Holy Hell

Two weeks had passed since The 13 Juliets had arrived on Gaias, and were imprisoned. Since then, other students from another group, 3 Tango, had been added to the group of kids. They followed a Tier ten kid by the name of Jason Naramon, a Hope Academy student. And he loved butting heads with Levi. Levi was weaker in ability, but stronger in spirit, though the fist fights always ended Levi up in a sorry state, not that Jason avoided his share of the ass kicking. Jason had spiky red hair, dragon yellow eyes, bronze tanned skin, and an extreme build. A clear winner was never determined, leaving their admiration from both parties intact, if not more so. Now was one of those head butting moments.

"I'd never let myself be chained! I bet you didn't even get an audience with the Chieftess." Jason scoffed.

"Pssh! Not only are you wrong, you're stupid! I even killed one of the bastards guarding her!" Levi retorted.

"Ha! Bullshit! As if your weakass could fight those monsters!" Jason taunted.

[]If he isn't what you are, I don't know who else could be![]

"You trying to fight again?" Levi slammed his fist against the wall, cracking it further.

"Huh? You think you stand a chance?" Jason too slammed his fist against the same wall, causing a few pieces of rock and brick to fall. This had been a tradition for the past week for the two.

"Bring it!" Levi taunted.

"I will!" Jason lunged forward and punched Levi in the face, knocking him into the wall, again further cracking it. As the two were exchanging blows for the seventh time that hour, John had been watching and smoking like a chimney, butts everywhere.

"Almost there..." He muttered, smoke exiting his mouth, even though he hadn't had a cigarette in about five minutes. He pulled another one from his numerous pockets, lit it with a match, which came with the cigarette, and started smoking again.

"WHAT'S WITH YOUR NOISES!" A guard came running to the cell. He looked inside to see the two titan students clashing against each other, causing damage to the walls.

"ENOUGH OF THE FIGHT! Bring more Vinra Leaf Potion! Them needs sedating!" He shouted to the other guarding warriors, who immediately began moving quickly to secure the needed poison.

Levi picked up a rock and tossed it at the unsuspecting guards head, nailing him in the temple and knocking him unconscious.

"Yes!" Levi celebrated.

"I was thinking of that too, you just beat me to it!" Jason scowled.

"Sure. Now quickly! Grab the keys! We only have five minutes before the guards come back with the Vinra Poison!" Levi instructed. John, who was closer, and had been refusing to eat or drink because the Vinra Poison was in the meals, stood up and blew smoke out, which he then manipulated the wisp of smoke to grab the keys, stick it in the lock, but failed to turn it.

"Hah, Without nutrition, that's the best I can do." John sighed.

"Good enough, turn the key!" Levi patted John's shoulder when he reached him and then commanded the closest students. They quickly hurried and turned the key and opened the door. One kid picked up the rifle the guard was holding and ushered the students out.

"Good job! Look for weapons, anything that you can use! There's gotta be an armory around here somewhere. Jason, me and you are gonna ambush the guards to buy us time, we are the strongest, and taking them out in ambush will be easy." Levi began giving orders.

"Normally I wouldn't listen to you, but, seeing as we are out, I shouldn't butt heads... Alright, let's go!" Jason and Levi ran towards the guards quarters, only knowing where it was due to John's brief controls over his Smoke Magic.

[]John has probably gained quite a few tiers because of his constant usage while in a starving and dehydrated state.[]

[]You'd be surprised how many assholes are heroes.[]

Levi and Jason reached the door in which the guards would come and go and waited around the corner just beyond.

"As soon as they turn the corner..." Jason drew his thumb across his neck for the universal, kill sign. Levi nodded and they took their positions. Soon they heard the door open and the thudding of running feet. A few seconds later two guards rounded the corner and that's when they pounced. The two titan strengthened students sucker punched the two guards at the exact same time, grabbed their heads and slammed them against each other in total synchronization.

[]You two would make a deadly team if you didn't hate each other so much.[]

The two guards slumped unconscious, and they dragged them into the cell they all had been sharing.

"That takes care of that. How long before the next shift?" Jason asked Levi.

"Thirty minutes. We don't have a lot of time, we have to make sure everyone is geared up. You know the plan." Levi responded.

"No, we've been improvising this whole time. I think you're the only one planning shit." Jason scoffed.

"Only after John told me of their habits three nights ago." Levi shrugged.

"So then what's the plan?" Jason prodded.

"Improvise." Levi patted his shoulder as he took off towards the door in and out of the prison.

"...Ah! I get it!" Jason pondered a second and then exclaimed. Jason took off after Levi and they both opened the door to the outside. It was nighttime, which provided them plenty of cover.

"Okay, so an armory is key to escaping, I need the stronger kids up here with me causing a distraction, I've got a shield that will provide impenetrable cover. Hurry and relay." Levi whispered. Jason nodded and took off towards the students. A few moments later, Jason came back with ten other students armed with the rifles from the guards quarters.

"These guys were the strongest, so they got the only rifles." Jason explained.

"I only need six of you, the other four will stick with the main group, and get them to the armory. Ready?" Levi looked at the whole of the two groups of students. It wasn't the full 2,000 it should have been, but roughly forty, most being 3 Tango. Murmurs and nods were received in reply.

"Good, let's move!" Levi shouted this time while barreling out, surprising a passing patrol, which Jason swiftly handled by spartan kicking one in the face and grabbing the rifle the poor patrol was carrying and blasting the other in the face with three shots. The weapons were distributed amongst the main group following suit.

"Armory?" Levi asked as shots started firing. Levi raised the Ice shield up to about shoulder high and everyone hunkered behind.

"When did you get your abilities back?" Jason looked at him with a hint of envy.

