Pre Planetary Lectures Part 1

Levi's remaining time before classes began, was spent trying to use any of the lightning magic, but to no avail. Nothing he tried worked.

[]As OP as your ability is, I guess even it has its limits. You should condense more before classes begin.[]

[]Or even unlock your own natural second ability.[]

[]No, its definitely something else, but, even I am unsure of what it is. The system knows, I am the system, but, for some unknown reason, there's a block on it that prevents me from remembering it. l look, try to say it, but then I forget, almost instantly. It's the weirdest thing.[]

[]Yes, and no.[]

[]I've always wanted to say that.[]

Levi ignored her and just condensed his Soul Energy, hoping for a good jump in power level. When Class was close to starting, he realized he hadn't even gone up a point, and sighed heavily.

"Guess I should head to these classes." Levi yawned as he stretched and stood back up.

[]But where is this class?[]


It took Levi ten minutes to find his first class, and by then he was considered late.

"And you are?" The woman standing by a podium asked as she looked at Levi. She wasn't young, but she wasn't old either. She wore a black and purple camo uniform and her green hair was up in a tight bun.


[]You will.[]

"Trainee Smith, Levi." Levi stood at parade rest to speak. Apparently you only saluted an officer at attention, and spoke to NCOs at parade rest.

"Hmm, ah, yes, that's right. Introduce yourself, and go sit the fuck down somewhere. Make it quick too, I've got a lot to get through in an hour." Greenie snapped irritably.

"I'm Levi Smith." Levi turned to the class and stated before finding himself a seat in the back.

".... Ahem, anyways, as I was saying. Tomorrow all first year students will report to the arena at O eight hundred hours for the Planetary Selection. Afterwards, you will all be placed into your teams of five. Now, these teams will be predetermined, there will be no choosing. Each team will be a part of a platoon. There will be twelve teams to one platoon, four platoons make up one battery, and four batteries make one battalion. This year we will have the most battalions we've ever had participate in a Planetary Exercise.

A total of three battalions this year. Now for the rules, since this will be the first for all of you, as well as part of your second year exams. First, killing is absolutely allowed outside of your battalions. I always start with this, because every year it's the first question. Second, you will be Issued woodland, desert or sea camo uniforms. In the tradition of Americas original military. Yes, it's different for every school, since we are in America, American military uniforms are used.

I know you were all thinking it." Greenie began her hour long lecture.

[]I've already forgot.[]

"Now, for your objectives. There are always three main objectives. The first objective is to survive. Your team will be issued two MRE boxes, three sleeping bags, a fire starting kit, and one tent. The second objective is to scan everything with the scanner that every team leader will be given. Third and final main objective, is to eliminate other teams outside of your battalion as well as beasts for points." With this there was an explosion of chatter and excitement.

"Hahaha, this is always the favorite subject. Good! Cause its mine too." Greenie smiled.

[]She did.[]

[]Well, this is supposedly the best evolution humanity could take. Otherwise, they'd have gone extinct long ago, or recently, who knows.[]

"Now, other students obviously are worth less points than beasts. But, every kill must be transported via this pen! Yes, they upgraded, or downgraded, I don't actually know how it works. This will be the first year it's used. But, supposedly you uncap it, put the tip to the corpse, and off it goes or something like that.

But, let's move on, to beast classifications, points, and division of the souls after harvesting. I'll write it down on the board, as it's too lengthy for me to talk." Greenie moved onto a subject Levi actually found interesting.

The moment she touched her finger to the black board behind her, words began to rapidly write out onto it in white. In moments, she was done.

"There, if you care to write it down, I'll leave it up. This is the end of my portion of the lectures. I'll answer questions now...." Levi ignored her and focused on the board behind her.

'This is a classification of beasts in order of lowest to highest.

11.) Student- Worth 25 points.

10.) Cosmo Class- Worth 100 points Typically small and can be any mixture of rodent, *felis, **canis, insect, amphibian and water dwelling creature. Distinguished by their short statures, and grey colorings. Very agile and weak.

9.) Poison Class- Worth 150 points. A mixture of serpentine, insects, small rodents, and amphibious creatures. Distinguished by a green tinted color in their eyes. Very slow in movements, but have quick poisonous attacks.

