Chapter Five

A few weeks had passed since Taehyung and Jungkook's first kiss. From then on, their bond strengthened, and the two were even more close than they were in the beginning. Things had been going well, and Taehyung had made more friends since he first came to the school.

That particular day was an off day for the advanced class, and Jungkook had left to go running with a fellow wolf by the name of Hoseok, so Taehyung had taken it upon himself to further explore the school.

He dressed in one of Jungkook's many black hoodies, matching with dark blue jeans and low-top converse, grabbing his dorm key before leaving the dorm, and making his way outside.

Taehyung ventured through the grounds aimlessly, simply observing what was around him. Everything was strategically placed, from the plants to the walkways, and even the outdoor amenities provided for the students.

However, it seemed that it was an unlucky day for Taehyung, as a group of shady-looking females approached him. The five creatures circled him, eyes dancing across Taehyung's body as if he were their prey.

"Seems like you're the one everyone's been talking about, hmm? What bullshit did you pull for Jeon Jungkook to allow you to be so close to him?"

Taehyung merely shrugged. "We haven't talked a whole lot about it. According to Kook, his moon goddess chose me as his soulmate. Isn't that enough?"

The girls didn't seem to think so. They drew closer, all seeming to belong to two races; vampires and Fay. None of them reminded Taehyung of Yoongi or Jimin, two new friends who he'd recently met.

The Olympian merely sighed softly. "You should know that, as an Olympian, neither of your races can hold their own against me. No matter how many of you there are, all races bow to the gods."

For Taehyung, this was a fact. No race could kill an immortal, much less a god, or a goddess. The deity races were far superior to the other races that were once human. After all, no god or goddess was born, or connected, to the things they created.

In his mind, his predecessors, the other Olympians, had created everything humans touched. The curse of Poseidon created Sirens, the curse of Athena created warlike creatures, the curse of Aphrodite created succubi.

And finally, the curse of Pandora's Box created the monstrosities that existed on Earth. As for Taehyung himself, he too was a curse from Pandora. Just like his father, Zeus, Taehyung was a god of destruction.

He created the lightning that struck down thousand year old trees, and set fire to forests and human homes. And from his mother, the power of the water surrounding Earth's shores, he had flooded lands and drowned humans and animals alike.

And these measly common classed creatures, also created by Pandora, had nothing on him. The vampires snarled, fangs bared and eyes blood red as they prepared to pounce. As Taehyung met their gazes, his own eyes showed his superiority.

One eye, charged blue with the power of lightning and water, and the other, charged red with the blood of the people his powers had murdered.

One step.

Then another.

And another, and another.

He was now inches away from the face of one of the vampires, her eyes quickly fading back to brown to show her submission. She was scared.

"You stand no chance. I am superior to your inferior races."

Taehyung's head tilted back in a way that showed he was looking down on the female's race, and then his red eye blazed with the same electric blue as his other. "Kneel."

His voice held a power so strong that it resonated through each creature, all of them obeying his command as if they had no mind of their own. Which, at the moment, they didn't. Taehyung was, after all, the son of god who ruled over every other.

Taehyung had the blood of a true Olympian within his veins, and right then, he could feel the warm breeze of his home land, hear the billowing of his robe, feel the soft silk against his skin. He could feel his father's power swelling within him.

It was the first time he'd ever used so much of his power.

"Leave me. If you ever dare to pull a little stunt like this again, I'll have you all killed."

And each one nodded, heads aimed downwards in full submission of Taehyung's true voice. And in a flash, all five were gone, leaving Taehyung alone. For a moment, he embraced the silence, reminiscing in the feelings that his power gave him.

However, Taehyung knew they weren't just feelings. They were memories. Memories of his father. Of how his father felt when he used his true voice on his subjects, his fellow gods and goddesses.

If that was how his father felt, then Taehyung always wanted to use his true voice. 


Taehyung rapidly shook his head, furiously resisting the corrupt urges within him; the urges that wanted Taehyung to take his power for granted, the raging beast deep within him that wanted all to kneel before him, just like Zeus.


The soft sound of Jungkook's voice snapped the Olympian out of his trance, tears springing into his eyes as he realized what he had done. Slowly, Taehyung turned around, and met eyes with his lover.

"Jungkookie... I-I messed up...."

Taehyung was held in the werewolf's comforting hold in seconds, the warmth and comfort finally breaking through his barriers as he sobbed into his lover's shirt. The smell of cotton and cologne mixed together slowly calmed Taehyung, however his crying didn't stop for a good few minutes.

"Baby, do you want to tell me what happened?"

Taehyung pulled away from Jungkook's grip, giving a light nod. He stared down at his clothes, pulling a bit in dissatisfaction.

"I used my true voice, Kookie. I let my father's corrupt power control me, and I- I had a memory surface. Of what he feels when he uses his true voice. I- I almost wanted to feel that way too..."

Taehyung shook his head a bit before looking up at Jungkook, fresh tears sliding down his face.

"I felt the warmth of the breeze from my homeland, I heard the fluttering of my robe, my traditional robe that I'd be wearing now had I been born in the land of the Olympians. I felt powerful, I-I wanted to keep feeling those things, if it meant that I turned into him. I messed up, and bad, Kookie."

Taehyung felt ashamed. Not at anyone but himself, but still ashamed. His hands clenched into fists as he took in a breath, preparing to explain further due to the expression of confusion etched across the werewolf's face.

"Some Fay and vampires... They circled me, questioned why I'm so involved with you, and didn't want to accept that I'm your second soulmate. They..."

Taehyung shivered, remembering how cold he had been.

"They wanted to jump on me, attack me, and I- I told them things I shouldn't have. I told them that their races were- are inferior to that of the gods, the goddesses. My abilities kicked in, and I used my true voice."

"My true voice forces anyone before me to submit to my will. My true voice... Is that of a deity. A superior creature created by Pandora's mistake. I forced them to kneel down, to bow down to me because they were inferior. I shouldn't have, but I couldn't control my own power in the moment."

"I couldn't control myself, even though I should have. I know better, I have always known better than to use my true voice. I know the costs, I know the risks, and yet I did anyways. The Olympians are a curse created by the curses that Pandora's box released."

"My power is a curse, control is a curse, and most importantly, my true voice is a curse. The true voice of any Olympian is filled with corrupt authority. It is a force that goes against the will, the soul, the mind. It is unfair, unjust, and cruel. That's why I messed up, Kookie... Because I did something I knew I shouldn't have done."

Jungkook's silence brought more tears to fall down Taehyung's flushed cheeks. However, he didn't make any noise. He didn't whimper, or sob. He knew better.

"Would you kneel to me by your own will?"

Jungkook finally spoke, his voice soft and weary. In an instant, Taehyung dropped to his knees, head lowered as he finally made a noise of weakness.

"I was created to submit to you, Jungkook," was all Taehyung could say.