Systems, Personal and Global

There was silence after Levi had asked what had happened while he slept.

[]It's a very long story, how about I shorten it quite a bit. After you fell asleep, you got stolen, weirdly, then I searched for you for centuries, ended up Arch Tier, then I fell. Angel's and Demons showed their existence, gave humans fabulous abilities, I fell in love with RPG's, used all my power to convert myself into a system so that you wouldn't come back into the world without anyone to help you adjust. And now we're here.[] Rachel lazily summed it up.

"That's bogus bull shit!" Levi shouted angrily. He got some strange stares, but were soon replaced with admiration once more.

[]Ugh, always a stickler for details! Fine! I'll only provide major details for the few main events. I'm too lazy to tell you everything that happened during your four hundred year nap, for the next four centuries. I'll start with the Awakening. Humans were beginning to head down the path to extinction, and both Demons and Angel's saw that as a bad thing... for them. Humans are basically a staple for both parties, so a brief convention was held. Between Demons, Angels, and Human Governments.

Obviously there were some complications with this meeting, lots of hostility and basic doubt and disbelief. But, after giving an example, a great spell combined with all the efforts of every Arch and Hellish King, Humanity was evolved.

Now, most humans are born with their Soul Energy opened and condensed naturally. Of course, they are divided between the two sides, so some are Demon based, and others Angel.

A few decades ago, Pawn Schools were established, along with some annoying rules. Once you turn sixteen, you have to enroll in one of the four Pawn Schools. Lust, Greed, Justice, or Hope. Depending on your Location, these are the Schools you will enroll in.

Now, for the more important part. I'll be brief with this, as it's mostly explained in and of itself.

The System. I will download to your memory, everything you need to know about present day lingo, mannerisms, and technology.

It'll help with understanding what I'm about to explain. Give me just a moment.[] Rachel rambled on for quite a moment before knowledge began flooding Levi's mind.

Levi shook his head in confusion.

[]Now, open your status. You should know the process now. But, just in case, I'll explain. You are no longer considered a Pawn. Because I have fallen, you are considered more like an abomination. So you technically can't actually raise your power the normal way. Thus I created 'The System'. This way, you could still level up and raise your power. Since you've slept for four hundred years, your body has rebuilt itself to handle massive amounts of Soul Energy.

Now, onto the explanation. The System is directly linked to your Soul, constantly analyzing and buffing you. Not only your Soul, but your body will reap the benefits from this Devine connection. The system automatically records abilities, energy levels, level, stats, and equipment you own. Hurry and look at my brilliance you dolt![] Rachel sighed as she realized Levi was only listening and nodding. He sighed in return.

An immediate window opened right in front of Levi as soon as he thought it.


Name: Levi Smith

Level: 10

EXP: 2,375/10,000

Tier: 1.7

HP: 100%

Soul Energy *SE*: 1,700/1,700

Strength: 9

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 12

Charisma: 13

Defense: 8

Perception: 9

Abilities: Adaptation. (Level Max) Absorb the abilities from defeated opponents. Keeps the ability at the level it was cultivated prior to obtaining.

Armor of Scorpî. (Lvl.1) Adds +10 to Defense. Summon the hardy armor of an adolescent Scorpî.

Eyes of Lust. (Lvl.2) Adds +10 to Charisma. With these eyes, you become an Incubus.

Spring Step. (Lvl.1) Adds +15 to Dexterity briefly to maneuver around your enemies quickly. Don the speed of Satyrs with the speed of lightning.

Lamia Scale. (Lvl.1) Adds +5 to Dexterity, +8 to Strength and +6 to Defense. Summon the hide of Lamia to aid your fight.

Arachnid Perception. (Lvl.1) Adds +10 to Perception. Nothing can compare to an Arachni on high alert.

Wendigo Form. (Lvl.3) Adds +20 to all stats. Take on the power and form of a wendigo spirit to destroy your opponents. Does not actually become grotesque. Minor changes will take place. You actually do look cooler with this form. Fire resistance is decreased to -75%.

Equipment: Two ancient SE infused iron daggers.

"Hey guy! The fuck you doin just standing there? Didn't you here Master Zane tell you to move?" Some guy interrupted Levi. He ended the status screen and looked up at the source of interruption. There were five guys, all standing around one blonde haired dude.

The one getting in Levi's face had black hair and sported a pentagram brand on his right eye.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Levi commented as he walked pasted him, accidentally bumped into the blonde dude and continued past as if nothing had happened.

[]Why does trouble always find you?[] Levi was about to ask her what she meant, but a punch came flying from his right, connecting squarely with his jaw. There must have been some sort of ability behind the punch, as Levi was sent flying a few feet and slammed into the sand with enough force, to make a fairly large cloud of sand erupt from impact.

"He won't be getting up from that Young Master Zane." Levi heard someone say. Whoever it was, must have walked up to the edge of Levi's little crater just to make sure he was down.

[]Please don't make a scene.[]

[]Damn it Levi, can't you ever listen?[]

Levi ignored her as he used the Wendigo Form and stood up. The sand cloud continued to block people from seeing him, so he had no doubts about being able to catch the assailants unawares.

