Jibwa Warrior Chieftess

The convoy rumbled into what looked like an old military outpost, mostly cleared out of the vines and vegetation, but obvious damage still showed through the cosmetics of scrap and alien wood.

"You take us straight to Chieftess. This gift must be presented now." The third warrior, whose name Levi had finally learned was Dublin.

"So how come you all have somewhat human names?" Levi had been asking questions the entire ride.

"Shut up!" Dublin snapped, as he had been the entire ride.

"What's the Chieftess like?" Levi ignored him as he happily laid back relaxed, he had long since healed up.

"Shut up!"

"What's this place called?"

"Shut up!"

"Heh-Ahem! Where are we?" Levi stifled laughter.

"Shut up!"

"I'm bored.... know any games?"

"Yes, it's called shut up and be silent!"

"Pfft Hahahahaha! You can be sarcastic! Finally! Hehehehehe, I made you speak!" Levi burst out laughing as he celebrated his small victory.

"Why are you so happy? You are prisoner... did you hit your head hard when you flew into building?" Dublin looked at Levi with slight reproach.

"Nope... maybe." Levi shrugged. The Humvee finally stopped in front of a large building, something that Levi assumed might have been a commanders hut.

"Good. Now I can rid myself of annoyance. Get out of convoy! Meet Chieftess." Dublin ushered Levi out before stepping out himself. Dublin held his rifle against Levi's back and prodded him forward towards the building. More warriors showed up and held Levi at gunpoint.

"Love the hospitality. Makes me feel so comfortable." Levi smiled as he walked forward leisurely. One warrior attempted to slam the stock of his rifle against Levi's head, only to be stopped by Dublin.

"No, he strong. Weapon break." Dublin shook his head.

"Truth?" The warrior asked in surprise.

"Honest. I seen it happen! That's why he is Gift for Chieftess." Dublin Confirmed.

Levi had been using inspect on the Jibwas. He wasn't certain of victory against the Chieftess should he have to fight. None of them were below the 11th tier, which didn't bode well for him.

"State your business plebeians." The warrior standing guard spoke great English, surprising Levi.

"Gift for Chieftess. Very strong human male." Dublin grabbed a rifle from one of the other accompanying warriors and slammed it down over Levi's head, extremely hard, doing minor damage, but still the weapon shattered. The warrior standing guard widened his eyes in surprise.

"You and the boy may proceed inside. But your weapon stays with me. The rest of you go find something stupid to do...trash" The warrior allowed Dublin and Levi to pass but insulted the remaining warriors.

"No honor amongst thieves huh?" Levi laughed.

"Thieves?" The guarding warrior stopped the two.

"That obviously belonged to a Human right? Maybe you found it... but I doubt it!" Levi laughed.

"I earned this rifle three thousand years ago, in a fight to the death with one of you so called humans... but you wouldn't know that, since you're but a boy." The guarding warrior laughed in turn.

"Boy huh? Let's see.... thirty years on earth equals three thousand here.... four hundred earth years puts me... where? Forty thousand?" Levi grinned.

"Bullshit. Move on." The guarding warrior dismissed the two, obviously bored of the bout.

"Taunts don't work around here huh... dang, that's no fun." Levi sighed sadly. The two continued into the building and went straight to a pair of Tall dark oak doors. A faded plaque that read Commander Jack Axman was barely legible.

"Hmm." Levi stared at it curiously.

The doors opened to reveal a person sitting behind a mahogany table with their feet up leisurely. They were wearing fur and leather as well as the purple camo uniform of the demon faction. They even had on black leather boots. Their face was covered by a Catlah skull mask.

"Why did you bring me a human boy?" She, the person, asked from beneath the mask.

"Very strong. I have no rifle to demonstrate, but they break when used to hit." Dublin kneeled down, yanking Levi down with him.

"Demonstrate." The skull faced woman ordered her personal guard to hit Levi. The guard walked over while holding the barrel of his rifle like it was a bat. As soon as he reached Levi he swung back, building up the attack before slamming it across Levi's face with a lot of force, enough to crack Levi's Jaw and cause him to spit blood and teeth afterwards. But the rifle had shattered and bent into pieces.

The Chieftess stood abruptly and laughed.

"That's all? Just shattering the rifle? He didn't even collect any spiritual energy to strengthen himself.... hmm, very well! I do like this one. He's not too hard on the eyes... yes, I accept this Gift. You may Leave Dublin. Your status in the clan shall rise accordingly with his performance tonight." The skull faced women continued to laugh merrily.

"Sooo... I get no say here?" Levi had already stood up to walk around, but the guards and Dublin kept him in place.

"Oh, the slave speaks." Skull Face finally stopped laughing and now had an irritated tone.

"Pfft, slave... wait... slave? What slave? Me? Uh uh, no fuckin way! I know what slaves are used for, not this guy!" Levi turned towards the door. Dublin immediately stood in his way.

"You will move, or I will destroy you boy." Levi growled.

"Slaves do not demand! They follow orders!" A guard raised his weapon at Levi.

"If you wish to be fucked up, please, go right on ahead and shoot me bitch!" Levi taunted.

"Put him down. I'm bored of him now." Skull Face ordered. The guard pulled the trigger, a bang followed, but Levi's high Perception and agility allowed him to easily dodge at point black range. The bullet hit Dublin between the eyes, knocking him out instantly.

"Oh!" Levi heard Skull Face exclaim in renewed interest. Levi stepped close to the guard and palm stuck him through the wall.

"Oh, that is an effective strike! Now if I can learn that energy manipulation..." Levi muttered to himself as he straightened himself out. So far he'd been lucky to get those strikes in on that guard.

