[Upon Request, I shall start off this time skip chapter with the events between Levi going into his slumber and when he wakes up]
**Levi was left in that cave by his three companions, only to be recovered 3 years later by Rachel. Rachel searched for a way to keep Levi safe, eventually placing Levi in a black coffin and promptly placed a barrier around it.
Levi was kept in Jamestown surrounded by Pawns and Angel's for another 28 years before a small band of pirates took him away. Because Levi was perfectly preserved the superstitious group of pirates mistook him as the vessel of the Fountain of Youth. Though as cliché as it was, the pirates brought him to Tortuga to show off their plunder. Until 1700, Levi stayed put in Tortuga until the British Navy took him.
From there, Levi was taken to Great Britain and was housed by a Merchant shop. In 1766 King George III confiscated Levi secretly, hoping to uncover his secret to youth. Being unable to remove or cause any damage to Levi, the king sent him off to America in 1767.
The ship Levi was on docked in Massachusetts and he was once again placed in a warehouse, to be undisturbed until 1774, when the British began clearing out their more important artifacts to prevent the Revolutionary Army from getting their hands on him.
Unfortunately, the ship Levi was placed on, came under siege by more pirates and was taken again, though even more unfortunate was the fact that that pirate ship would sink with Levi on board off the coast of North Carolina. Where he would endlessly drift in the currents.
During all this time, Rachel searched and searched before being given the order to abandon him. Rachel vowed to rise in the ranks until she could search once more.
Rachel gained rank until she became General Tier, and finally recieved permission from Michael to proceed with the search. But his permission was contradicted by Gabriels denial. Gabriel saw Adapt Ability Users as a threat. This thought was supported after the last Adapt Ability user lost his Angel and went on an almost unstoppable rampage in 1723, years before Levi was lost at sea.
Rachel refused to follow through and continued to search in secret, following every client, and every feeling she recieved from the link between them.
When Gabriel found out about her heretical behavior, she was already breaking through to the Arch Tier. Gabriel moved quickly and ordered her execution, just as she became the newest Arch. There were seven Archs and they had to come to a majority conclusion to execute. Micheal was against this decision and instead offered to make her a Fallen.
Only three of seven voted for the Execution. Gabriel, Raphael, and Astriel were for execution. Micheal, Castiel, Uriel, and Sential were for Falling her.
With this, Rachel became the Second Arch to Fall, that year was 1874. Levi was well into a two hundred year slumber.
Time continued to pass and Levi continued drifting endlessly through currents, sometimes washing ashore. In 1962 he washed ashore in Japan. The Japanese village he landed near had a serious superstition and loaded him on a small fishing boat and resent him out to sea.
Surprisingly that boat carried on well for 5 years before falling apart in a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico.
Once again Levi was sent to the bottom of the sea, were he was swept by a current and became lodged in wedged rocks. In 1984 a fishing vessels tow line caught Levi and dragged him closer to the coast before getting lost back into a current and finally came to a permanent rest two miles from Horseshoe Beach.
Rachel never gave up on finding Levi, though he was now mostly forgotten. When 2013 hit, RPG games became a huge hit with Rachel as she had been living as a human for a 100+ years. This would give her the idea to turn her entire being into a system. In 2016, Demons and Angel's came out and began turning Humans into Pawns and advancing their technology to unfathomable heights. Giving them Abilities. 2018 Rachel became the system.
These abilities would be far more nerfed than the original abilities given through contracts. Thus Pawns were a normal occurence. Humans that were born as Pawns would be born with the branding and those that were born before then, would wake up one day with them. Angel's and Demons no longer contracted humans, but instead bestowed the abilities upon the whole of mankind.
These new Abilities were categorized as such:
Magic Abilities- Elemental, Enhancement, Conjuration, and Mental. (Also has Sub categories)
Soul Class Abilities(Replaced Soul Weapon)- Knight Class, Archer Class, Thief Class, and Martial Class. These classes had sub categories, but it'd be too lengthy to add all of them.
Transform Abilities- Beast form(Living in present day only), Ancient form(Any Ancient being or animal), and Myth Form. Again, these abilities have many sub categories.
All these abilities are different, though many may have the same type, it all depends on the Soul Energy they were naturally endowed with. Angel's and Demons found ways around having to make humans condense their soul energy by evolving humanity to naturally have their soul Energy Condensed. Unfortunately this did not work for all humans, as a minor percentage of humanity remained ordinary.
