Levi's next class was all about issuing a uniform. But, it was a little weird. Not everyone received the same uniform.
"Alright, I'll call you up by the battalion you will be in. You'll either be the Woodland Battalion, the Desert Battalion, or the Nautical Battalion. I'm going to press this switch, and if your watch shows up green, you will come up here to receive your Woodland Camo uniforms." This time the teacher was a burly man in a sandy camo uniform similar to the white and gold in pattern. He had a trimmed beard and no hair. So Levi decided to call him Baldwin. Baldwin pressed a switch on his wrist and several watches lit up green. Those students stood up and went down to receive their uniforms.
The process took about twenty minutes for them to receive all the necessary garments and then they were sent to put them on and return their daily uniforms to their rooms and move on to the next class.
"Now, when I press this switch, if your watch turns blue, come up here and receive your Navy Camo uniforms." Baldwin once again pressed the switch on his wrist and almost the remainder of the class stood up to receive their uniforms.
Another thirty minutes passed and finally it was the Desert camo uniform. Levi was in this group. He walked down and grabbed the same style uniform as Baldwin, whose actual name was Woods.
The uniforms went by sizes and Levi already knew his as medium regular. Levi grabbed the deserts, a medium drab green t-shirt, drab green boxers, drab green socks, sand colored combat boots, a red and white stripped flag with blue and stars in the upper right corner (Patch), and a desert cover/hat. Afterwards he moved onto his dorm room and undressed. Levi looked in the mirror and stepped closer. His hair had noticeable streaks of bright red and his eyes had flecks of iridescent red too. Lines of red glowed throughout his body like spiderwebs, faintly.
"What the hell..." Levi muttered.
[]That happened recently.[]
Levi dressed and left for his next class, which was all about the issuing of outer gear. Pouches, vests, Kevlar plates, another vest for the plates, a Kevlar helmet, a camel back*, canteens and finally a rucksack. After being issued those, and stuffing them in the rucksack, the students returned to their dorm rooms and put them away near their bunks.
The next class was for leaders, which Levi wasn't, so he had to wait for the final issue of gear. only five students in his class were leaders so Class pretty much got spent talking.
"So you are only a 2.4, yet you crushed a 3.1 so easily. Are you a enhancement type of ability user?" The same girl Levi had helped earlier had followed him endlessly. She was even in the same battalion.
[]She will be now. It's so cliché, its bound... no, guaranteed to happen.[]
"You know, there's not many boys who get the clearance to wear their hair that long, I mean you can wear it long, but that long requires special permission. Can I touch it?" Levi had also learned her name. Sophia Red Dragon.
"I don't care." Levi sighed. Sophia shifted slightly and unhesitatingly began stroking his hair like he was a dog.
"Wow! Its soft! What's your secret?" Sophia gasped.
"Four hundred years in salt water." Levi answered bluntly.
"Oh fine, keep your secrets." Sophia huffed and continued stroking his hair.
"You two are getting along famously." Another follower, from the Woodland Battalion, whose name was Franklin, stated from behind the two.
"Famously." Levi muttered.
Soon after that class ended, the boy I had injured once again approached me. He was in the Nautical Battalion. I could tell he did not have any good intentions as he walked towards me.
"Levi Smith was it? I'll remember you, since I'm a leader, I'll lead my team to destroy yours. Beware Levi, and remember to warn you buddies that Buster is coming for you." Buster snarled.
"Your parents hated you huh? Naming you Buster must have been their way of telling you you were a mistake." Levi commented. Buster's face mottled all shades of red.
"I'm going to kill you!" Buster screamed as he launched himself at Levi. Levi kicked him squarely in the gut and sent him flying towards the teacher, who simply smacked him towards the door and sent him out with a crash.
"Levi smith!" The teacher called, it was Greenie again.
"Moving!" Levi called out as he stood and walked briskly towards her. He stopped in front of her and went to parade rest.
"Why did you send Buster flying towards me? Are you trying to attack me?" Greenie a.k.a Staff Sergeant Robinson asked.
"No Staff Sergeant, you just happened to be in the way." Levi replied honestly.
"Did you really just say that to me?" Greenie looked at Levi funny.
"Yes Staff Sergeant." Levi answered. There was a brief moment where anger crossed her expression, before she sighed and laughed.
"I like you, but, I will fuck you up next time. Now go." She dismissed Levi with a smile.