[]Caught him unawares. But you might not be so lucky with her, or the second guard.[]

Levi turned to face the second guard, who was holding a knife.

Levi began to gather soul energy for a lightning bolt, but tried to do it secretly.

"Hmm? I sense a gathering of energy?" Skull Face looked at Levi knowingly.

Levi continued to gather the energy as secretly as possible until red lightning crackled in his right hand, as the energy had become too dense to hide and ignited the magic skill it was being attuned to.

[]Sure, whatever Battle Junkie.[]

[]You would be too if your hard work was over written within seconds.[]

The lightning bolt had charged to its maximum capacity and was becoming extremely violent in Levi's hand. So he shot it towards Skull Face, only for the second guard to dive in front of it. The moment he was struck, Skull face flashed to Levi and slammed his head into the ground so hard the floor cratered, and Levi's skull cracked, his jaw shattered. But he still killed the second guard.

(Congratulations. The first ever Jibwa has been killed. No human has completed this feat. bonus EXP added to your overall EXP.)

(You've Leveled Up!)

(You've Leveled Up!)

(You've Leveled Up!)

(You've Leveled Up!)

(You've Leveled Up!)

(You've gained a Tier!)

"Killed... one of my men... that's...Impressive!" Skull face laughed.

[]This planet is full of crazy.[]

"Now.... sleep!" Skull Face chopped the back of Levi's neck, aiming straight for the nerve. Levi's vision went black and he passed out, and he did not enter either of his realms.

***Place of no Return***

Natalia was pacing back and forth after Jax arrived with the news of Levi, the other three watching her with confused expressions. Jax was intently staring at a broken pocket watch with genuine interest.

"Where did they go?" Natalia finally said.

"Who knows?.... No, I don't know!... Well, maybe they went to Frank's old nesting grounds..." Jax then had the demeanor of a chastised child.

"And you did nothing to stop him from going out?" Natalia started tapping her foot like a mother scolding her child.

"...Is that what happened?" Jax said in a interested tone, as if it were the first time hearing it for him.

"... I don't know! You came to us last night with this information!" Natalia was bursting with impatience.

"...Wow, this is such a fascinating tale, but shouldn't you be saving your lover?" Jax pettily changed the subject, as he was not interested in the heat being put on him.

Natalia's face turned beet red.

"H-h-he's no- not m-m-my... FUCK YOU!" Natalia stammered before shouting angrily and storming off.

".... I'm sure Levi will be fine. I think we should just stay here, and enjoy the booze!" Drake stated his opinion.

"I agree and disagree with that statement. Levi will be fine, but we should be getting stronger as to help him if he doesn't come back, not drink merrily." Kenji used logic as an argument.

"...Onii-san...." Shizimaki was laying on the bar counter crying. Even though she was in the room when Levi was launched, she was far too drunk to notice, just like everyone else was.

"If its strength you want, I know a great place for gaining a lot of strength relatively quickly." Jax offered, smiling slyly.

"Will it help Onii-sama?" Shizimaki exclaimed, whilst also changing the 'san' to 'sama'.

"..... I have no idea who that is, but absolutely! It will definitely help Ohneesama! Weird name. Anyway! Follow me~" Jax sang in tune as he motioned for the three to follow him.

"But we didn't agree..." Drake said as he and Kenji looked at each other with worried looks. Still, they did follow.

Natalia reluctantly rejoined the group right behind Kenji and Drake. Truth be told, she really was worried that Levi wasn't coming back.

***Jibwa Clan Base***

Levi was chained to a wall, while all the students had gathered around him, waiting for him to wake up. Their hopes were fulfilled when his eyes snapped open and he tried moving.

"What the-" Levi pulled on the chains around his wrists. He was chained with his arms out to the sides and his body slightly raised to prevent attempted escapes.

"Its no use man, we've all tried getting you free from those restraints." John was still smoking his cigarettes, and no knew how he was hiding them, a whole pile of butts were sitting in a corner.

"Ugh, my head!" Levi groaned.

"Yeah, they pumped us all full of some sort of drug that blocks our abilities.


Level: 25

Race: Rephaite

Tier: 9.3

HP: 100%

SE: 0/24,000

SpE: 2,000/19,000

EXP: 17,920/26,000

Title(s): Battle Junkie- Increase base stats 30%. Shadow Rephaite- All stats buffed 500%. Leviathan- Admiration from your peers gives you extra confidence!

Current -/+ Status Effects: -Vinra leaf poison- Saps Soul Energy. -Vinra Berry Juice- Permanent side effect-110% of all stats. +Permanent Side Effect- Can Now Gather Spiritual Energy!

Strength: 270

Dexterity: 385

Intelligence: 220

Charisma: 180 (Infinite when attempting to charm)

Defense: 270

Perception: 270

Stat points to add: 20

"Hah, I suppose I deserve that." Levi sighed sadly.

[]Tch..., bitch gave only you that berry juice![]

[]Do you even know how?[]

[]I don't care, I can't connect to Natalia, and its pissing me off![]

"Leviathan, sir! Uhm, m-m-my na-name is Sierra Five Lakes! I was wondering... what's your plan?" A girl wearing the blue camo uniform asked Levi shyly.

"Improvise and adapt. I don't know how long we will be here, or for what reason, but our best bet is to sit patiently and observe the situation." Levi answered logically. Levi pulled once more on the chains, a creaking was heard and then the sound of metal snapping, and his right arm was freed.

"But, also don't be meek and accept our fate. We raise holy hell, and make these savages afraid of humans once more!" Levi continued as he freed his left arm and fully dropped to the floor.

"As expected of The Leviathan! Nothing holds him back!" Another student exclaimed as they witnessed Levi's raw strength.

"Now, let's show our strength, shall we?" Levi smiled viciously.