual, it was a comforting gesture, and Taehyung appreciated how caring his partner was being. 

"So, Taehyung, is it?" 

He looked at Seokjin, the speaker, and gave him a shy smile. "Correct," he muttered gently. 

Seokjin smiled brightly before shoving a couple fries off his plate into his mouth. 

"Well, my name is Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. I'm this idiotic genius' boyfriend. It's nice to meet you!" 

Taehyung could feel the calm, motherly aura floating off of Jin in waves, causing him to relax much more now that the tense, awkward atmosphere had faded. 

"Likewise, Jin. I hope you're not still mad about this morning? I.. Well, I mean- N-Namjoon wasn't particularly doing anything wrong, but I do feel bad for hurting him." 

Jin looked quite surprised, and he leaned forwards, curiosity shining in his golden eyes. 

"He didn't provoke you? That's what I assumed happened... See, Joon likes to provoke people into showing the full extent of their abilities so that he can assess what he can and can't get away with against his opponents. It's reckless tactics on his part." 

Taehyung giggled lightly, letting out a hum of delight after as Jungkook pulled their bodies closer together, lips pressing against Taehyung's forehead. 

"I knew from the look in his eyes that he only wanted to see what I was capable of. I wasn't against it, so I offered him an idea of two of my abilities. Namjoon just wants knowledge, not power. He's only doing his 'experiments' to gain more knowledge about the different beings around him. One can only learn so much from books." 

Namjoon chuckled lightly, and nodded his head. "Thanks, Tae. You just saved my ass. But you're also right. All I've ever done is study the different beings that wander this school from books. I want to learn all I can by testing what each one can do, push them to their limits. But also push myself in the process." 

Jin nodded approvingly, snuggling into Namjoon's side, sending Taehyung a wink. "Nice way to save your own ass, Joonie." 

Everyone laughed, and then dug into their food, discussing all sorts of things ranging from school, to their experiences, and even pondering the universe at one point. Taehyung was happy. Finally, he had found friends, people to lean on. And most importantly, he had found Jungkook. 

Entering and enrolling in the school had been the best choice Taehyung ever made. He would never, ever regret it. 

- - - -

The day had been exhausting, yet fun. Jungkook had introduced him to some of his friends, and Taehyung had even earned top marks in a casual race across the track outside the school building. 

However, going back to the dorm was like a blessing. Finally, finally, he could be alone with Jungkook. Taehyung had so many questions about being a werewolf's soulmate, and about werewolves in general. He had been anxiously awaiting the end of the day so he could ask Jungkook all the questions floating around in his head. 

Not long after they had returned, Taehyung changed into one of Jungkook's shirts, while the other threw on sweatpants and a black t shirt, and they both cuddled together on the couch, agreeing on a random TV show Taehyung didn't understand the meaning of. 

"Kookie?" Taehyung uttered softly. It had been silent for a while, both merely basking in each other's presence. Jungkook hummed softly, moving them both a bit so he could look Taehyung in the eyes. 

"Kookie, will you tell me about wolves? You're the first one I've ever met... Plus, I still don't entirely know what it means to be your soulmate, even though I've already accepted you." 

Jungkook chuckled lightly, and turned the TV off before sitting up fully, and man-handling Taehyung until the other was settled on the werewolf's lap. 

"Well, Tae, werewolves have existed for centuries. Our human form was given to us by the moon goddess, the one deity all wolves believe in. She is the one who decides our fate in life. From our parents, our rank, and even our soulmate, to every joy, every gain, and every loss and tragedy." 

Taehyung hummed in delight for the millionth time that day as Jungkook massaged his waist in a gentle manner, peppering careful, loving kisses along his neck and jaw. 

"We can shift into our wolf form whenever we please, but our wolf lies inside us constantly. It's sort of like a second personality that lives inside the recesses of our minds. We speak to our wolves while in human form through a mental link. But when our wolf fights for control over our bodies, our eyes turn the color of our wolf's eyes. For example, mine are red." 

