What is Your Will?

Levi opened his eyes to see a foreign, and exotic, ceiling above him.

Levi waited a few moments, but no response came.

"Rachel? Are you there?" Levi instead called aloud, hoping to summon her out. There still was no response.

"Okay, I guess even system admins need sleep." Levi muttered as he sat up and got to his feet. Levi glanced around at his surroundings. He was in an elaborately decorated hallway, lit by diamond chandeliers and golden torchlights.

"Natalia Linn Frasier!" Levi heard a woman call loudly.

"Excuse me?" Levi said in bewilderment.

"Moving Mother!" Natalia shouted as she sprinted passed Levi.

"What in Gods name...?" Levi's confusion finally hit a peak. As did his curiosity, so he followed Natalia. The further in he went, the more decorated and elaborate the halls became, but also taller and shinier until He lost Natalia and slammed into big oaken doors.

"Okay, I'm on drugs." Levi said conclusively as he shook his head from the sudden impact. Levi looked at the double doors, noticing the gold inlaid emblem of a lynx with snow flake designs patterned around it with gold leaves surrounding it. Underneath was lettered AFJUST3 FRAISER.

"Damn it Rachel, wake up, show up, say something! I'm confused and I hate it." Levi stated in irritation. Again, nothing but silence.

"Ugh, fine, stay asleep then." Levi sighed in exasperation. He looked back at the oaken doors in front of him and gave another heavy sigh. His only way out of this... whatever this was, had to be through those doors. He placed his hands on them, only to remove them.

"Holy shit, that's fucking cold!" Levi exclaimed, it felt like his hands were on fire from the coldness.

"The Ice Will resides behind those doors. It's not for the ones with the Submissive Will to open." A voice responded to Levi's outburst. Levi spun around, ready to fight. The owner of the voice was a small dark blue cat, sitting and staring at Levi with its twitching tail.

"Submissive what?" Levi asked in response.

"Submissive Will. You are here because Natalia invoked the Ceremony of Will. It's what makes the Fraiser Family so different from the others." The cat yawned and stretched as she/ he, answered.

"Uh, yeah, I don't see how that makes them different." Levi replied as he sat down, entirely accepting the fact he was talking with a cat. The cat sat down and looked at him curiously.

"You know, most guys just laugh, freak out, or full on deny my existence. You are one interesting individual." The cat commented.

"I've had an interesting existence myself." Levi responded calmly.

"I know, I've had plenty of time in your Soul Lake, usually I'd say pool, or pond for exceptional men, but man, that thing is massive!" The cat shook its head.

"You know, normally I'd make a comment on that, but coming from a cat, it just sounds weird." Levi stated.

"I see, that did sound vulgar didn't it?" The cat nodded in agreement, which looked very unnatural to Levi.

"You keep saying men, what do you mean by that?" Levi inquired curiously.

"Inquisitive much? Naturally, Men are the submissive of the species. But, as I've been in your Soul Lake, I find it harder and harder to pin you as submissive. But, as it is, I cannot allow Natalia to be the first Leader of Fraiser to be the Submissive Will." The cat replied and stood.

"Ah, well if it pleases you, I don't want to be either of the Wills. I'd rather be free of burdens." Levi answered, standing up quickly and going straight into caution mode.

"I can tell you are quite similar to Natalia, your senses are unnaturally sharp." The cat began to grow and morph until she, definitely a she, became a tall busty woman with dark blue hair and fluffy cat ears on top.

"Hahaha, I did not see that coming!" Levi stated nervously. Every fiber of his being was screaming to run.

"You look nervous." The cat woman smiled, revealing very sharp looking teeth.

"Obviously. You are not weak." Levi said as he stepped back.

"No, no I am not. Now, I'm going to ask you kindly, you will submit, or I will make you submit." Ice had begun to form all around, turning the entire hall into a frosted wasteland. The scenery even changed, into something so familiar it made Levi shudder.

"Why are we here?" Levi asked with a degree of anger.