"The poison wears off every twenty four hours, and eventually, after the amount they give you, a tolerance is built. I'm not at full strength, but I can handle a small shield." Levi shrugged as he replied.


"... So?" Levi looked at him with confusion.

"... Fair enough." Jason nodded as picked up some rocks and started chucking them. Yelling could be heard from the Jibwa Warriors.

"We found the Armory!" John yelled out, cigarette in mouth.

"Fucking go then!" Levi shouted as he began moving the shield with the group, shooting ice bullets from the shield back at the warriors.

"WHAT IN THE FUCK IS GOING ON OUT HERE!... WHY ARE THEY ESCAPING!" Skull face barreled out of her headquarters and started screaming. She picked up a Jibwa and threw him with all her might, he hit the shield with a sickening splat and crunch, but no damage was caused to the shield.

"...Dude, this shield is OP. But, so is that bitch." Jason paled a bit after that happened.

"Mmm, I don't know. She will eventually figure it out. Hurry to the armory, I've got a frosty idea." Levi responded as they ran to the armory. Levi stopped a moment and rapid fired ice bullets in Skull Face's direction.

Skull face easily evaded the feeble attempt, only to find out it was a diversion.

"THEY'RE GOING FOR THE ARMORY!" She screamed. But it was already too late to stop them. As soon as the group entered the armory, Levi used his ice shield to cover the entire front of the building plus some before he ran out of Soul Energy.

"Alright, that'll hold until they figure out its weaknesses." Levi confirmed his handiwork

"Uhm, not to undermine your plans, but, what exactly are we doing in here? We're kinda trapped now." A student from the 3 Tango group stepped forward and asked.

"Tunneling. We tunnel from here, into the hangers where they keep the artillery. Grab what we need from in here, and boom, hit them from the opposite side!" Jason took over and said excitedly.

"Hah, look, that's a fine plan and all, but it's got a few flaws that need pointing out." Levi sighed and shook his head.

"Huh? You trying to fight again?" Jason growled angrily.

"...If you'd just shut up and fuckin listen instead of trying to fight everyone who disagrees with you, you'd understand... WE CANT FUCKIN TUNNEL YOU DOLT!" Levi snapped angrily.

"Oh, and I suppose you have a better idea?" Jason scoffed.

"Pfft, obviously! Strategy is always playing it's part in my plans! For instance, there's enough explosive power here, our escape is all but ensured. If I use my ice Domain, with my ice shield, I can reinforce the interior like a barrel, containing all the powder, protect us behind a protective barrier and open a hole in that wall." Levi began, that's when it clicked in Jason's head.

"It'll be like an old '16 barrel on a battleship!" Jason exclaimed.

"... Uh, exactly, I was gonna say cannon, but that sounds better. All we have to do, is empty powder into the barrel. I'll use one of my best magic skills for damage, and then, using the smoke from the weapon, and then John's ability, we can escape without being seen." Levi finished. Jason nodded and the plan was relayed to the rest of the group.

Levi began to focus on gaining back his energy, which as a Rephaite, was fairly easy, and he formed the barrel slowly. The ice shield protecting the students was continuously being pelted with bullets, and every now and then an explosion from a rocket.

"Why do they focus on the front?" A student asked dumbly.

"Because, dumb dumb, if they hit the sides and hit anything anywhere just right, they lose all their collected armaments, and become susceptible to invasions from the other clans.... I think, because Skull Face said something about clans?" Jason muttered the last bit.

It took a solid hour to get all the necessary steps and objects in place, so Levi made the area in front of the barrel a Shatter Shield instead of a hole, to continue with the surprise ambush pattern that seemed to work in their favor, and used the same skill to compress the contents together to make it more compact and allow it all to fly forward with devastating effects.

"Let's raise some Holy Hell!" Levi grinned as John lit a match and put it to the fuse hole. Immediately the ice cannon went off, and it was loud. The shockwave sent all the students to their asses and their ears were ringing. Some were even bleeding from their ears.

Still, the drive for survival kept them from passing out and they continued with their plan. Using the smoke and John's ability, the group snuck out the left most side of the armory opening. Levi's jaw dropped when he saw the damage beyond. His multi layered Shatter Shield idea, left the outside in shambles. Whole buildings were destroyed, the ground was torn up and apart in a continuously widening area the further away from the initial point it got.

(Calculating... Because death toll is too high to count clearly, the system has decided to award you with multiple skill level ups, a new skill to go with the recent most title, two tiers, and six level ups for the continuous use of Strategic Thinking.)

"Oh... my... God!" John's cigarette dropped from his mouth as all the students stared at the absolute carnage left behind. Skull Face was standing in the middle of it, looking around her in absolute shock. Her mask had shattered, her right arm was shredded all the way up to her shoulder. Her armor gone, and her uniform mostly torn. Blood was all over her, whether it was hers or her comrades, Levi couldn't tell. Had they not been enemies, Levi would have found her an exquisite beauty. Her long vibrant blue hair, piercing orange eyes, sharp elvish features, large rack, nice ass, and overall strong personality.

"I WILL FIND YOU! WHEREEVER YOU GO! I WILL FOLLOW YOU UNTIL THE END OF TIME!" Skull face screamed at the top of her lungs.

"GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!" Though his ears hurt and were ringing, he was still able to hear her. The group eventually left the base and her inhabitants behind and entered the surrounding forest. The base continued to smolder and smoke from the kicked up dust and debris. Though they didn't know at the time, the performances of each student was being observed via the spells cast on their uniforms. Though it couldn't measure power levels or energies, it could record events.

In total, the amount of Jibwa warriors killed by the make shift cannon, numbered in the double digits.