Levi's eye sight improved to the point where he could see heat signatures through obstacles, where obstacles weren't, he could see normally, with slight improvement. The guy who punched him was walking away, so Levi used Spring Step to get behind him instantly.

"What was that about me staying down?" Levi asked, he could see his buddies were quite surprised.

"What the hell?" The guy jumped back from Levi.

"David. Kill him this time." The blonde guy called from the group a few feet away from their position.

"Yes sir." David nodded. His pentagram brand glowed red and a short red sword appeared in his hands along with red gauntlets.

Levi readied himself with his daggers.

"Since you've got permission, I suppose you won't mind the mutuality." Levi sounded confident, but he was suddenly regretting his decision. How strong was this guy? Would he be able to beat him and his friends? Or should he begin running?

"Fuck you dude!" David shouted as he began a barrage of attacks. His swordsmanship was amateur at best, whereas Levi's control with daggers was near the intermediate level.

Blocking and countering came easily, but the strength boost of the gauntlets, as Levi was assuming was the source, made each hit reverberate up his arms, slowly numbing them.

While Levi was engrossed in the fight, a sudden warning signal caused him to instinctively put his left blade up.

Levi deflected a bolt shot from another soul weapon user, his situation going from bad to worse as he realized the rest of the group, minus blondie, had surrounded him.

[]I told you not to make a scene. You should run, very, very far, as fast as you can. I'm not worried about these guys, it's rather the person whose attention you just caught.[]

Levi ignored her, a sudden adrenaline surging through him as a strange excitement towards his predicament flooded his senses.

[]Oh, and here I thought you were timid. To think you'd have such a trait.[]

[]Yeah, there's a title for that.[]

"Acting all tough just because you have a beast soul. Let me show you what happens when you disres-" Levi didn't let the crossbow assailant finish his sentence. Levi used Spring Step to dash up to him, at the same time he used the handle of the dagger in hid right hand, to slam into the bow assailants abdomen.

Levi could hear two ribs crack upon impact, and the audible thump as the poor chap hit the ground unconscious, giving Levi a sense of accomplishment.

Another warning hit him, and Levi leaned back as an icicle spike flew past.

The magic assailant was his next target, so Levi flew towards him, leaping over David, avoiding his gauntlet boosted short sword strikes as he did so.

"David! This guy is nuts!" The magic assailant shouted as he summoned an ice wall to impede Levi's advance.

Levi dashed around it, avoiding icicles and sword strikes from both sides, though he was unable to fully stop all of them, Levi had been struck by an icicle in the chest and received a cut on his left calf.

"ENOUGH!" Levi heard someone bellow authoritatively. Both assailants halted. Seeing his chance, Levi leapt towards the magic caster, but a giant fist knocked him back several feet, expelling blood and spit from his mouth as it hit him in the chest.

(-14% HP) A screen popped in his vision as he hit the ground.

"Zane Shera, David Colina, Beckham Francisco, Gregory Bolina, John Paulson, and... Guy. What the fuck do you think you are doing? Guy, just because you have an Exalted Pronghorn beast soul, doesn't give you the right to don it in public! How old are you even?" Some burly dude with a close cropped haircut with a White and Gold camo uniform on scolded the boys.

"Exalted Pronghorn? I thought that was the One Horned Rabbit from Planet Creas. To think he had a Victorian Class Beast Soul." The magic caster muttered.

"Shut up. I'm asking him the questions right now." The burly dude snapped.

"Yes Sir, General Greybrow, Sir!" The magic caster straightened and Saluted.

"Carry on, trainee." The General returned the salute and dropped it just as quick, the magic caster dropped his salute and relaxed again.

"Now, you. I want your name, rank, ability, tier, and... well, it looks like you belong in the Angel Factions. ON YOUR FEET TRAINEE!" The General commanded, irritated at the fact Levi continued to lay on the ground.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to-" The General lunged forward and grabbed Levi by the throat and lifted him to face level.

"You got some balls boy, to dare talk to me that way. Which school do you go to? I'll make sure your CO hears this." Levi could feel the anger emanating from the goliath man.

"School? If I have to give one, then it's the School of Fuck yo-" Levi got slammed into the ground so hard his vision went white with pain for a second.

[]Four Hundred years, and you gain such confidence.[]

[]Now its biting you in the ass. Since you've already been caught, might as well tell him this....[] Rachel downloaded false memories to spin a story, explaining that there were lie detectors built into the Generals Uniform. Which made no sense, but, it was as it was.

"I don't go to school. My family abandoned me on Nebulin. I was a weak disgrace to them, so I was forced to survive on my own, my name stripped and forced into exile. I met a traveler later on who gave me a new name, and trained me in order to survive. My name is Levi Smith, named after my savior, Nathan Smith. I only managed to get here through an illegal portal that dropped me in the ocean, shredding my clothes in the process. My tier is one point seven and I'm sixteen." Though it sounded stupid, the words were true, thanks to the fabricated memories. Levi was also struggling to speak with the goliaths hand around his neck.

The General continued to glare down at him. Still seemingly pissed at Levi's total lack of discipline.

"Then starting today, you will be reporting to Justice Pawn School." The General growled.