"You'll teach me...Cultivation?" Levi inquired.
"Cultivation? hah, I guess I could." Master Jax sighed.
"You Just thought I was Senile... huh? I'm only testing your patience." Master Jax smiled humorously.
"Hah, Could you not?" Levi sighed, a headache forming.
"Could I not What?" Master Jax asked seriously, a crazy glint in his eye.
"Just, give me a moment. Hah, I need a rest." Levi sighed as he began to fall backwards onto the bed he was laying on.
"WRONG!" Master Jax shouted excitedly as he palm struck Levi in the side with the force of a runaway train, sending him flying through the wall, tumbling through asphalt and finally slamming into a grove of trees.
(-97% HP. Critical condition initialized. Hidden Skill, Undying Will Activated, all stats buffed 40%.)
Levi spewed blood from his lungs as he rolled onto his hands and knees.
[]JESUS! I'm awake! Fuck! The hell happened![]
[]Have you used the cheat Inspect Skill?[]
<…Huh, no.>
Levi looked towards Jax and used Inspect, but his vision was swimming heavily, so the focus was off.
Name: ????
Race: ????
Level: 150
Tier: ????
HP: Infinite
SE: 1.2M
SpE: 5.6M
Strength: 1M
Dexterity: 2.4M
"Ah, perfect! You look like you're in a near death state... Come at me young one! I have a feeling you don't learn by simply 'meditation'." Master Jax took a strange stance and beckoned for Levi to attack.
"Very well. Don't blame me though, for going all out!" Levi spat and stood up, taking on the Incubus form.
Though he was certain his stats weren't high enough to combat Jax, Levi couldn't shy away from a battle.
"Huhu! It's been awhile since I last fought an Incubus! Entertain me child!" Jax laughed maniacally. Levi was sweating bullets, but such a battle could only be the most exhilarating battle of his life. Levi shot forward and swung a sloppy right hook as a feint for his uppercut, only to have both blocked and then kicked back into the trees.
(2% HP Remaining.)
"Damn! He held back!" Levi spat more blood.
Levi gathered soul energy to cast a Lightning Bolt, the only lightning magic skill he could use. The more it gathered, the more powerful it became.
"If you thought I was going to stand there and wait for you to cast your spell, then that proves you are too naïve." Jax appeared behind Levi and back handed him towards a building, this time with much more strength than the kick, sending him through the building like a missile, doing heavy damage to the building, so much that it began to collapse in on itself.
(1% HP remaining. Emergency Quest Initiated. Success equals +2 Levels. +1 Tier. +200 Stat points. Emergency Quest- Surrender. One must always recognize their weaknesses and learn when to surrender, or retreat. Failure means death.)
"AH! Fuck! I surrend-"
Jax punched Levi in the face, knocking him unconscious, cutting him off at the same time.
"Oops, were you saying something?" Jax genuinely asked.
"You certainly end up here often." Eve laughed. The moment Levi was knocked unconscious, he ended up in his Spirit Realm once again. Levi sat there, arms crossed.
"One Health Point, that's all I was left with before passing out. I'm fairly certain all my bones were crushed, broken, powderized, you name it. My organs probably burst, bleeding internally, I'm lucky to be breathing." Levi grumbled and complained.
"Would you like to know why he's so strong?" Eve poured some tea.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious..." Levi relaxed a little.
"He has mastered soul energy and spiritual energy. Gathering both energies within his body when he ready to strike his opponents. Delivering fatal blows each time. Obviously, he held back on you, otherwise one hit would have killed you." Eve said between sips of tea.
"... I don't understand." Levi responded.
"Hah, He manipulates the raw energies around and within himself. Using it as his attacks. The energies! He uses them to strengthen and boost his power beyond the normal limits!" Eve talked slowly and more detailed.
"I see, so the energies become his attack by simply manipulating it?" Levi continued to mull over the information.
"Well, not that simple. What's used isn't absorbed by the user, but instead by the opponent, as force, kinetic energy, friction, etc." Eve continued explaining.
"Absorbed.... Soul Energy... Spiritual Energy... Absorb... Adapt.... Hmm.... I know how to get stronger, a lot faster." Levi put the puzzle together in his mind.
"Hmm, Rachel was indeed correct. Nothing logical gets through your head, just strategy, war, and fighting." Eve sighed in exasperation. Levi exited his Spirit Realm and forced himself awake. He was laying under fallen tree trunks, surrounded by dirt and debris.
(Quest Cancelled, opponent did not accept surrender. You did attempt, one reward given. +1 Tier. New Quest, Survive. Successful rewards- +3 instant Level ups, +400 stat points, another Tier Upgrade, and any 3 skills to upgrade twice.)
