Pawn Training Lesson 1: Soul Energy

"So, uh, this Pawn thing... what all can I do?" Levi asked Rachel.

"I don't know. It depends on the innate ability of the Pawn. They always vary, though some are similar, the type and quality is never the same. For instance, some Pawns can manifest what you would call 'Magic', while others can increase their body's abilities. I've even seen rare cases of Soul Weapon Manifestations. Where the Pawn manifests their soul weapon, it's in the name after all." Rachel explained.

"I see, so how do I find out what my innate abilities are?" Levi continued with intrigue.

"Soul Energy. Your innate ability will present itself after you complete the steps regarding your Soul Energy. If you want details, I'll be glad to explain them." Rachel offered.

"Please do." Levi nodded eagerly.

"Very well. The first step is to open your soul, releasing the energy inside. You must then harness, that energy and condense it. Second, you need to increase that energy. The process for this is quite simple. Your Soul will naturally replenish the energy that gets condensed.

Soul Energy naturally maintains an area twice the size of your body. So, once condensed, your soul releases more to cover the area lost. I know, I'm crap at explaining in detail, but bear with me. Souls have anywhere from a small amount, to an Infinite amount of energy depending on the Soul Will of the Pawn.

Third, once the Soul Energy has condensed to fit perfectly in your body, instead of leaking outside, then you will have achieved perfect synchronization between the body, mind, and soul. It will be at this point that the innate ability will manifest without issue. Now, are you ready to begin the process? The sooner you do, the faster we can start ranking up." Rachel beautifully detailed. Levi processed the information.

"Okay so how do I open my Soul?" Levi asked, wanting more than anything to become stronger.

"That's what I like to hear. Sit down. I'll help you. Okay, now, there should be a feeling of energy in you, but, it's being sealed by your body. All it needs, is a little coaxing..." Rachel stated as she put her hand on Levi's bare chest and closed her eyes. Levi was sitting right next to her, and he couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation spread throughout his body before something clicked and raw unbridled energy burst through him. It was exhilarating. He was able to feel the energy surround him, like it was a part of his senses.

"Now condense it. Draw it back in. What I feel helps the most, is like imagining the energy being gathered into a ball in your heart." Rachel instructed Levi. He did as she said and imagined it becoming a ball in his heart. The energy pulled itself back in and condensed around his heart. Immediately more energy took the place of the condensed energy. He repeated the process three more times before pain started to envelope his heart and he began shaking and sweating uncontrollably.

"That should do for today. This process can take awhile before the result you desire is presented. Right now, I'd say you have a few hundred more condensing sessions until you can manifest." Rachel stood up and told Levi. Levi opened his eyes and looked up at Rachel.

"I'm not really sure how to thank you, honestly." Levi commented sheepishly.

"Don't. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here. You running out like a moron and stabbing the Scorpî, I've never seen such resolve. If you had known, that he was a demon, would you have still done that, I wonder?" Rachel dismissed with a smile and then asked the last part quietly to herself. It was Levi's turn to smile.

"Without hesitation." He responded. Rachel looked at him in surprise, and then laughed lightly.

"Moron." Rachel smiled and stated as she vanished, just as the maid servant walked into Levi's room.

"I'm so sorry Master Levi, I was busy with... little Alex." Alice, the maid servant, apologized with a flustered look. Alice was a new hire, barely, well considering his absence, she was just over a month in on the job. She was a young woman around eighteen. She was very attractive with a thin waist and large bust. She was hired by Levi's father, for very apparent reasons to all in the manor, minus Levi's mother who was actually quite oblivious to it.

"No need to fret Alice, I just require a bath to be drawn." Levi assured her. All the while she was busy with tidying her outfit.

'Busy with Little Alex huh? I bet you were.' Levi thought to himself with disdain. His fathers name was Alex Smith Senior, and Levi despised him whole heartedly. Always had an affair going with some young woman. Levi's younger brother was Little Alex Junior, he was only a year old. Alice finally looked up at Levi, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh my! Master Levi, you certainly... grew up well this last month!" Alice began checking Levi out. He shuddered.

'No thank you, please stop with the lustful eyes... wait a second... is that a purple light behind her eyes?' Levi raised an eyebrow as he noticed the peculiarity in her eyes.

"Please just draw a bath for me Alice." Levi dismissed the thought and Alice as he went about looking for decent fitting clothes. Alice bowed and left, leaving Levi with his despair towards his wardrobe.

"Tch... everything is far too big." Levi muttered to himself. The only thing that looked like it might fit, was an old suit his father had passed down to him. It always sat, neatly folded, on the top shelf.

"I wonder if it's even wearable at this point." Levi continued his muttering. He grabbed the dainty outfit and laid it out on the bed. It consisted of a white linen undershirt, a leather jerkin, black trousers, a slim overcoat and brown leather boots. They were well faded and dusty, but they were slim enough to fit.

"Master Levi, I have the bath drawn for you in the bath house. If you need me... for anything... please call me, I'll be delighted to assist." That same purple glow emanated from deep within Alice's eyes as she spoke when she returned to inform Levi.

"Thank you Alice, but that wont be necessary." Levi replied as he gathered all the clothes he'd be wearing and headed out the door past her.

'Finally, a bath.' He thought happily to himself as he approached the bath house. He hurriedly opened the door and rushed in, closing the door and locking it behind him. In front of him was a large mosaic bath built into the ground. Water was supplied by dumping it into a cauldron that was heated and then dumped into the bath itself. One of his fathers elaborate and tedious inventions, but the sheer size made it quite worth the wait and effort.

"Judging by how fast this was made, and how it's barely hot, I'm assuming this is where Alice was 'busy with Little Alex' and why father wasn't anywhere to greet me when I returned." Levi shivered in disgust. Now he was seriously debating on whether or not to get in. But, his habit of hygiene overtook his thought of weird shit and stripped down and stepped into the bath.


Levi had been relaxing for quite some time, enjoying the warmth and cleansing of the water. It felt nice, and gave him time to condense his Soul Energy a couple more times. The water made it easier to focus, so the result of condensing became much more rewarding.

"This explains everything." Levi heard Alice sneer suddenly. Levi jumped up and back as far as he could, which was pretty far. Alice was standing at the door way, wearing absolutely nothing. Her black hair was hanging loose and down to her ass. Her large breasts were exposed, and every step she took into the water, made her ass sway hypnotically. There were some new things Levi began to notice. Her eyes were now fully purple and glowing, her ears were pointed now and he could see a transparent tail and wings shimmering in and out of focus.

"Alice? What are you doing in here?" Levi asked pointlessly, he had a few ideas why already.

"Because, your soul has recently been opened. Which means that the energy is still leaking out freely. And I just love a free meal. I tried so hard to resist, but, feeding off of your fathers endless lust was beginning to bore me. Sexual energy can only get me so far, after all. But this... raw... Soul Energy you have, I just got soooooo turned on for you." Alice continued to approach Levi. He could feel some sort of dark energy wafting over him, but he didn't feel affected by it.

"So, what demon are you?" Levi hastily backed up.

"Hahaha, oh you are hopelessly oblivious. I'm a Succubus dipshit." Alice smirked maliciously as she leaped towards Levi at insane speeds. Levi dived to the side and rolled towards the door. Dead End. He turned to face Alice, but she was pale and staring up above Levi.

"Goodness, I leave for ten minutes, and you already run into a demon. Is your luck just that bad?" A relieving and familiar voice scoffed from above. Levi looked up and sure enough, there Rachel was. Standing on an overhead rafter.