[]Todays military is nothing like the military of long ago. You'd have been hospitalized.[]
Levi rushed out of the classroom, anxious for the end of the day. He really wanted to keep leveling up, no matter how long it took him. His goal was to reach tier six as soon as possible. For obvious reasons.
Levi ran to the next class to receive the final gear issues. The class was held outside next to a large warehouse.
"Alright, let's get this over with. I'll start with the Nautical Blue members. I want a single file line behind this table. You'll be given either an m-sixteen assault rifle or m-four carbine and a standard issue m-nine berretta plus the magazines of ammo that go with each. Come on, move faster, I don't want to do this all day." A new teacher in a woodland uniform irritably ordered. He did not sound like he wanted to be here. The lower half of his face was covered by a tan cloth like covering.
All the blue uniformed students hurried down to receive their weapons and ammunition.
[]Back in normal times, ammunition was not distributed to trainees. But now, you can shoot a student without repercussions. Because only the strong survive or are needed.[]
[]No, not really. It's a good thing, it means humanity has come to a thriving point. People strive to be strong so they aren't culled, creating a more powerful and organized species.[]
"Woodland next please. Keep the line moving trainees, I want this done in the next hour or I'll have all of you pushing until briefing day... or tomorrow morning." The instructor yawned, or at least it sounded like he yawned, at the end of his mini rant.
"This guy sounds bored, am I right?" Sophia tried to be funny or overly friendly with Levi.
"Sure." Levi replied.
The remainder of the wait was spent in blissful silence. As soon as Levi reached the armory he was given an M4 carbine, and a M9 berretta. Then he received the ammunition and was told to refrain from wasting ammo and place the weapons in the locker provided in the dorms.
Levi did as he was instructed and began condensing once more. Though his progress had significantly slowed.
[]Today was boring as Hell. Such a dull drag on the body and mind.[]
[]Oh, right. Yeah you've hit a bottleneck. You've increased your tier and level, but you've left your skills virtually untouched. I made the system with a set of specific functions. And one of them is to halt overall progression when any specific area was neglected. The only way to jump tiers, is to level up at least three skills twice. Oh, and don't worry, all the work you've been putting in these last couple days, hasn't been for naught, you'll understand why after you level three skills up.[]
[]Hey, I deal with a lot, some things just don't present themselves as important... where are you going?[]
[]Huh, how are you gonna.... NO![]
[]I lit the wrong fire.[]
*** *** ***
It took Levi a half an hour to decide which kills he was going to level up. Wendigo Form, Shatter Shield, and Arachnid Perception. The only problem was, he could not find someone to fight.
"Levi, how are you doing my man? Watcha looking for?" Drake appeared.
"A fight." Levi replied honestly.
"Go to the arena then. But, be warned, low tiers get pitted against high tiers as a 'Lesson'." Drake forewarned.
"Perfect. Lead the way friend." Levi hurried him.
"Alright, alright! Jeez, no pushing. Just follow me this way." Drake obliged. Levi nodded in response and followed him outside and to a large square building with a holographic sign streaming the words, 'First Year Battle Arena. No killing allowed in this building. Reigning Champion Brutus DaCosta.'
"Well, here we are, just enter through there, a high tier kid will register you for a fight." Drake stated and quickly left the area.
[]It seems this place holds some traumatic experiences for him.[]
[]Oh like you even knew, Battle Brain.[]
Levi laughed and walked through the doors into a small reception room. The person sitting behind the desk was none other than little miss red head from Levi's entrance exams. The moment she looked up at him, and their eyes met, a serious pain shocked his entire system.
(System Warning: Continued disuse of skill -Eyes of Lust- may cause randomization in use and increase in Lustful outbursts. This skill is directly tied in with your body and mind.)
[]Oh. My. God! This is fucking great! Puhahahaha![]
"What the fuck is this?" Levi asked aloud.
"Uh, what?" Red responded in obvious confusion.
"Sorry, I meant uh, what the fuck is this? Right here, this... silver contraption thing? I've never seen it before." Levi quickly recovered and pointed at the thing on the desk between them.
"A service bell?" Red became even more bewildered.
"Intriguing." Levi feigned interest.
"Look, are you here to register for a fight or annoy me?" Red sighed.
"The former actually. I want a strong opponent." Levi replied seriously.
"Okay Mr. psycho. Let's get you registered. Let's see.... Tier... 2.4, that's right. Okay, Levi... Smith. Your opponent will be..... oooh, bad luck today. Brian Carter. You said strong, well he is a tier 3.9. And, he is not friendly. Well have fun!" Red became cheerful on the last sentence. Before Levi walked through the door she buzzed open, he looked at the name on the desk. Claire O'Connor.
