Chapter Six

After the little show of Taehyung submitting to Jungkook after forcing others to submit to him, word got out fast.

Taehyung only submits to Jungkook.

Without Jungkook around, Kim Taehyung is dangerous.

Kim Taehyung is a threat.

He had been ordered by Ms. Jeong to stay by Jungkook's side as much as physically possible, which only made Jungkook's life hard. He couldn't go out with friends unless Taehyung came with. He couldn't go for a run without Taehyung there.

Jungkook couldn't do anything he loved unless Taehyung was with him. In other words, Taehyung was a burden.

The werewolf had been more distant lately, even going to far as to sleep on the floor when Taehyung slept on the bed. Taehyung wasn't allowed to wear Jungkook's clothes, he wasn't allowed to cuddle the other, or hold hands.

They hadn't kissed since Taehyung revealed the truth behind his powers, along with his true voice. Taehyung had helped create a bond with Jungkook, and now, he was the one tearing them apart.

It all happened one night, they were sitting with a thick silence between them, the tv playing some random show neither were actually interested in. Taehyung had decided that it was time to speak up.

"Jungkook...?" He uttered softly. Tears already began to well up in his eyes as he stared at his lap, fighting back a sob. The other only hummed, seeming disinterested.

"Jungkook, I'm- I'm leaving. Tomorrow morning."

The silence was sickening.


The tv had been turned off, yet Taehyung only listened as Jungkook shifted in his seat.

"I'm- I'm leaving. This school, I can't-" Taehyung let out a shaky breath before lifting his gaze to Jungkook's galaxy eyes.

"I'm becoming a burden to you. You never touch me, you never go out with friends without being forced to babysit me, hell, we don't even sleep in the same bed! So, I'm leaving. You'll forget me eventually, and-and you'll be free to do as you please with your life."

The look on Jungkook's face almost made Taehyung break. His eyes filled with tears, and his jaw clenched while his hands formed fists. Yet, he never said a word.

"This school... It's not meant for someone like me. I'm far too powerful, I'm far too different, and I'm- I'm not made for family, or friends, or even love. You deserve better than me, Jungkook. Please rest easy tonight, you won't have to deal with me anymore."

As Taehyung moved to leave the room, Jungkook laughed. It wasn't a happy one, or a sad one. No, it was harsh, like a bark. The guttural growl that left the werewolf next made Taehyung freeze.

"You're joking, Taehyung. You can't just up and leave me like that. We're connected. Do I have to mark you to make that clear? If you leave, you'll end up coming right back. And if you do, I won't forgive you."

Taehyung just stood still. He was confused, but that confusion quickly bloomed into anger as he whipped around, tears of anger and sorrow cascading down his face.

"I can't leave? I can't leave?! You've got to be fucking kidding me! Like you can tell me what the fuck I can or can't do! Hypocrite! If you don't want me to leave, then at least show it, you asshole!"

"It's been weeks! Three. Fucking. Weeks. You haven't touched me, kissed me, smiled at me, hugged me! And you expect me to stay?! Just because of our bullshit bond?! Fuck you!"

Taehyung's eyes blazed with blue heat, hands formed into fists while his body trembled with pure rage.

"Don't ever tell me what to do if you can't back your words up with a goddamn reason, Jungkook."

As soon as he said it, the Olympian turned around, and stormed out of the dorm, slamming the door behind him. He immediately made a beeline for the woods, planning on taking out his anger alone.

Where no one could be injured by his dangerous abilities. Taehyung ran, and continued to run until he figured he was far enough away from the school.

As soon as Taehyung let go of his control, a violent storm steered overhead, turning the sky so dark it looked black. The wind picked up, and soon enough, a mix of rain, hail, and snow came down, whipping Taehyung in the face with the harshness of his fury.

Thunder cracked, and lightning flashed, illuminating Taehyung's electric eyes. His eyes blazed gold, accentuating the power of an Olympian, a god. He screamed. And screamed, and screamed.

He cursed in his home land tongue, kicked broken branches and ripped up grass and plants. Taehyung continued to scream until his throat burned. Throughout his temper tantrum, he had yet to take notice of the six boys behind him.

One of which was crying at the pain he'd caused, the anger he'd caused, and the overflowing heartbreak he started.

"giatí oi theoí mou?"

Taehyung screamed the words, his voice harsh and hoarse. His heart was barely being held together, but as his anger returned to sadness, his knees finally gave out, and he sat on the damp ground, sobbing miserably.

The hail and ice disappeared, leaving only rain behind as the wind stopped its treacherous path. The rain poured down on all seven boys, each of them understanding that the rain was full of Taehyung's tears.

The tears of a god who had been broken down, and damaged. Everything had become too much for the Olympian, and Jungkook hurting him had been the end of the line. Taehyung could no longer hold himself together.

Eventually, Taehyung was approached by Jimin, who pulled him into a gentle hug, caressing Taehyung's brown locks and rubbing his back at the same time. Once the rain stopped, Taehyung's crying also did, the poor boy being too tired to move from Jimin's safe, warm embrace.

Before his eyes could completely shut, with the last of his energy, he muttered something. Not just anything, but a name. The name of someone who would come at his call, and help him through the hell he was going through, all over again.
