It had been a week since Levi's run in with General Greybrow. In that time, he had been detained for intensive questioning, enrollments for school, society, and government purposes, and fittings for his everyday uniforms and dress uniforms.
[]Oh my God, how dull has this world become! What kind of process takes this long![]
[]Tch.... This has become a serious bore. I've been wanting to see one of these schools... oh, someone's here![]
The door to Levi's holding chamber was opened and two women walked in. Both wearing different uniforms. The first woman to walk in was wearing a purple and black digital camo pattern, she had fiery red hair tied in a neat bun. Her skin was very fair and delicate looking, her eyes were as red as her hair. She was also carrying a box like object.
The second woman to walk in was a busty blonde with grey eyes and black framed glasses. Her uniform was gold and white, just like the General. She was carrying a large box that she promptly set down.
"Alright, let's get this over with. Please strip out of your clothes and put on one of these uniforms. Then you will follow us to conduct your examination." The blonde sighed as she pushed her glasses up. She sounded as if she were inconvenienced being here.
[]Oh please, do strip. Maybe they'll join...[]
Levi sighed, from both comments made, and began to undress.
"Oh gosh! Why is there no underwear!" The blonde blushed and turned away.
"Nice." The red haired woman nodded.
Levi pulled out one of the uniforms, along with some under garments, a drap gold t-shirt, a pair of sand colored boots and gold colored socks. After he had dressed, the women versed him in the school dress code and had Levi tuck the gold undershirt into the gold and white camo pants. The ends of the pants were tucked into the boots and 'cuffed' around the tops. A gold belt was then put on before finally finishing off with the long sleeve camo top.
"Finally, when you walk out of the building, you must put your cover on." The busty blonde handed him a hat after explaining the code.
"I see." Levi nodded.
"Can we please conduct the exam now?" The red haired woman seemed to progressively become more and more dissatisfied as Levi put clothes on.
[]I think she's into you... or maybe the little... not so little, soldier.[]
[]Tch... So moody...[]
"I agree. Follow us please." The busty blonde motioned for Levi to follow. He obliged and followed them out of the holding area and through the labyrinth of halls, rooms, and stairs to finally reach outside.
"We will now explain the exam to you. Before us is a series of tests that will evaluate your Tier. We are Tier Three first year students at the school who have been given the duty to evaluate you. You will conduct these tests in a particular set. The fist set will be the base Tier, the one that will be a major determination of your Tier. You will conduct the tests without any weapons or beast Souls.
The second set will be your Base Weapon Tier, only weapons, no souls. This will effect your overall Tier by twenty percent. The Third will be your Soul Tier. You will do the same thing you do in the Base Tier test but with your Beast Soul. Overall Tier will be affected by fifteen percent. Lastly, the fourth test will be with both weapons and Beast Soul. This will affect your overall Tier by ten percent.
Now, please begin." The whole time the red haired girl was speaking, she was placing a strange device on a pedestal in front of an open area that they had just arrived at.
Levi walked into the open area and waited for something to happen. He didn't have to wait long, as a large wall rose in front of him with a red metal circle in the middle.
"Hit that target as hard as you can." The busty blonde instructed. Levi did as told. Numbers began to appear above the circle as soon as he did.
"Strength is nine. Next, avoid all projectiles." Blonde instructed. Small round balls began to fire from all directions, slowly, making it much easier to dodge. It gradually became faster and faster, until it was practically impossible to dodge them all. Levi activated Spring step and dashed through a few more before being nailed in the throat. Luckily his defense was enough to avoid critical damage.
"Dexterity is twelve and Defense is eight. That's the base Tier test. Overall is Tier one. Please continue, but with weapons." Red instructed. Levi did as told and faired quite a bit better.
"Strength is twenty, impressive. Dexterity is twenty-two, nice. Defense jumped fairly well to eighteen. That puts you at two point one, but with a twenty percent effectiveness it only adds to your overall at one point four. Next, no weapons, but beast souls are allowed." Red was impressed.
Levi once again followed as instructed and activated his Wendigo Form. Each test was beyond easy. He even dented the strength test. Once he had finished, he felt pretty confident in the score.
"As expected of a Victorian Class Beast Soul. Strength is at twenty-nine, dexterity thirty, and defense twenty eight. Easy three point three Tier. Fifteen percent affect, puts the total at one point eight. Again, but with full power." Red seemed to be getting excited. Levi shrugged and repeated the same test, this time it became a bore to complete, shooting past his records before his enhanced perception failed to catch a stray ball.
"Do I have to say all the stats again? I'll just skip that and tell you your Tier. That performance put you at Tier Four perfectly, but as it only counts as ten percent, your final Tier is two point two." Red nodded respectfully.
[]Pay them no mind. It seems I didn't have enough data on the process, so I'll have to make some adjustments later. I have a surprise for you here soon. It seems you finally leveled up, which means all functions of the system has been unlocked.[]
[]These schools are power based. The stronger you are, the more respected you are. The weaker you are, the more you will be put down.[]
"Spring break ends in three days, you'll be briefed as to when you start your classes. Ellie, give him the watch, and let's go enjoy our break." The blonde didn't disguise her contempt for Levi at all.
