Levi chugged that bottle down to the last drop, a warmth began to spread throughout his body, his mind numbing with the effects.
(WaRnInG!%; Un nkNowN SuStAnce etecDed#%^ UNable%& TO reSis- t. Yur oN yer oWn!%^<)
The System seemed to become affected as well.
[]Yosh! I know thosh stiff! Ist spirit soaked! This da goid stiff! *Hiccup*[]
×Oh my God, what the hell, I can feel slight effects due to our connection.×
"I need.... anosher."Levi slurred.
"Absolutely, good sir! I'd recommend this spiced rum! Vintage from the seventeenth century! Aged especially in private stock for thousands of years!" Harry/Jax held up a dusty and unlabeled bottle, which Levi happily took and drank. This time no messages or conversation was made. Levi simply downed the rum, and passed out due to a spiritual energy overload.
"Two bottles. Hmm, I'll recommend him to Master." Harry/Jax commented as he grabbed more bottles and set them on the bar counter, in front of the rest of the group.
"Now, who thinks they can out drink him?" Harry/Jax smiled, revealing the manic they all knew.
In the end, nobody drank more than a few glasses, and all fell to the ground, drunk.
Levi opened his eyes and stared at the sky, confused as to why he was outside.
"Thank you for the spiritual energy, it was delicious!" A woman spoke from above him. A familiar face now looked down at Levi tenderly.
"Eve, ah, I must be in my Soul Realm." Levi yawned.
"Incorrect. You are in your Spirit Realm. The opposite of your Soul Realm, but still connected by a small bridge. Think of it as Yin and Yang. But, not black and white. More like blue and red. The Red is Yang, your Soul Realm. And blue is Yin, your Spirit Realm. The bridge can be considered the Soul within the Spirit and the Spirit within the Soul, connecting your two realms. The more you feed one side, the more you must feed the other to keep balance.
You ended up here because you gained a lot of spiritual energy, feeding this realm the much needed energy to expand. You must focus on balancing your realms, as of right now, you have an imbalance that leans too heavily on the Soul Realm. Let me draw a picture for you.
This, is a circle. If I put this line here, with these right here, you have a balanced Yin and Yang, but yours looks like this...." Eve began lecturing Levi while he continued to lay his head upon her lap, contentedly yet unknowingly. The previous yin yang circle was well balanced, and Levi couldn't help but feel awed about Eves air drawing skills, they shimmered an ice blue that was dazzling in the sunlight. But next yin yang circle looked lopsided and disproportionate, like a child's drawing.
"Hmm, so I should work on strengthening my Spirit Realm? And what are you, my Spirit Realm instructor? That's a lot of explaining for a simple question." Levi inquired.
"That would be correct, I am also only trying to help you get stronger, and enrich this poor Spirit Realm of yours. Now where was I.... Ah yes! The more you strengthen your Spirit Realm, the more likely you'll correct the mistakes your Soul Realm made. For instance, you have more spirits in the Soul Realm that are being counted as Souls.
Let me explain further, a Soul is a Soul until it becomes Enlightened. When that happens, the Soul undergoes a change and becomes a Spirit. But they cannot enlighten with out Spiritual Energy. I am a spirit, and normally I wouldn't give you any cheats, but how about we start strengthening your spirit realm by bringing over a soul that is ready to become a spirit? I'll teach the method, and you can do it when you have time. Now sit up." Eve instructed. Levi sat up and turned to face her, pausing as he realized why he was so comfortable. He was about to voice more concerns, mostly about how he wasn't asking for all of this nonsense.
"Hush. Sit and close your eyes.... yes, good, now breath deeply and hold it.... release. Relax and focus on your Realms, you will feel it. Tell me what you feel." Eve directed Levi in a very calm manner, whilst cutting off his thoughts.
Levi focused deep within himself, unsure of what he was looking for. But soon, once he had fully immersed himself and relaxed his mind, body, and soul, he felt two energies, one stronger than the other. He visualized the energy as two clashing orbs, one large and red, the other small and blue. Levi voiced this to Eve.
"Good! Excellent, you have quite the aptitude for this! Now delve into your Soul Realm and find a soul ready for enlightenment." Eve continued her calm instructions.