Jungkook pulled back, and blinked, allowing Taehyung to see his wolf's eyes. Taehyung was mesmerized by the color, feeling as if he were being drowned in the deep, dangerous shade of red. His large hands cupped Jungkook's face, his lips parted and eyes wide with awe. 

"You're so... So mesmerizing... The color is... Drawing me in.. I can't think of anything else.." Taehyung uttered softly. He didn't want to look away from such a captivating gaze. 

Jungkook chuckled softly, eyes not moving from Taehyung's, even as they faded back to brown. Even still, when Taehyung looked so deeply into Jungkook's brown eyes, he saw galaxies. He thought back to Jungkook's memory, and he let out a soft sigh, his smile fading while tears pooled in his eyes.

"How can your eyes be so bright... When you've suffered so much? You're so strong...  Your eyes... Shine like the stars in Greece..."

His tears slipped down his cheeks, one after another. Jungkook's smile brightened as he wiped away Taehyung's tears, laughing softly.

"Tae, I can smile, and be strong, because I've found you, and made my own Pack. I have family now. Now that you have me, and Namjoon, and Jin, you'll also grow stronger. Because none of us will leave you."

Taehyung nodded a bit, smiling sadly. "You're right, Kookie. You're so, so right. I'm glad I accepted you."

Their foreheads nuzzled together, both closing their eyes and sighing in content.

"Me too, Taehyung. Me too."

- - - -

Being so close to Jungkook was like a miracle. That night, Taehyung had stayed with Jungkook, and they fell asleep with their legs entangled and arms wrapped protectively around each other.

When the alarm for school woke them, Taehyung had merely turned off the alarm, and faced Jungkook's sleepy gaze, smiling softly. Jungkook was an Alpha, but seeing him so innocent and cute was beyond pleasant for Taehyung.

The sight was memorable, and Taehyung laid still for a few moments longer, wanting to imprint the image of a sleepy Jungkook into his mind.

"Good morning, baby," Jungkook mumbled softly. His morning voice made Taehyung's cheeks tint pink, and he bit his lip in a mix of embarrassment and want before replying.

"Good- good morning, Kookie," Taehyung uttered back. His morning voice was equally as deep as Jungkook's, however, Jungkook found Taehyung's voice sultry and enticing. "Let's get ready, shall we?"

Taehyung nodded softly, whining as Jungkook separated from the Olympian, causing the cold morning air wafting through the dorm to infiltrate his light clothes. "N-no! Kookie come back! It's too cold!"

Taehyung reached for Jungkook through the blankets, eyes hooded and lips stretched into a panicked pout. The werewolf let out a laugh before pulling Taehyung to him, hands on the other's butt as he carried Taehyung to the bathroom.

Taehyung smiled brightly, nuzzling his face into Jungkook's neck as he carried Taehyung around the house, even dressing him. Taehyung truly felt pampered, and it certainly pleased him to no end.

He was set upon a counter top in the kitchen, left to watch while Jungkook started on breakfast. After breakfast, the pair got their shoes on, and grabbed their bags, getting ready to head to their first class.

Taehyung, however, grabbed onto Jungkook before he could open the door, pressing their foreheads together while his arms loops around the werewolf's shoulders.

"Kookie... C-can you- um... Can you kiss me? Please?"

Taehyung wanted desperately to feel the same bond Jungkook did, and his bliss began with their lips connecting. Jungkook didn't seem to even think twice as he circled his arms around Taehyung's waist, and connected their lips together in a passionate, loving, and desire-filled kiss.

Taehyung's knees buckled as their lips finally touched, his head spinning with the emotions flooding into the kiss, moaning softly when their tongues melded together in a passionate embrace.

When their lips finally parted, Taehyung could only stare at Jungkook, dazed and breathless. Jungkook chuckled lightly, leaning in to kiss Taehyung's lips again before grabbing both bags in one hand, and Taehyung's hand in the other.

"Come on love, let's go before we're late."

Taehyung could only follow behind, eyes glazed over as his mind focused on the kiss that he and Jungkook had just shared.