2020 Humans created planetary portals that led to, yes you guessed it, other planets. Thus a war broke out between Angel and Demon factions that lasted 8 years and ended in a stalemate. 20 new planets were discovered and occupied, 10 others were discovered and were currently under exploration, 13 more were discovered and uninhabitable. Their colors and codes were, Purple for occupied and safe, Blue for exploring, and Yellow for uninhabitable.
By 2030, there were 28 major Families. 3 for each faction. 2 Demon Factions, Lust and Sloth, were still on Earth, as a type of Embassy for new Pawns. 2 Angel Factions, Justice and Hope, had two Embassy bases on earth, but none of the factions themselves were based on Earth.
After the Planetary War, Pawn Schools were established. They were neutral grounds for Pawns to learn how to control their abilities, and also to learn eachothers fighting capabilities in case of another war.
Pawn schools established a Tiered Program, where students would wear a watch that displayed their current Ability Tier. 1 being the lowest and weakest, 20 being the highest and strongest.**
*2057, 2 miles from the Horseshoe Beach line *
Levi felt a chill as he began to wake up. Darkness surrounded him, and he felt like he was in an enclosed space. Levi slowly opened hiseyes, but only darkness greeted him.
"What the...?" Levi began, but his chest began to glow, and warmth entered his body at the same time a buzzing enveloped his brain.
***When Rachel Speaks, her speech will be accompanied by []Words.[]***
[]Huh? Is it working? Levi? Are you finally waking up?[]
Rachel's voice entered Levi's head.
"Yeah. Why? And what do you mean by,'finally'?" He asked in response.
[]You've been sleeping for four centuries.[] Rachel responded.
"... Four hundred years!" Levi finally exclaimed after her statement finally processed.
[]Yes![] Rachel sighed, but happiness seemed to accompany it.
"Damn, but why am I in a box? Where am I?" Levi began to ask a series of questions.
[]Well, alot has happened, and I don't know where you are. I'm only getting that you are somewhere near Florida.[] Rachel answered.
"Florida? Who's Florida? And who would name their child that?" Levi pondered.
[]Its a state, not a person.[] Rachel corrected.
"I think I'm going to need some details. How do I get out of this box, my body is aching." Levi sighed.
[]Just break out. And, I'll explain when you're out of the box. I can't believe the System is working![] Rachel said excitedly. Levi decided to put the next million questions aside and focus on breaking the box.
It busted in one punch, and he was hit by a wall of water crashing down on him and sweeping him around.
[]Oh, you're in the ocean... AH, I AM SO STUPID, WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT? I felt you were near, but the salt water was interfering with the location part of our link. I could feel you, and connect, but I couldn't grasp the location.[] Rachel spoke as if Levi could respond.
[]Oh, right. Shed your shirts and jacket. It'll just impede you.[] Levi chose not to argue, simply because of his lack of air. Levi struggled to remove all his top layers, but nevertheless got himself freed from their weight. Levi then braced his feet against a rock, and waited for hid eyes to fully adjust so he could find the shore.
[]Just go north.[] Rachel hurried him. Levi positioned himself slightly to the right and activated
"I hate... swimming." Levi stood in the water, his head above, basking in the bright sun. Once he had caught his breath, he walked to the shoreline. From what he could see and hear, the shore was bustling with activity.
[]Word of warning, don't speak outloud to me, just speak to me telepathically.[] Rachel warned. Levi nodded, it made sense.
[]Now, walk to the beach. Nice. And. Slow.[] Rachel instructed Levi, emphasizing each word. He wanted to question her motives, but, he really just wanted to get out of the water.
Levi slowly walked to the shoreline as instructed. The closer he got, the more baffling it became. There were tents dotting the shore, some only had tops being held up by a single pole and surrounded by tables and chairs. Others were full on tents, and there were miniature tents as well.
But, what had him absolutely baffled was the fact that everyone present was practically half naked.
[]Now you know the real reason why I had you shed your clothes.[] Rachel giggled. Levi was beginning to question her sanity at this point.
**When Levi speaks telepathically it will show as such:
[]Levi, this is 2057, everyone wears revealing clothes. I mean look, every woman is staring at you. Your fair skin, long straight black hair. Those piercing blue eyes, devilishly handsome features, toned as fuck body, mmn, I wish I still had my physical body right now.[] Rachel sighed deeply. At this point, Levi's questions boiled over.
Name: Levi Smith
Level: ????
Tier: ????
HP: ????
Soul Energy *SE*: ????
Strength: ????
Dexterity: ????
Intelligence: ????
Charisma: ????
Defense: ????
Perception: ????
Abilities: ????
Equipment: ????