Levi focused on the big red orb, searching for a soul ready for enlightenment. That's when he discovered... he didn't know what a soul ready for enlightenment looked like.
The brightest looking soul was evading Levi's search, always darting when he looked close to it.
Levi began chasing the Soul all around the red orb, realizing at the same time, he didn't know how to grab it either. So he finally voiced his concern.
"Well, you aren't wrong or right, a brighter soul means its possibly ready for enlightenment, or it's just very strong. But, you don't necessarily need to grab it, just imagine it moving to the blue orb." Eve guided Levi further.
Levi went back to the red orb and started his search again, this time careful not to give the bright soul any indication that he was looking for it. Soon, he found it, staying still, relaxing. Levi imagined it moving to the blue orb. Suddenly, a blue light lit up around the Soul, startling it, but it was too late, it was sucked in through the bridge the connected the two, and it dropped into the Spirit Realm.
"Whew, that was difficult." Levi opened his eyes, and saw a very angry Wendigo standing behind Eve.
"Oh, shit." Levi cursed.
"You!!!!" The Wendigo snarled angrily.
"What? You succeeded. She is ready for enlightenment. Calm yourself now, don't get caught up in past emotions." Eve stood up and calmly patted the Wendigo on the head.
"I'm not a dog!" The Wendigo growled.
"Of course not dear! You are a beautiful young lady!" Eve responded kindly.
"*Ahem*! Correct!" Levi agreed, for the sake of his life.
"I'm still sure I want to kill you!... Maybe!..." The Wendigo snapped. The rancidness of her rotting flesh still stung Levi's nose. She had, since the last time he seen her, become a full fledged Wendigo.
"Well, I provided soul energy to feast on, kept you from dying, kept you out of hell, spread fear of your form through out the Academy... was there more you wanted?" Levi asked, a bit haughtily, still trying to persuade the Wendigo.
"... No. *Sigh*, I suppose it's not been terrible. Still, I could have had a longer life!... No, I don't think that would have been much fun... where am I anyway?" The Wendigo was definitely conflicted still.
"His Spirit Realm, you've been ready for enlightenment, awhile now, but the realm you were in, didn't have spiritual energy to help you along. Lucky for you, Levi has provided, this... spirit rum!" Eve held up a bright blue bottle, all too familiar to Levi.
"Jax!" Levi cursed.
"I've been using Spirit Sense to see through you, that man you've been talking too, is quite sharp. He saw right through you, to me. He saw your imbalance, and gave you the tools to help fix it. The spirit rum, was the most potent drink, I have ever seen, and I've only seen like twenty different spirit drinks! Of course, humans had only just begun creating actual spirit drinks. But still, sharp man." Eve commented as she gave the drink to the Wendigo.
Levi looked at the Wendigo after his mental sigh, she now had a deer skull as her head, the flesh and tendons rotted but hanging on still, her body the color of tar, slick with black blood and oozing black pus, reeking of death. Ribs showed through her skin, bleached white with black and yellow streaks where the skin still clung. She was tall, at least twelve feet, and she was hunched with her spine poking through at odd angles.
"Now drink this. It'll help gather the spiritual energy, so that it may release within you, helping reveal your true form." Eve encouraged. The Wendigo sighed and snatched the bottle before downing it as fast as Levi did.
Blue light enveloped Levi's vision, the light collecting around the Wendigo until the Wendigo was the blue light. She began to contort as her body shrank and took a new form. Once she had become what, according to Eve, she was meant to be, the blue light exploded outwards as pure Spiritual Energy. Levi felt the pain as his Spiritual Realm expanded rapidly. Though it was still smaller compared to the Soul Realm, it was only by a small amount.
Levi opened his eyes and beheld, a beauty. The Wendigo had shrank to Natalia's size, her skin smoothed out to look silky. She had two pure white antlers, though small, that hummed with spiritual energy. She had a fiery red dress, kinda, on that barely reached her knees, other wise there was no other clothes on her. Her hair was red, and short, only reaching her shoulders. Her eyes were red and gold with white flecks, and her facial features could only be described as elvish. She also had quite the rack, which is where Levi's eyes automatically snapped to.
