Chapter Sixteen

Jungkook stood in the very place he had been in when Hermes had come to retrieve Andreas, the Druid's words still ringing in his head.

' " He wants the rest of his powers? Doesn't he know that could destroy him? Why? "

Andreas had a tone of clear conviction in his voice as he spoke, his eyes wide and fearful.

Just the simple knowledge of the fact that Taehyung could be gone forever in mere hours was terrifying. He had leapt forwards, grabbing hold of Hermes' shoulders, shaking them lightly.

"Please, take me with too, Hermes! I can't lose him, not now!"

His panic was regarded with a sympathetic gaze from the messenger god, and Hermes bowed his head in apology a moment later.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. Sir Taehyung Kim specifically requested Andreas' presence, not yours. I am sure he will see you once Pandora's box has been destroyed as he wishes to do."

"Sir Jungkook Jeon, you should be proud instead of worried. Sir Taehyung Kim wants to protect the world from the atrocity of her box. This is an honor for him, and it should be for you as well."

And with that, Andreas and Hermes left, leaving Jungkook alone entirely.  '

Jungkook knew that it was a miracle he had been gifted with a second mate, but he also knew he would never be given another. If he lost Taehyung, he would lose his other half.

All his happiness, his joy, even sorrow, would be gone. He would have no tears to shed, no emotions to feel. He had given everything to Taehyung, he loved Taehyung, cared about Taehyung, cared for Taehyung.

He wasn't ready to give all that up yet. Perhaps it was selfish in a way, but was it too much to ask that he only be happy?

In his mind, those who suffer atrocities in their life should have the chance to do good, and be happy. His good deed was meeting Taehyung, his happiness was Taehyung.

So what would he ever be able to do without him?

Finally, he legs gave out on him, and he dropped to the ground, staring at his hands as he sensed the life of his mate fading slowly. At first, it was a faint pang of pain in his core, and then he could feel his fingers falling away into nothing.

The werewolf gasped out, staring at his hands in shock, realizing that what he was feeling was Taehyung, not himself. While his fingers and hands were still perfectly intact, the feeling of his flesh crumbling like a stone statue rung through his veins, and he knew that he was going to lose Taehyung.

Slowly, tears began to fall down his cheeks, and although no noises left his lips, the pain of knowing he was losing his last and best mate slowly, put his body and mind in a state of shock.

He had no idea how much time had passed, but his body had became numb to the feeling of his body, or rather, Taehyung's body, crumbling.

It all felt like a dream to him. A terrible, horrible dream. A bad nightmare that he wanted nothing more than to wake up from.

Until it became a reality. In the blink of an eye, Taehyung was placed on the ground before him, flesh cracked and falling off slowly, like porcelain after years of ware.

And finally, it seemed as if his body could function again. Sobs wracked his body, as he pulled his soulmate close to his body, his pain unthinkable to those watching.

"Tae, b-baby, please, please don't leave me Taehyung, pl- please!"

Tears gathered in Taehyung's glassy eyes as well, lips trembling as he tried to smile.

"Kiss me, Jungkookie, I want you to be my last memory. Always and forever."

The werewolf didn't waste a moment, connecting their lips, both males now sobbing softly as Taehyung's body began to fade into nothing, the process almost complete.

"Jungkookie... I know that- that you won't get another mate... And I'm so so sorry, but please... Try to- to be happy, hmm? You'll forget about me one day, yeah?"

Jungkook's head shook his head vigorously, unable to convey his thoughts to words as his heart and body was consumed with the pain of losing his mate before his eyes for the second time.

"I-It's too soon! We- we only got a few months together! This isn't- isn't fair!"

Taehyung brought his crumbling hand to the back of Jungkook's head, pressing their foreheads together.

"It's gonna be- be okay, Kookie... We'll- we'll see each other again soon, I can- can feel it..."

Their lips locked in one last, loving kiss that mixed with salty tears and trembling sobs, before Taehyung whispered his very last words.

"I love you..."

With his last breath, Jungkook watched his lover whisper those three words before the Olympian faded into nothingness before his very eyes.

Desperately, he grasped at the fading spoke, wails leaving him as his heart shattered into pieces, his wolf howling in pain.

He cried out Taehyung's name through his earth shattering sobs, desperately trying to bring back what could never be brought back.


Around him, all the other beings residing in the school went down on one knee, silent sorrow filling the air as Jungkook grieved the loss of his last mate.

He jerked in surprise when a hand landed on his shoulder, and turned to see a man with all white hair. It was long, reaching past his shoulders, the man's beard reaching his waistline.

"I know your pain, I see it now as I watched the son I should have loved so much fade into nothing. I have given him the gift of reincarnation with the last of my powers. You will have him once more. I promise."

On Jungkook's other side kneeled a beautiful woman adorned in a long, flowing white dress, tears falling down her cheeks with undeniable grace, fingers tracing the place Taehyung laid only minutes ago.

"My brother... My brother loved you so much... He- he never deserved this fate... Never in a lifetime. Had I known, I- I never would have let him do this. Never.."

With those words from what Jungkook could assume was Taehyung's sister, silence remained among the students, teachers, friends, and family, save for the sobs of Jungkook and Athena.


Welcome to the end of The Son of Zeus.... I swear, this was so hard to write.... I hate sad endings as much as any other reader, but I hate writing sad endings even more. I've never written a sad ending before now but I can say that I hated this.

As you can probably tell, I didn't do the best job writing out this ending, and for good reason, but I promise you all I have plans already in my head for the sequel, which may I remind will be taking place in this story. I've decided to come up with a new cover for the sequel, just because it helps get my creative juices flowing, but otherwise there won't be a separate story for the sequel.

I've seen one other writer do this so far and I loved it, so here I am now, trying out the same thing.

I want to warn you, there will be an age gap in the sequel, because of where and when it will be staged, but bear with it if you can.

Please look forwards to the first part of the Sequel soon, and if you have any title ideas for it, feel free to let me know, I sort of need a title still anyhow 😅.

A good day/night to all(strongpowerthankyou)