"Thanks Claire." Levi smiled. The outburst was random, and he could feel his Eyes of Lust skill activate. It must have had some effect as Claire blushed slightly and turned away.
[]Oh, I see. She must still hold some attraction to you, otherwise that skill wouldn't have worked.[]
[]Some I don't know about, and am pleasantly amused by. And others I don't care to think about. This is one I forgot about, and was very pleasantly amused by it. Succubi or Incubi in your case, are by nature Lustful Creatures. And not by choice. Lust is both their power and curse. They can not go long periods of time without sexual satisfaction. A month is their limit I believe, thus they are typically the strongest among Demons. Their skills are numerous in Lust and Envy. As well as Stamina and Vitality.[]
Levi couldn't even finish the thought as his face began to burn.
[]Fuck a bitch, yes. Or, you could masturbate to stave it off, but it definitely won't keep it away for long. The more you level it up, the better for you. As you aren't a full fledged Incubus, you are a Nephilim after all... oh shit, I wasn't supposed to say that.[]
"Are you ready? Hello? Weak little shit?" Someone snapped Levi out of his trance.
"The fuck did you say prick?" Levi snapped irritably.
[]Side effects include irritability, random rage, explosive behavior, and noticeable purple eyes.[]
"Oh, I so call next on beating your sorry little ass." It turned out Levi was speaking to a brunette chick. Her watch read 4.1.
"Sure thing babe." Levi said uncontrollably.
[]Oh this is sooo entertaining.[]
"You're dead rookie, get out onto the arena floor, get your ass kicked, and wait for me." She shoved Levi out onto the arena floor. There were stands surrounding, they weren't exactly full, but they weren't empty either.
[Welcome Contestants! Our Fifth Matchup today Is Brian Carter VS. Levi Smith! Begin Battle!] Someone announced before Levi could even prepare.
The kid named Brian rushed at Levi with a summoned spear. Levi instantly reacted with Spring Step to avoid being impaled.
[I'll be damned folks! Someone actually dodged Brian's Initial Rush!]
"Oh, a low tier with some skill huh? Stupid, you can't struggle for long. I shall end you quick." Brian had a thick foreign accent. He spun his spear until it lit up a bright orange.
[Oh, a finisher? The Fiery Spear of Carnage!]
"What kind of lame ass name is that?" Levi scoffed.
"Die small insect!" Brian sprinted forward.
"Shatter Shield." Levi summoned calmly. The moment his spear impacted, the shield shattered and Levi spun to the side to avoid being impaled by the follow through of his spear.
Brian immediately cried out as razor sharp shards of ice peppered his body.
[This is insanely anticlimactic, yet interesting to watch! I have no words really to explain what's going on, so I'm going to shut up and watch for the outcome!]
"Finally, that was getting annoying." Levi cracked his neck and summoned his Wendigo Form. This time, the surge he felt was beyond the power from before. He felt unstoppable.
While Brian was still trying to shake off the sudden pain of Levi's indirect attack, Levi rushed in and shoulder slammed him across the arena into a wall, causing a loud crash and dust to erupt from his impact.
A few seconds later the dust cleared and Brian was laying on the ground unconscious. No mark was left on the arena wall, but no doubt a mark was left on Brian.
[Amazingly, Levi Wins this Match Up! Next, is a doozy. Natalia 'The Ice Queen' Frasier Versus Levi 'The Lucky' Smith!]
"The Lucky? Are you fucking kidding me? That's my nickname?" Levi stated furiously.
"It should be 'The Unlucky'." Natalia, the brunette from earlier, corrected.
"I could roll with that. That's a fair representation of my life right now." Levi agreed.
(Wendigo Form Leveled up to Level 4.)
[]Oh, good job. Keep using it along with your other abilities, and you might just get where you need.[]
"Too bad, your little upstart ends here. No way a second tier Rookie like you will survive two seconds against me. Ice Domain!" Natalia immediately cast a spell freezing the ground and air around them.
(Magic Skill: Ice Domain (Lvl 3) Learned. All Ice Magic skills are 30% more potent.
Magic Skill: Blizzard Blitz (Lvl 2) Learned. Casts a flurry of ice, wind, and snow concentrated around any part of the casters body, providing both a defense and an attack. +13 to defense. +11 to attack.)
