Chapter Fifteen

The second day, Taehyung spent most of his time in the guest room he had been given, which he quickly made his own. He honed his abilities in his room, locking himself away as he did his best to distract his mind from his soulmate, as the time apart had pulled his mind into a black, inky darkness, craving and wishing for his mate to walk through the large, six foot golden doors, arms open for Taehyung to run into as they always had been. 

He had briefly left his room once, grabbing all the books he could that might help him learn how to reverse the curse from Pandora's box. His work was futile, however, as he had tried nearly every spell and enchantment possible, trying his hardest to reverse the curse. 

It was at a point where he was ready to rip his hair out, when he was saved from his inner turmoil by none other than Athena, his blood sister. The goddess had entered the room slowly, peeking her head inside. 

Her hair was long, thick, and glowed beautifully. There were shades of gold, chocolate, silver, deep red and even hints of blue among her inky locks. Her eyes shown like the ocean, as their mother's had, her skin just as beautiful and tanned as Taehyung's. 

Her legs were long and muscled, arms covered in both her story, and Taehyung's as well. Her right arm told of her victories as the goddess of war, her birth, and the death of their mother, while her left arm told how Taehyung was dropped to Earth by Hera, and lived among the humans. 

Depictions of all his past lovers and their deaths were written in the magical inscriptions, along with Jungkook. It showed a faint outline of Taehyung running into Jungkook's arms, the smile on the werewolf's face, and the mark in Taehyung's neck, made by none other than Jungkook. 

Taehyung's eyes locked onto the inscription, eyes filling with tears of longing as he imagined the wolf's arms wrapping around him tightly, soft lips brushing his mark with only intentions of love. 

"Hello, brother. You know, trying to reverse the curse won't work. You shouldn't meddle with it. Believe me, I myself have tried numerous times, only to get nowhere. Pandora and her box should stay as it is. Father managed to use some of the last of his power to reseal it, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she wreaks panic upon the gods and humans after his power fades completely." 

Taehyung snapped himself out of his stupor, giving a faint nod. 

"It needs to be destroyed. I don't want something like this to ever happen again... Athena, do you think that I might be powerful enough to destroy it?" 

The goddess moved further into the room, taking a seat on the floor in front of her brother, her soft white dress flowing around her knees as she relaxed her tense posture, lips quirking into a small smile. 

"Of course you could, brother. You're destined to be more powerful than even our father, and he was the one who landed the last blow to Kronos. He was the one who finished him off for good, and spread parts of his body all around the world, hidden in the deepest caves and oceans of the world, so he may never be revived. If our father is that powerful, imagine how powerful you are, brother." 

Taehyung bobbed his head a bit, letting a loud sigh escape his lips. 

"Athena, I never thought I would need all my power. I never thought.. That this would happen... Almost half of my power has been locked away by an old friend of mine. He can't enter the heavens like we can. He is not a god, a deity. I need to bring him here. The other gods and goddesses here can protect themselves, not to mention the temple is protected, so it will never crumble... This is the safest place to regain the rest of my powers, but... How...?" 

Athena laughed softly, brushing her long, luscious hair behind her shoulder before moving to her feet. 

"You are the heir. You can grant anyone permission to enter the land of the Gods. Come with me, let's inform Hermes to retrieve him." 

Taehyung nodded a bit, and returned his sister's smile before following her through the temple, gazing admiringly at the many carvings in the walls, as well as the magnificent architecture that was littered all around the temple. 

When the siblings finally reached Hermes' dwelling, the messenger god bowed his head, standing up with a smile. 

"Is Sir Taehyung Kim ready to return to his new home?" 

Taehyung briefly shook his head, a small, sad smile on his face. 

"Unfortunately, no, Hermes. I need you to bring a friend here. I will grant him access to Olympus, but I need you to retrieve him. His name is Andreas. He holds some of my power, it won't be hard to sense him. I can assume he is still at the place where you came to collect me. Please go there, and tell him that it is time for me to take back my power. Bring him here, and try not to destroy anything this time, okay?" 

Hermes offered a polite smile, and within the blink of an eye, he was gone. Taehyung's mind was swirling with fear and concern, unsure of how it would feel to have all his power back. In truth, he was afraid. His body had gone so long without all his power, that he feared his body would destroy itself from the intrusion of the overwhelming magic that was soon to reenter his being. 

However, he knew it needed to be done. Taehyung was determined to make sure that Pandora's box could never harm anyone ever again. With that, Taehyung and Athena made their way to the entrance to Olympus, and Taehyung sat down at the top of the last stair, eyes closed as he focused his energy, preparing to grant a human access to the home of the Gods.


As requested, a good five hours later, Hermes and Andreas approached the last few steps to Olympus, where Andreas was forced to stop, as he could not enter through the barrier, which revoked non-deities entrance to the place of the Gods.

Taehyung and Andreas made solid, silent eye contact for a good minute before Taehyung placed two fingers upon the Druid's forehead, his eyes flashing bright gold as he granted his friend entrance.

The moment that his fingers left Andreas' skin, the Druid stepped closer to Taehyung, and nodded his head.

"I should warn you now, V, this will destroy you. I can only estimate you will have a day or less to live once you regain your full powers. You will be impossibly stronger, and very capable of destroying Pandora's box, but..."

Taehyung's lips curved into a tight-lipped smile, motioning with his hand for Andreas to continue.


Andreas let out a heavy sigh, his gaze pinned on Taehyung with genuine concern decorating his timeless and handsome features.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Sacrificing your life as a god, the heir to the Olympian throne, for a father who has hated you since before you existed? And what about Jungkook? He'll lose his second mate, he won't be gifted with another."

Taehyung's eyes drifted to his bare feet, sorrow filling him as his fingers brushed the mark in the base of his neck.

"I know it will tear him apart. I know that all too well. But this is what has to happen. Even though I can't save my father, I can destroy the box once and for all, like what should've been done thousands of years ago."

He took a moment of silence, collecting his resolve once more before gazing into his friend's eyes, determination filling him.

"I'm ready. Let's do this."

And so it was decided; Taehyung had chosen to sacrifice himself for the sake of the gods, and the humans.

A mere ten minutes later, all the deities had surrounded Taehyung and Andreas, eager and curious to see the all powerful son of Zeus himself come to his full power.

Andreas removed the shiny silver ring that he always wore, and placed it on Taehyung's finger, mumbling some words in a language foreign to all those listening in.

And within a minute, the ring began to crack like glass would, eventually shattering. And the next, Taehyung was filled with an immense, intense, and astonishing power.

The red color in his hair faded to a whitewashed blond shade, and his eyes glowed the same shade of gold as before, with hints of red and blue mixed in.

The pressure in the room increased, significantly, and no one was able to move as Taehyung got to work immediately. He held his hands out in front of him, focusing intensely.

It was only a short moment before Pandora's box itself appeared before Taehyung, and with an instant reaction, he pushed as much of his power as he could, making the box slowly crack, until it shattered completely, fading into wisps of blue and grey smoke.

The moment that the box had drifted away into the nothing, the last of his father's power returned to him, and then Taehyung collapsed to the ground, his breathing shallow while he watched his hands begin to dry out impossibly fast, cracking and crumbling slowly like a stone carving that had begun to crumble.

"Hermes... Take me to him. To Jungkook. I want to see him... For the last time.."