[]All because you learned what spiritual energy was. Now you get cool functions.... I hate you sometimes... like a lot.[]
[]Oh great, just what we need, a plan made by The Battle Junkie.[]
Levi ignored Rachel's comment and pushed the Fallen trees off.
"Oh! Delightful! I didn't kill my student! Have you learned anything yet?" Master Jax stood before Levi smiling happily.
"We'll see. Once more... Master." Levi cringed a little when he said that.
"Hmm, I'm not sure you've learned anything... very well!" Jax flashed forward and went straight for a gut shot.
Levi prepared to accept the energy coming, but once he was hit, he realized there was no energy behind the punch, just raw strength. Blood spewed from Levi's mouth as he was sent flying once more, this time he flew outside the safe bubble, and back towards the dangerous streets of Frank.
A group of Jibwas was patrolling when something slammed into a building with enough force to rock the streets below, even raining chunks of building down on them.
"... Humans again?" One of the Jibwa Warriors spoke in English.
"Ignore it. Probably a Junket." Another Warrior dismissed.
"No. That big brute of a horror. Bet you seven Drums."* Another warrior placed a bet.
"... Okay, then seven Drums it's a human." The first warrior bet. It was nine against one, so the group headed towards the building, stopping when Levi fell weakly from the ledge to the ground... right in front of the group.
"Human! I win! Sixty-three Drums!" The first warrior exclaimed happily as he danced around.
"Ah, bad luck! Grab human boy, bring to base. Get reward for another Human. Call for convoy." The third warrior scoffed and then commanded one of the other warriors. Jibwas looked a lot like humans, save for the cat pupils, small green antlers, and pointed ears. They also had very tanned skin, unlike any skin tone known on Earth. They also carried human weaponry, rifles, pistols, swords, axes, spears, whatever they found.
Soon the sounds of engines could be heard. A few Humvees and a cattle carrier semi rolled up to the group. Inside the cattle carrier was around fifty students of the 13 Juliet group. Including John.
Levi looked up at the sight with confusion.
[]You see what happens when you try to muscle brain everything? Now you've been caught by the local savages![]
"You're awake? Then stand up!" The first Warrior slammed the stock of his weapon down as hard as he could over Levi's head, only for the weapon to break instead.
"....There goes my sixty-three Drums." The Jibwa said sadly.
"...Put him in Humvee... He is strong, good candidate for breeding... maybe." The third warrior smiled evilly as he leaned closer to Levi's face.
"What are you sick fucks on about?" Levi spat in his face, his spit full of blood.
"Ooh, feisty! Chieftess will want this one! Entertainment will be good tonight! Face the Brutes. Especially since you were found coming from the place of no return." The warrior pointed towards where Jax and the rest were.
"No return huh?.... Hahaha! You fools! I live there!" Levi smiled maniacally, like Jax.
[]Please, please God, don't tell me that psycho has crazy disease and its contagious![]
[]… With your measly one percent health? You're just trying to earn yourself a few extra minutes to regenerate.[]
[]…I guess you can be intelligent... sometimes.[]
"Why do you hesitate? Bring the human here!" A female warrior in charge of guarding the convoy shouted irritably at the third warrior.
"No! He is strong! Comes from no return! Claims he houses there! This one Gift for Chieftess!" The third warrior shouted back.
"Tch..., hurry up then! Night comes, the Tyrant arrives!" The female shouted angrily as she hopped back inside a Humvee.
"Leviathan! Leviathan! Help us!" A student called to Levi.
"Fool! Shut up! Look at him... whatever did that to him, is way out of our league, and very well could be headed here! Do you want to attract it to us?" John slapped the student. He shook his head vehemently.
"Good, if its him, we may have a chance of living. You heard them, he's strong. Let's hope these beasts are diplomatic." John lit a cigarette.
"What are you doing? What is that? That a weapon?" The carrier guard walked up to John and demanded
"Chill Sarge, it's just a cig, lady. Ain't hurt no one but me." John said as he exhaled the smoke.
"... Cig...? Let me." The guard held her hand out for the cigarette.
"Sure..." John held it out for her. She grabbed it and brought it to her face, and copied what John did.
"*Cough* *Cough* *Gag* Cough*" The guard threw the cigarette at John and went back to her post coughing and gagging.
"Not for everyone." John shrugged as he picked the cigarette up off the nasty floor and blew the grime off before taking another drag with amusement.
Levi had long since been loaded into a Humvee and the convoy was moving swiftly, to escape the approaching darkness.
Jax stood on top of a building staring at the convoy disappearing into the jungles.
"Soon, the Tyrant will come to play." Jax, as it was certainly Jax, sang in a sing song voice.
*Drums(Jer-oomz)- Gems of various colors, all worth the same. Local currency.