"Oh yeah, this is perfect. Ice Domain." Levi smiled as he casted his newest skill.
"Oh, right, of course, I remember. You're an Ice Mage too." Natalia looked surprised despite her words.
"Oh, that's not all. Blizzard Blitz, Shatter Shield, Ice Bullet!" Levi triple casted his three most useful ice skills. A blizzard formed around his shatter shield and three spikes of ice hovered above him.
"A triple cast? Impressive, I admit. But, that can't compare to my Beast Soul." Natalia smiled as she began to turn a pale shade of blue. Her hair frosted and claws appeared on her hands.
[There it is! Victorian Class Beast Soul, the Exalted Ice Lynx! But I wonder when this Ball Boasting will end!]
"Oh, you have a Victorian Class Beast Soul as well? Mine is the Exalted Pronghorn. Let's end this charade, shall we?" Levi smiled. Natalia smiled and laughed in response.
"Let's." Natalia flew into a hyper speed. Levi's reaction was far too slow as she raked her claws along his right side. Levi threw a kick at the same time and bruised her arm.
The two spun to face each other once more and flew at each other once more. Levi dispelled his skills and summoned his Scorpî Armor. Sending caution to the wind as his blood began to boil in excitement. Levi could tell he had a psychotic grin on his face, but Natalia had one to match.
[]Just your luck. Another Battle Junkie.[]
Levi ignored Rachel, her words were lost in his first exhilarating fight. Blow for blow, and neither one of them were giving an inch. Levi was bleeding from several cuts, he could feel some of his ribs cracking under the furious blows he was receiving, but Natalia wasn't in the clear. She had blood in the corner of her mouth, bruises and lacerations along her body as well.
But neither of them cared, they were having the best time of their lives. A battle where they were equally matched, where either one of them had a chance of winning or losing. Slowly but surely, whatever brief hatred was harbored between them, was lost to the pureness of the battle. It began to feel more like a sparring match with a friend, rather than a skirmish between enemies.
Levi received a painful blow to his right lung where Natalia punctured all five, inch long claws deep into his flesh. The two sprung apart, huffing and puffing, their stamina slowly draining. Levi's Wendigo form leveled up again, the Scorpî armor leveled up three times from the abuse it just took. Levi desummoned both his Wendigo Form and the armor. Blood was dripping from his many wounds.
"This fight started out in hatred, but, I, Natalia Frasier, Acknowledge you. This attack is my final attack, if you can stay conscious after this, you're mine, so don't disappoint me Levi Smith, like the rest." Natalia smiled as a blue aura surrounded her body and a bone chilling cold enveloped the arena.
[]Soul Resonance! Oh God, do something! Anything! This is an ultimate skill! I hope you have a counter measure![]
Levi's brain was going a billion miles an hour trying to explore options.
[]I seriously doubt you can mix two unrelated skills. Try something else![]
Levi ignored her and summoned both skills at once while focusing on combining. Natalia was still charging her attack.
(Creation Failed! Creation Failed! Creation Failed!)
Levi began to sweat from the strain.
"Ultimate skill, Ice Lynx Roar!" Behind Natalia the face of a lynx appeared and shot towards Levi at blinding speeds.
(New Form Created! Through continuous bonding, the innate soul of Scorpî unlocked it's rarest form. The Tundra Scorpî. Take on the form of the most resilient form of Scorpî. Lvl 1. Blue scales of impenetrable ice, as hard as titanium, with the shine of the brightest sapphire gives a +50 to defense. Spikes along the knuckles adds extra pain to hits. This form requires Ice Domain to use. Cooldown is 2 days. Form lasts ten minutes. Will dissipate if hit with an attack with more than 50% damage. Remaining power will hit users own natural defense before affecting HP.)
Levi immediately felt the new form take shape on his body. The armor now covered him head to toe, Levi had on a Knights helm, simply from experience could he tell. He didn't need to look to know he was basically encased in what was similar to plated armor. It wasn't a moment too soon either. As soon as the new form encased his body, Natalia's attack hit him.
The form was instantly dispelled and continued through his defense and hitting his HP. Taking around 30%.
[]Levi, have I ever told you that I absolutely love your Battle Mode? You are an absolute genius. But I hate how OP your Ability is.[]
Levi was bleeding all over, huffing and puffing. He took one step forward but dropped to his knees. A student ran out to him and knelt down.