The one called Ellie tossed the object placed on the pedestal, or watch, at Levi and left in a hurry.
Once Levi was alone again, He checked his new status.
Name: Levi Smith
Level: 11
EXP: 4,936/12,000
Tier: 2.2
HP: 100%
Soul Energy *SE*: 2,200/2,200
Strength: 9
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 13
Defense: 8
Perception: 9
Stat points to add: 11(+10 Gifts points from Admin Arch Fallen Rachel, for the new player!)
Abilities: Adaptation. (Level Max) Absorb the abilities from defeated opponents. Keeps the ability at the level it was cultivated prior to obtaining.
Armor of Scorpî. (Lvl.1) Adds +10 to Defense. Summon the hardy armor of an adolescent Scorpî.
Eyes of Lust. (Lvl.2) Adds +10 to Charisma. With these eyes, you become an Incubus.
Spring Step. (Lvl.1) Adds +15 to Dexterity briefly to maneuver around your enemies quickly. Don the speed of Satyrs with the speed of lightning.
Lamia Scale. (Lvl.1) Adds +5 to Dexterity, +8 to Strength and +6 to Defense. Summon the hide of Lamia to aid your fight.
Arachnid Perception. (Lvl.1) Adds +10 to Perception. Nothing can compare to an Arachnî on high alert.
Wendigo Form. (Lvl.3) Adds +20 to all stats. Take on the power and form of a wendigo spirit to destroy your opponents. Does not actually become grotesque. Minor changes will take place. Fire resistance is decreased to -75%.
Equipment: Two ancient SE infused iron daggers.
Levi immediately began distributing all the points.
Tier: 2.2->2.9
SE: 2,200->2,900
Strength: 9->15
Dexterity: 10->17
Intelligence: 12->14
Charisma: 13->14
Defense: 8->11
Perception: 9->14
[]Looks like you got a new skill, let's check it out![]
Sure enough, a new skill had shown up on the bottom.
Dexterity has reached 15, new skill unlocked: Boost (Lvl 1). All movement speed is increased 20% for 5 minutes. 20 minute cooldown.
"Boost." Levi activated it. A sudden surge of energy flooded through his body. Levi ran through the halls, as he was given some freedom after the evaluation, and he could tell his speed had raised a few notches. Still beyond reaching an impressive point in his mind though, so he activated his Spring Step, and covered one end of the hall to another in less than an instant.
"Now that is impressive." He nodded to himself.
[]I appreciate your enthusiasm. I worked very hard on the design of this system. But, it seems that these watches don't record real time progress. It still states you are two point two.[]
Levi looked down at the watch, what Rachel had stated had been true.
[]Train. Fight. Cultivate and Condense more soul energy. As you are now, you've only condensed a layer in your chest, if you need a visual, in all honesty it's like a small orb in your chest. You can expand it more, and increase your level or stats in this manner. You can also do daily routine workouts to increase your stats. EXP is earned through those manners.[]
Three days passed and Levi received a brief intro to all the rules, scheduling, and behaviors expected from him. In that time he had exponentially increased his small fist sized orb to cannon ball size. Levi did a hundred pushups, sit-ups, squats, and pull ups as well as several laps around the arena three times daily, mostly out of boredom. His new status was in an acceptable place for him.
Level: 11->12
Tier: 2.9->3.4
HP: 100%
SE: 2,900->3,400
Strength: 15->19
Dexterity: 17->20
Intelligence: 14->16
Charisma: 14->15
Defense: 11->12
Perception: 14->19
"Alright Trainee, let's go. I'll escort you to the gymnasium now." A burly dude in the purple and black digital camo uniform stated loudly just as Levi finished straightening his own uniform.
"Uh... sure?" Levi responded, he still was unversed in discipline.
"Your response, Trainee, is Yes Instructor, or if you are talking to me, its Yes Sergeant. For now, stand straight, March in thirty six inch steps. When you stand, you stand with your heels together and toes pointed out at a forty five degree angle. Your hands should be firmly at your sides, curled with your thumbs pressed tightly against the seams of your pants pointed down.
Keep your knees slightly bent, don't pass out. That is standing at Attention. When you Stand At Ease....."
Levi began to trail off to his own thoughts as the sergeant explained the formalities.
[]Boring huh?[]
[]I see Patience has been drained from the reserves huh?[]
"...Now, let's get you to class. Afterwards, you can get acquainted with your barracks." The sergeant finally finished and led Levi through the labyrinth of halls and rooms before eventually exiting into a dome like arena.
[]You're asking the wrong person.[]
[]Observant, very interesting, pooling together both demon and angel pawns![]
[]I fear we may soon find that out[]
"Continue straight up to the General." The Sergeant stopped and directed Levi. Levi, as usual, followed as instructed and nonchalantly waltzed up to the General.
[]Ah, it's called, creating animosity, or hazing, or throwing you to the lions.[]