8.) Typhoon Class- Worth 300 points. A mixture of serpentine, amphibious, felis, canis, ***panthera, ****ursus, and water dwelling creatures. Distinguished by their tall stature and violence. Typically have a blue coloring and some type of horn. Strong and brute as well as agile, but only for very short bursts.

7.) Victorian Class- Worth 650 Points. Also considered the Exalted Class. Consists of all animals resembling those from Earths animal kingdom. Distinguishable by their antlers. An unnatural white color, that almost glows. This white color has given these creatures the name 'Exalted'. Extremely strong when mature. Can compete toe to toe with Tyrant Class Beasts. Easier to hunt when younger. Somewhat sentient.

6.) Tyrant Class- Worth 1000 Points. Also considered the Void Class. Similar to Victorian in what it's consisted of, the difference is no antlers, and they have a deep red coloring to them that emanates a dark void almost. These creatures are very sentient as well. They are brutal and can grow five times the size of their Earthling Namesakes.

5.) Goblin Class. Worth 2500 Points for a group of six. Just Goblins. Yes, an actual species of sentient beings written in fantasy was discovered. Weak individually, but strong in numbers. Love a ambush. Usually a pale yellow color, but can be green when older than 1000 years. These goblins are considered 'Elder Champion Kings' and are worth the full 2500 points for one.

4.) Dragon Class- Worth ----- points. Just Dragons. Don't engage, but, if you do you will die. But, if you win on the off chance, the soul fragments will automatically go to the team that slayed it after harvesting.

3.) Apocalypse Class- Worth ----- points. Any humanoid creature. Do not engage. No chance of survival.

2.) Demon Class- Worth ----- points. Any Exiled Demon considered huntable. Do not engage. Zero Chance of Survival.

1.) Angel Class- Worth ----- points. Any Exiled Angel considered huntable. Do not engage. Zero chance of survival.

00.) Joker Class- Not likely to encounter, but in the very off chance you do, Run.

[]Some Angel's and Demons disagreed with the change. Others committed crimes, and others just wanted to have fun and volunteered to be hunted. After all, Angel's and Demons have Spirits that can be reborn into anything. So death doesn't scare or concern us. I have no idea on Joker Class though.[]

"...That's all the time I have. I believe your next four classes is all issuing. The final class is practical training. Good luck. Now fuck off." Greenie dismissed the students and walked out of the class first.

"Oh man, I can't wait! After the Planetary Exercise we get another re-evaluation. If you hit the fourth tier, you skip exams and go straight to second year. Which means we'd graduate from weak trainees to Fledged Pawns!" A male student in the white and gold camo stated excitedly.

"People who get excited talking about after a deadly exercise, tend to die first." A female student in the black and red digital camo scoffed.

"Tch... fuck you two tier bitch! I'm already at a third tier! Who do you think will be a leader out of us two? Now who's going to have the highest survival rate?" The White camo kid walked up and sucker punched the girl in the face.

"Know your place, trash!" The boy laughed as if he accomplished something.

"Wow, your a real big man. Congratulations, picking on people weaker than you because you can't do shit to people above you. Real cool bro." Levi yawned as he stood up.

"Why is it always the second tier cunts that think they can stand up against me?" The boy walked up to where Levi was sitting and tried punching him, only for Levi to flash behind him.

"You want to know what's really cool? When a low tier fights a high tier, and wins." Levi grabbed his shoulder and crushed it.

"AHHHH! WHAT THE FUUUCK!" The boy fell to his knees and began crying loudly, stunning the few straggling students that were left. Levi looked at his watch, he was a mere 3.1.

"Yep, real tough boy." Levi walked towards the door, most students making way, except for the girl.

"Why?" She looked at me, her face swollen and bloody.

"I despise bullies." Levi shrugged as he continued on his way. Her watch read 2.8.

[]That line, was both cool and uncool simultaneously. Battle Junkie 101.[]


*Felis- Feline or Cat species.

**Canis- Canine Species, including fox, wolf, coyote, and other dog related species.

***Panthera- Big Cats like Panthers, Cheetahs, Leopards, Tigers, ect.

****Ursus- Bears. Polar, Brown, Black, Grizzly.