She looked over at Levi, and smiled!
"Uh, wow, that's a hell of a change." Levi stated bluntly as he snapped his head to the right.
"Such beauty no? She became a fire spirit, odd for a Wendigo though, usually they become wind spirits if they ever enlighten. I've only seen two others during my spirit roaming. It gets boring when you're trapped in a stationary realm, like mine was. I wonder what you'll name her." Eve looked at Levi and smiled, menacingly.
"Eh! Me?" Levi began to sweat.
"Spirits cant fully reach their potential until after they are named." Eve continued.
"Ah, I see. Uh.... Wen....Wendy?" Levi asked.
"Wendy?" Eve looked at Levi with a, 'are you serious', look.
"Wendy.... I like it! I'm Wendy!" Wendy the Ex-Wendigo laughed happily.
"Did her personality change?" Levi whispered to Eve.
"Give her a few moments, spirits are always happiest when they've finished an enlightenment, even happier when they receive a name." Eve replied with a smile.
"Ah, so she will eventually be somewhat angry again." Levi concluded.
"She is a fire spirit." Eve answered.
"Let's make a contract!" Wendy suddenly appeared before them and held Levi's hands, looking into his eyes pleadingly.
"Uh, sure? What do you want in exchange?" Levi answered, still surprised by the suddenness.
"I want a kiss." Wendy said unhesitatingly.
"Okay, a kiss it is then...." Levi looked over at Eve, who was stifling laughter. He turned back to Wendy, her previous form flashed briefly in his mind.
"Well?" Wendy leaned closer. She smelled pleasantly like a campfire with hints of pine and hickory. Levi stop hesitating and went in for the kiss. She was warm as she embraced Levi, leaning deeply into their kiss. That kiss lasted a solid five seconds before he woke up in the real world.
"Okay. That wasn't sho.... ow... ow.... ow." Levi jolted upright, Shizimaki was pinching his cheek.
"*Gasps* He woke up! Yay! Now Maki-chan can have fun with Onii-saa..." Shizimaki passed out at the end, cutting her sentence short.
"Okay, thank God for that save." Levi muttered.
(Spirit Contract Made. Fire Spirit Merged Form Lvl. Max- Merge entirely with Wendy, taking full control of the fire element. New summon available, Wendy the Fire Spirit. New Magic unlocked. Fire bolt Lvl. 7- Casts a burning bolt of fire, depending on the concentration, can slightly burn a target or completely obliterate a target. Flame Arrow Lvl. 6- Summon up to 18 arrows of fire to pelt your enemies, the more arrows there are the less powerful they individually will be. Fire Bomb Lvl. 4- Condense fire into a compact ball, can plant in the ground like a mine or throw it for a time released explosive. Fire Cloaking Lvl. 9- Envelope yourself or objects to deal burning damage to opponents. Summoning upgraded to Lvl. 3- Summon any collected Soul or Spirit to aid your fight, summons will be at 35% of their original power. Wendigo Form Level Maxed- 110% Stat boost (Permanent) antlers added to appearance (Can be summoned or desummoned) Desummoned does nothing to overall change. All senses Heightened (Permanent) +25 to Perception.
Level: 20
Race: Rephaim
Tier: 7.1-> 7.3
HP: 100%
SE: 13,000->13,750
EXP: 13,181/21,000
Title: Battle Junkie. Grants 30% Increase to all stats. Shadow Rephaite 500% Buff to all stats.
Strength: 250->275
Dexterity: 365->401
Intelligence: 200->220
Charisma: 160->176 (Infinite when attempting to charm)
Defense: 250->275
Perception: 250->300
Stat points to add: 0)
The over all difference made was astounding to Levi.
"A little spirit rum, and your power begins to balance itself out significantly! Bartender Harry and Jax were both right." Jax, he had white long hair and handsome features this time, observed from next to Levi.
"*Sigh* And you are?" Levi accepted his fate with insanity.
"Hmm, I am Master. But that title is reserved for my students, but you may call me.... Master. I want to teach you cultivation, the correct way." Master Jax stated.