"Uh, can you continue?" He asked. Levi looked up at Natalia, who also couldn't continue, but she stubbornly stood still where she stood, knowing if she moved she would fall. Levi smiled.
"No, I cannot continue. I surrender." Levi answered. The kid stood and crossed his arms in an X shape.
[Unsurprisingly The Winner of the Matchup is The Ice Queen!]
The arena had filled full during our battle, and cheers had erupted loudly at the announcement.
"I can not believe you lasted a whole twenty minutes with The Ice Queen." The kid who basically ended our match said incredulously.
"Its only natural. Sometimes Tiers don't define ones strength. As I stated earlier, from today onwards, you belong to me Levi Smith." Natalia was half carried to Levi to relay that message.
"Uh, no thank you. I enjoyed the fight, but I'm nobody's property." Levi laughed dismissively. He tried to stand, but the kid who was healing him pushed him back down.
"Fucking sit still dumbass. You're practically dead. Not one rib is left unbroken, one of your lungs is collapsed, your right arm is shattered, both legs are fractured in multiple places, your organs are battered, liver is ruptured, you're obviously half blind, and you have barely any blood." He cursed Levi.
"You don't get it, you have no choice." Natalia got down next to Levi and whispered in his ear before biting his neck extremely hard, leaving a glowing puncture mark. Levi could only tell it was glowing from the reflection of her eyes.
"Ow." Levi said plainly.
"That's the Frasier Family Mark. Now everyone will know you are mine." Natalia winked as she stood and limped away. The kid who was healing Levi just stared at him with his jaw unhinged. He was no longer healing Levi.
"Okay, well, I honestly couldn't care less. So I going to move on here." Levi held his hand to the bite mark, rubbing it because it itched. He felt fairly well despite what he was told. Levi stood up and walked towards the entrance. Eventually finding his way to the reception room.
"Why? Why did you hide all your abilities? You are obviously not a second tier." Levi was stopped by Claire.
"Oh, you saw all that huh? Yeah, I wasn't too keen on drawing attention." Levi stated.
"Well what a way to not draw attention to yourself, participating in an arena battle, watched by many students and teachers." Claire gave Levi a disbelieving look, like she didn't believe a word he just said.
"Ah, yeah, wasn't a bright choice. I mean, if you can keep it between us, I'm actually a Tier 3.9 , but that would bring a lot of unwanted attention I don't need... or want." Levi commented as he continued to rub his neck.
"What's wrong with your neck? And, holy shit really? Also, I'm literally watching all your wounds heal practically instantly." Claire stared at Levi's completely bare torso as most of the uniform had been completely shredded to bits. Levi looked down to see his even more finely tuned body, chiseled like a Greek statue. The many lacerations and puncture wounds closing up like they never existed. Faint red lines crisscrossed along his body in an intricate and fascinating manner, before fading away again.
[]Oh, it looks like your body finally adjusted to your Nephilim energies. It's Soul Energy, but it's not regular soul energy. Which is due to my being a Fallen Angel. There's your explanation. Because that whole fight tired me out, and I didn't do anything but worry![]
"Oh, uh yeah. Perks of high tier regeneration!" Levi laughed nervously. His neck began to somewhat burn.
"Let me see your neck, good Lord... Oh, uh, you might want to get to an infirmary or your dorm. That's a, wow, uhmm... I don't know what that is, but it looks pretty bad. Here, look." Claire handed Levi a small handheld mirror from her pockets. Levi took the mirror and held it up to look at the mark.
It was blue, and looked like a large cat bite, but there were blue glowing lines meshing with red and causing serious swelling and inflammation all around the bite.
[]Clashing of Wills. Hmm, I see. Depending on the color afterwards, will determine the dominant Will. How primally advanced. You may feel weak for awhile. Let's get to the dorm.[]
"I'm going to get going. Thanks for the mirror." Levi said sluggishly as he handed the mirror back and stumbled towards the door, making it outside and slowly advanced towards the dorm building. He finally began to feel the sluggish and weak feeling Rachel warned him of. Levi wasn't sure if he was going to make it to his dorm, but he was determined to make it as far as he could. Which turned out to be a tree near the entrance to the dorms, about 100 yards from the Arena.
Levi simply fell at the base of the tree and passed out.
*Camel Back- A pouch that recruits in the army receive. It goes on the back and holds water. Basic description.
**This chapter was difficult, mainly because I had a hard time with the slow parts and tying the story line together in a fashion that reads in a followable manner. Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter! ^_^ **