The realm beyond the doors, was beyond frozen. Everything was encased in ice and snow, no shred of warmth was present.
"WHO DARES ENTER MY REALM?" Levi heard echo loudly throughout the realm.
"I do. I want a way out of this hellishly annoying place." Levi called back in response. The area around him shifted and he suddenly stood in front of a giant ice blue lynx.
"Hmm, you're indeed not the Head of the Fraiser Family, so how did you bust your way into my realm?" Every word spoken by the giant lynx hummed with reverberating power.
"Because I was forced into it. I want a way out, effective immediately." Levi replied.
"Not much of a conversationalist are you?" The lynx gave Levi a bored look.
"I can be. But, I'm not in a conversational mood. I just fought a fucking cat that had a female superiority complex. Not that that is a bad thing, but it's really fuckin annoying when she's trying to kill me!" Levi ranted unintentionally.
"Ah, I see you got Trix. That's unlucky. Nobody gets passed her, especially males, she had a really bad host." The giant lynx seemed to sigh with exasperation.
"Her name was Trix? Then what's yours?" Levi pondered aloud.
".... I believe you are the first person to ask me that question since the first Fraiser Head, when I had my physical body. Would you like to hear my story?" The lynx began to wag her tail in excitement.
"If it gets me out of here faster, sure." Levi sighed as he sat down. The lynx purred for a brief moment before shrinking down to a human, like Trix except opposite. A white robe with light blue trim, long ice blue hair, pale and fair skin, cool blue eyes that still resembled a cats, a flickering tail and fluffy cat ears on top of her head, with features that where both sharp and delicate like those elven creatures of lore, and that pretty much created the beauty before him.
"Intrigued?" The lynx woman smiled.
"In which subject?" Levi dully responded.
"The story of course. What other subject is there?" Came the response. Though she was smiling, there was a hardened look of a killer glaring at him.
"Soul Realms." Levi crossed his arms and said casually.
"Ah, I'll get to that later. But first, let's get through the story." The look on her face softened and the smile a little more genuine, but Levi was certain that his little blunder and actual meaning did not go unnoticed.
"Absolutely." Levi nodded.
"Hmm, it all started four thousand years ago, when I first became a low tier sentient being. In those days I had just began to become aware of more than just myself, I noticed other creatures. Not as like, just discovering them, but understanding them. Beyond the competition and food source they were categorized as respectively, but energy wise.
"Once a beast, as your species calls us, begins gaining awareness and sentience, we undergo a period of enlightenment. For me, that period was more than nineteen hundred years. In that time I went through many a metamorphosis. Eventually I moved from understanding just my planet, but onto the surrounding galaxy! Then the universe, until one day, your species stumbled upon my planet, disturbing my enlightenment.
"At first, I was very irritated, but my curiosity got the best of me. So I watched you humans shape the land, which to you would be a barren, frozen wasteland unfit for habitation. Then another group of humans arrived, and an all out war ensued. The arriving group was steadily destroying not only the first group, but my home. Many of my species were being killed and hunted, their souls used as a sort of currency and battle skill.
"I knew that the first settlers hunted, but not for sport. So, using my enlightened knowledge and senses, I used this form and approached a brave man by the name of Dean Frasier. He took me to a brilliant woman named Uriel, her power and energy told me she was a graceful and beyond enlightened being!" She closed her eyes and nodded admiringly.
"In order to push the evil group away, I was enlisted under Fraiser, and for the next three years, I fought along his side..." At this point a reminiscent longing appeared in her eyes.
"He loved me, of that I was sure, and, well, I did too. In those three years I collected the souls of my fallen kin. But, on the third year, tragedy struck, and Dean was mortally wounded. In order to save him, I sacrificed my physical body, and willingly contracted my soul to him. But, as time went on, and he passed under suspicious circumstances, I decided I wouldn't leave his successors without guidance. But I refused to contract myself to them. Instead, I opted to keep my Soul realm available to the Fraiser Family Head and sent the Souls I collected to be contracted to them instead.
"You asked me what my name was, I didn't have one, but Dean gave me one the day we met. Eve." Levi stared at her for a moment, mulling over the swiss cheese story he was given.
"So you are Eve. I am Levi Smith. I recently woke up from a four hundred year deep ocean sand nap." Levi summed his story up.
"...YOU'RE FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OLD!" Eve exclaimed incredulously.
"Four hundred and sixteen, soon to be seventeen, actually." Levi corrected.
"My, I don't believe I've met a human of that age." Eve huffed, still getting through the surprise.
"Don't feel bad, neither have I." Levi shrugged.
"Hahaha, I like you Levi, please tell me you are the next Head of Fraiser." Eve laughed and commented.