"It's your personal trauma. It should make you more... willing." The cat woman smirked.

"Oh how wrong you are. This wasn't my Trauma, this was my beginning." Levi laughed. She had brought them all the way back to the clearing in the forest outside the walls of the old fort levi used to live in.

"No, this was your end. Let's face the reality Levi, you aren't an individual, you're one part of many. Did you actually think that all your powers are actually yours?" The cat woman gathered ice around her hands and formed sharp ice blades.

"Well, I mean kinda." Levi replied, he attempted to summon his own powers, but nothing came.

"You see, you have no power of your own. Your soul, your will, is the only one allowed in this realm. So let me ask you Levi?... What is your will?" The cat woman blinked in front of Levi and held one of the blades up to his throat after asking the first question, and finished the second while holding the blade to him.

"My will? Look psycho, I don't even know what all this is!" Levi jumped back and shouted angrily.

"Then find out, or you'll die here! It looks like Natalia chose incorrectly once again, you can't submit your will if you have none to submit!" The cat woman once again came at Levi at unbelievable speeds, but this time he was anticipating it, Levi dove to the ground and rolled out of the attack, just as her ice blade sank deep into the ground where he had stood.

"This only ends two ways Levi. You die, or you submit your will to Natalia." The cat woman yanked her blade from the earth and turned to face him again. Levi searched around for a weapon, knowing the area well enough, Levi was able to snatch a long sword that was strangely familiar. In that moment that he wielded the blade, Levi felt a sharp stab in his chest. Levi jumped backwards, just before the rest of the ice blade could plunge any further into him.

"Your battle instincts are top notch, but with no capability, you're the same weak, fat little noble you always were." The cat woman released one ice blade to free her arm and snapped her fingers. Suddenly the sword became heavy and awkward. Levi looked down and saw a form of himself he would have rather forgotten. Depression, fear, cowardice, sadness, doubt, anxiety, and disbelief flooded him. Levi no longer felt the want for a battle, he only wanted to run and hide.

"You see, this is you, hidden deep, deep down in your pitiful soul. You are nothing without a will, without your stolen power." The cat woman laughed.

Levi heard his old self asking. Levi put his hands to his head after dropping the weapon. Levi was crying, he didn't want to be here. He was a nobody.

"Weak, pitiful. What a waste of saved life." The cat woman sneered. She raised her blade and plunged it down towards Levi at supersonic speeds. Levi prepared himself for the familiar embrace of nothingness, but instead he felt warmth. Levi opened his eyes and found himself in the old bath house on the old family estate. He was in warm water, and sitting across from him was a demon he never thought he'd see again.

"Do you know how long I've been trying to get a hold of you, Master Levi?" Alice smirked at Levi.

"A-Alice? But-but I killed you! How are you here, in this... place?" Levi stuttered fearfully.

"Oh wow, that cunt really did a number on you, didn't she? I'm guessing she tried to kill you? Man, I really hate her." Alice muttered to herself angrily.

"What's going on? Why am I here?" Levi continued to cry.

"Oh for fucks sake, shut the hell up! You aren't this big of a fuckin puss! I know, I've been in your Soul Realm for centuries now. And I can personally tell you, this part of you, doesn't exist anymore. It died, when you died. So I want to know, why do you let this fabrication keep such a strong hold over you?" Alice's words struck Levi, suddenly all his fears and doubts disappeared. Suddenly, he was questioning it too.

Levi's old self whimpered.

"No, she's right, who the fuck are you?" Levi stood suddenly and exclaimed. An apparition shimmered in front of him. It was Levi, the old Levi, the dead Levi.

"I am you." It replied.

"No, you were never me. I was never you. You never existed. I have, and always will be me. You are nothing." Levi stated conclusively. The mirage vanished with a satisfied look.

"Now, why are you here Alice?" Levi turned a more hardened look to Alice.

"Oh don't look at me like that, it makes me sooo wet!" Alice squirmed with pleasure.