"Not at all. Fraiser is a Female Dominant Family. Only the women run it." Levi replied honestly.
"Oh... I see. That would explain the boring Family Heads constantly coming in here demanding contracts, trying to connect to my feminine side, and the lack of male company. Which, by the way, is a lot of the reason why I didn't smite you upon entrance." Eve explained.
"Ah, thank you for that. So, it also seems you are called the Ice Will, and there's this thing called the Ceremony of Wills. Where there is a Dominant Will and a Submissive Will. I'm sure you can guess why I'm here, and which one I'm supposed to be." Levi presented his issue.
"Hmm, I do remember Dean putting this fail safe into place just before he died, in an attempt to keep the Fraiser House from being led by Devils or the Weak and ill intentionally Willed. But, he died the night before its completion. Hmm, so they wish to subjugate you. To.... Natalia? Oh, I just love that child, truly acts and speaks like Dean. But, compared to your Will, she's not Qualified as the Dominant Candidate. Lucky for you, They don't know that I have the explicit right to appoint the Dominant Will should the Ceremony be tampered or fall upon the incorrect Candidate. So, since the Ceremony is Still to be Completed, let us join them." Eve snapped her fingers and Suddenly Levi jolted awake in a room surrounded by blue clad guards with a woman holding a branding rod above his heart.
"Uh, the fuck is this?" Levi tried to sit up, but his body refused to move.
[]ON A FUCKING SLAB IN THE MIDDLE OF BUTTFUCK NOWHERE IN A DARK SHITTY SHACK!... No, I'm just kidding. You are on a slab though. Some Fraiser nutjob came in here, the infirmary, locked the door, and claimed some sort of Fraiser Ceremony about twenty minutes ago. Greybrow has been threatening to blow the doors open for about five minutes now. Who's the beauty over there... and do I detect a high power spike?[]
"He woke up too soon, put him back under. Trix should have kept him longer..." The woman holding the brand snapped.
"On the contrary Diane, I've heard quite the story, and I woke him up." Eve came to Levi's side and placed her hand on his bare chest. It was very much cold, but also physical, not apparitional. Feeling finally returned to Levi's body, and it was like the System was restarted. Levi had what seemed like a hundred notifications, so he instead opted for a summarized notification.
(System Notifications: Due to the Maxing of the Skill: Eyes of Lust, all of the stored progress made during the last four days, has been unlocked. You may chose to distribute the stats or keep them in storage. New Form Gained. Incubus Form Lvl 6: 300% Buff to all stats. Can use once a day for six hours. Compliments of Alice The Royal Succubus. Stats to be distributed:
Soul Energy: + 2800
EXP: +12,745
Strength: +13
Dexterity: +23
Intelligence: +12
Charisma: +9
Perception: +17
Defense: +18
Stat Points: +14
Level: +1
Tier: +2.6-2.8
Current Status:
Level: 19
Tier: 4.3
HP: 3,900
SE: 4,300
EXP: 13,436/20,000
Title: Battle Junkie. Grants 30% Increase to all stats.
Strength: 35
Dexterity: 50
Intelligence: 26
Charisma: 23
Defense: 30
Perception: 30
Stat points to add: 0
Abilities: Adaptation. (Level Max). Absorb the abilities from defeated opponents. Keeps the ability at the level it was cultivated prior to obtaining.
Armor of Scorpî. (Lvl.8) Adds +80 to Defense. Summon the hardy armor of a Grand Scorpî.
Eyes of Lust. (Level Max). Irresistible Charm, these eyes are now permanent.
Incubus Form. (Lvl.6) 300% Buff to all stats. Can use once a day for six hours. Compliments of Alice The Royal Succubus.
Spring Step. (Lvl.3) Adds +25 to Dexterity briefly to maneuver around your enemies quickly. Don the speed of Satyrs with the speed of lightning.
Lamia Scale. (Lvl.4) Adds +20 to Dexterity, +32 to Strength and +24 to Defense. Summon the hide of Lamia to aid your fight.
Arachnid Perception. (Lvl.3) Adds +30 to Perception. Nothing can compare to an Arachnî on high alert.
Wendigo Form. (Lvl.5) Adds +50 to all stats. Take on the power and form of a wendigo spirit to destroy your opponents. Does not actually become grotesque. Minor changes will take place. Fire resistance is decreased to -65%.
Tundra Scorpî Form. (Lvl 3) Blue scales of impenetrable ice, as hard as titanium, with the shine of the brightest sapphire gives a +150 to defense. This form requires Ice Domain to use. Cooldown is 1 day. Form lasts 30 minutes. Will dissipate if hit with an attack worth more than 60% of total HP. Remaining attack power will hit users own natural defense before affecting HP.
Equipment: Two ancient SE infused iron daggers.
(???? Skills)
???? (Not yet unlocked Must Discover on your own)
(Magic Skills)
Ice Magic
-Ice Bullet Lvl 2: Cast a small round ice projectile that pierces your enemy. Deals 20% damage to health, strength and agility.
-Ice Shield Lvl 1: Cast a Shield of impenetrable ice to defend against projectile objects. Impervious to all projectiles up to tier 4. Weak against physical and hand held weapons from tier 2+.
-Ice Shackles Lvl 1: Bind enemies with cold, ruthless, shackles of ice. Completely disable enemies tiers 1-2.7 for 10 seconds. Tiers 2.8-3.3 for 5 seconds. 3.4-3.9 for 2 seconds. 4+ unaffected.
-Shatter Shield Lvl 1: Summon a small rough shield of ice with low durability. Impervious to ranged attacks up to 2nd tier. Due to sharp edges, can be used as a blade. Once shattered, if enemy is within a 2 meter range, opponent will take shrapnel damage.
-Ice Domain (Lvl 5): All Ice Magic skills are 50% more potent.
-Blizzard Blitz (Lvl 2): Casts a flurry of ice, wind, and snow concentrated around any part of the casters body, providing both a defense and an attack. +13 to defense. +11 to attack.
Lightning Magic
-Lightning bolt Lvl 18: Cast a bolt of lightning. Deal 180% Damage to Health, Strength, Agility and Intelligence. (Restricted until Tier 6.)
-Lightning Blitz Lvl 15: Gather Lightning in your body to increase Agility by 150%. Restricted until Tier 10.
-Mjolnir Lvl 17: Gather Lightning in your fists to deliver extensive damage to an enemy. Deals 170% damage to Health. (Restricted until Tier 10.)
-Lightning Reign Lvl 50: Summon a lightning storm that rains down bolts of lightning continuously. Deals 50% Damage to all stats for all enemies under cast area. (Restricted until Tier 12.)
-Static Buzz Lvl 97: Gather a static charge anywhere on your body and release it to deal paralyzing effect in a 7 foot diameter. Lasts ten minutes. (Restricted until Tier 15.)
-Plasma Blast Lvl 4: Condense Lightning to the point of plasma creation. Release outwards for a deadly blast of plasma that kills enemies Tiers 1-10. Deal 40% Damage to Health in Tiers 10-13. No effects Tiers 14+. (Locked until Tier 8.)
[]So in four hundred years, Alice reached the pinnacle of Succubi, and contracted herself to you, giving you full use of her power, knowing full well what you cultivate benefits her equally. All these stats would explosively boost you. You'd finally reach your goal, and lightning magic would come to be useful. Now, before you go and do all that, just beware, that I did some scouting, and after spring exams, a boost of that much, puts you in the top thirty percent on average. Luckily, you wont be totally noticeable until you hit the top ten percent.[]
"Madame Queen of Ice and Will." The woman with the brand bowed, giving Levi the opportunity to roll off and get to his feet.
"Back on the slab, subservient!" One of the guards jabbed her weapon at Levi, but his reflexes had him grab the rifle barrel and pull her in close, give her a fast jab that knocked her into the wall, sending her to the ground unconscious. Levi was still holding the rifle.
"Oh wow, so impressive. A weak 2.4 knocked out an ordinary guard." The Branding Lady clapped sarcastically.
"Shut up Diane. What is the meaning of this? This is not the Ceremony of Wills, this is a Revision of My Soul Pact! Why? A soul pact is sacred and consensual. This is enslavement, everything that Fraiser is supposed to be against, you are doing. And here I thought all I was going to do was correct a minor mistake!" Eve looked pissed.
"I assure you Madame Queen-"
"Shut. The fuck. Up. Diane. This isn't the House of Fraiser I once knew. I should have known better. It was no accident when Dean died, I knew that. But I refused to have no faith in his descendants. I should have left the night he died. Still, I have one last obligation, and I'll spend the remaining time I had of my physical appearance on it." Eve seethed, but then became sorrowful. She approached Levi, grabbed his head and kissed him.
A chilling coolness spread through Levi's body, and all the fatigue, pain, drowsiness, and discomfort vanished. When Eve pulled away, she looked sad yet happy.
"Now you have your will freed. I only had one use of this body left, and I wanted to make sure it was spent on you. The first human to listen to me in a very long time. As for you lot, enjoy the Souls of my kin, but my realm is no longer of service to you. I shall fade away from this world... wait a moment, that's odd..." Eve had slowly become a soul apparition, but she was still holding Levi, not his head, but his waist, and she was oddly staring into his eyes as she spoke, which made him a degree of uncomfortable.
"I forgot to tell you, I'm an Adapt Ability user. I absorb souls. You should not have held on." Levi whispered.