"Disgusting." Levi stated simply.

"Oh my Devil, I must restrain myself, it's been so long since I've had any sensual pleasure. I prefer this you so much more by the way. Ahem, to your question, I am the first power you claimed you know. So, you could say that I am a part of you, or just a resident in your small little world, and the only one who has stopped hating you, and excepted your hospitality. Did you get my message earlier?" Alice uncrossed her arms and legs, spreading out for Levi to see.

"Message?" Levi asked, ignoring the strange allure of her body.

"If you don't use my power, it goes haywire. And no, I did not just recently accept you, I accepted your kindness about a century or so ago." Alice stood up and moved closer to Levi.

"You keep saying kindness and hospitality. Acceptance of what?" Levi sat back down and asked.

"You provide me a place to live and eat. Had you not taken my Soul, I'd be in Hell again, and no one likes Hell, not even Demons. Its Hell." Alice sat on Levi, legs on either side of him, and arms around his neck.

"Ah, I see. That's, nice I suppose." Levi nodded, though it made sense, it was hard to understand.

"My power, I want to fully make it yours, but it requires something in return." Alice moved her face closer.

"Name it." Levi responded unhesitatingly.

"I've been so deprived of pleasure, and though we are naught but souls, the feeling would be the same here, though you'd still be a virgin, technically, out there." Alice replied quickly.

"Any side effects I should be aware of?" Levi immediately asked.

"I don't know. Do you want the power or not?" Alice smirked.

"Obviously I want the power. But only because you've been living basically free inside my.... Soul Realm?" Levi said with hesitation.

"Yes, it's a soul realm. Now fuck me, I can't wait anymore!" Alice had become increasingly agitated until that point.

***A few moments later***

"So much better than Satyrs or your father for that matter." Alice sighed happily.

"I didn't need to hear that." Levi said with a huff.

"Sorry. Well, a deal is a deal, my full and cultivated power is yours. But, beware, becoming an Incubus is very, very, fun. You might become addicted to the rush of intense power." Alice touched Levi's chest, and he felt a surge of immense power. When she removed her hand, a black pentagram with the symbol of lust in the center was left behind as a smaller and new mark next to the cross.

"That is a weird place to put that." Levi stated as he studied it.

"Its fine, it's a concealable place. Anywhere noticeable would trouble you." Alice answered logically. On her chest a thorny heart brand had appeared.

"Okay, cool, so now what do I do?" Levi pondered aloud.

"You go back, but with your own power, and your will." Alice replied. Levi turned to look at her funny, but found himself back in the elaborate hallway with the oaken doors.

"Did you discover your will in some unreachable plain of that Lake of yours?" Levi heard the Cat Woman yawn behind him, like she was waiting all this time.

"I'm not sure, perhaps." Levi answered with the same amount of energy as her yawn.

"Don't mock me boy. This game grows old and I draw weary. I care not for your will, I care not for you." Levi still hadn't turned to face her, but he knew where her strike would go, so he tilted his head to the left and dodged the strike. Levi then slammed his right elbow backwards into her chest and spun left to give a right straight that plowed into her face and sent her reeling backwards.

"I believe those are my lines. I will not bend to you, or anybody, ever. That's my Will. To be me. If you have a problem with that... fuck you." Levi snapped as he took on his new Incubus Form. Alice was right, the surge of power was intoxicating.

".... oh fuck me." The Cat Woman looked at him with fear and Envy. Levi could tell she knew she stood no chance against him.

"I'm going through those doors, if you try to stop me, I will show no mercy." Levi stated factually and turned to the doors, kicked them open, and left that hall behind.


This is just a small little arc, it's meant to provide more fuel for the later chapters, as it's going to get intense very quickly. Thankfully, I'm passed the very difficult slow parts, for now, as I really hate them. Slow parts are difficult and kind of annoying for me. It taxes my already exhausted brain lol.

I'm very thankful for the readers I have, I'm sure some of you read my more successful novels, but thanks for sticking around for these.