"...HAHAHA! Perfect!" Eve laughed, much to Levi's surprise, just as she vanished, into his Soul Realm.
(Over Load Warning! Vast expansion of Soul Realm, too much Raw Soul Energy! Force Unlock of Second Ability. Intense Pain guaranteed. Severe blood loss guaranteed. Undergoing Transformation. Requirements not yet met.... automatic distribution of stored stats..... Requirements met. Forced Transformation in Progress.)
Current Status:
Level: 20
Tier: 7.1
HP: 6,500
SE: 7,100
EXP: 6,181/21,000
Title: Battle Junkie. Grants 30% Increase to all stats.
Strength: 50
Dexterity: 73
Intelligence: 45
Charisma: 32 (Infinite when attempting to charm)
Defense: 50
Perception: 50
Stat points to add: 0
Abilities: Adaptation. (Level Max). Absorb the abilities from defeated opponents. Keeps the ability at the level it was cultivated prior to obtaining.
Armor of Scorpî. (Lvl.8) Adds +80 to Defense. Summon the hardy armor of a Grand Scorpî.
Eyes of Lust. (Level Max). Irresistible Charm, these eyes are now permanent.
Incubus Form. (Lvl.6) 300% Buff to all stats. Can use once a day for six hours. Compliments of Alice The Royal Succubus.
Spring Step. (Lvl.3) Adds +25 to Dexterity briefly to maneuver around your enemies quickly. Don the speed of Satyrs with the speed of lightning.
Lamia Scale. (Lvl.4) Adds +20 to Dexterity, +32 to Strength and +24 to Defense. Summon the hide of Lamia to aid your fight.
Arachnid Perception. (Lvl.3) Adds +30 to Perception. Nothing can compare to an Arachnî on high alert.
Wendigo Form. (Lvl.5) Adds +50 to all stats. Take on the power and form of a wendigo spirit to destroy your opponents. Does not actually become grotesque. Minor changes will take place. Fire resistance is decreased to -65%.
Tundra Scorpî Form. (Lvl 3) Blue scales of impenetrable ice, as hard as titanium, with the shine of the brightest sapphire gives a +150 to defense. This form requires Ice Domain to use. Cooldown is 1 day. Form lasts 30 minutes. Will dissipate if hit with an attack worth more than 60% of HP. Remaining attack power will hit users own natural defense before affecting HP.
Equipment: Two ancient SE infused iron daggers.
(???? Skills)
???? (Not yet unlocked Must Discover on your own)
(Magic Skills)
Ice Magic
-Ice Bullet Lvl 2: Cast a small round ice projectile that pierces your enemy. Deals 20% damage to health, strength and agility.
-Ice Shield Lvl 1: Cast a Shield of impenetrable ice to defend against projectile objects. Impervious to all projectiles up to tier 4. Weak against physical and hand held weapons from tier 2+.
-Ice Shackles Lvl 1: Bind enemies with cold, ruthless, shackles of ice. Completely disable enemies tiers 1-2.7 for 10 seconds. Tiers 2.8-3.3 for 5 seconds. 3.4-3.9 for 2 seconds. 4+ unaffected.
-Shatter Shield Lvl 1: Summon a small rough shield of ice with low durability. Impervious to ranged attacks up to 2nd tier. Due to sharp edges, can be used as a blade. Once shattered, if enemy is within a 2 meter range, opponent will take shrapnel damage.
-Ice Domain (Lvl 5): All Ice Magic skills are 50% more potent.
-Blizzard Blitz (Lvl 2): Casts a flurry of ice, wind, and snow concentrated around any part of the casters body, providing both a defense and an attack. +13 to defense. +11 to attack.
Lightning Magic
-Lightning bolt Lvl 18: Cast a bolt of lightning. Deal 180% Damage to Health, Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Lightning Blitz Lvl 15: Gather Lightning in your body to increase Agility by 150%. (Restricted until Tier 10.)
-Mjolnir Lvl 17: Gather Lightning in your fists to deliver extensive damage to an enemy. Deals 170% damage to Health. (Restricted until Tier 10.)
-Lightning Reign Lvl 50: Summon a lightning storm that rains down bolts of lightning continuously. Deals 50% Damage to all stats for all enemies under cast area. (Restricted until Tier 12.)
-Static Buzz Lvl 97: Gather a static charge anywhere on your body and release it to deal paralyzing effect in a 7 foot diameter. Lasts ten minutes. (Restricted until Tier 15.)
-Plasma Blast Lvl 4: Condense Lightning to the point of plasma creation. Release outwards for a deadly blast of plasma that kills enemies Tiers 1-10. Deal 40% Damage to Health in Tiers 10-13. No effects Tiers 14+. (Locked until Tier 8.)