Three days had passed since the incident with the Jibwas, and now the group had come to the realization.... at least they were safer in the cell. The fairly large group had dwindled from roughly forty students, to seventeen students.
**three days ago**
Levi and Jason led the group into the forest, careful to avoid leaving a trail for any Jibwa Warrior to follow. Skull Face could be heard shrieking in the distance.
[]You'll live.[]
"What now? We don't even know where we are." John whispered to Jason and Levi.
"Just go until we reach a street, or a man made object." Jason shrugged. Levi sighed, but said nothing. Until a connection with Natalia was established, he wouldn't know which way to go.
The group continued walking forward, looking for a safe spot to recover from their two weeks of wasting away. They walked until everywhere Levi looked, all he could see was cars and houses hidden within the overgrown vegetation.
"Let's head into one of those old homes, shouldn't be out here after dark." Levi suggested, heading towards an old house that still had a clear opening.
"... Alright, that doesn't sound like too bad an idea." John nodded as he followed Levi. Soon the entire group was bustling and squeezing into the house. Moss, vines, and debris covered everything, but it was good enough for a night. Soon, everyone had settled, and a fire was lit. Soon a majority of the students had passed out, while the remainder stayed up and watched the shadows of the night. Jason, John and Levi were at the entrance, observing and keeping guard over the vulnerable students.
"So... Leviathan huh?" Jason looked at Levi and grinned wickedly. Levi almost puked blood, but instead he went red with embarrassment.
"Well, you see, the first day we arrived, this bastard challenged me. As you see from his watch, it says hes a second Tier, well I'm a fifth Tier. I'm trying to save these guys from brutal hell, which didn't do to well, and I'm thinking this guy is fucking stupid. But then, this crazy giant cat thing, comes outta no where! This guy just casually walks up to this beast, plays with it, then mortar punches the fucker!" John explained, in a round about way.
"...You mortar punched a giant cat?" Jason asked Levi, a bit surprised.
".... what's a mortar?" Levi asked genuinely.
"An explosive round." Jason answered.
"Ah, well then, I guess so." Levi shrugged.
"Alright, but you guys are gonna have to change that name. Leviathan is the Bounty Factions founder. He also commands three of the top seven ranked families. I feel like you guys calling him that, may incur bad lu.... It's a wonderful name actually! Now that I think about it, yeah! Leviathan, such a fitting name!" Jason nodded with an amused expression.
"... You just want me to have bad luck, don't you." Levi gave him a slightly agitated look.
"No, no! For you my friend, only the best of luck! Hehehe." Jason laughed at the end.
"... hah, I don't think I'll ever truly understand you." Levi sighed as he stretched. Jason was about to answer with the same, when they all heard something, disgusting. A squelching, sucking sound. That's when the sickly sweet metallic smell hit Levi's nose.
"Oh no!" Levi breathed sharply. In mere moments, ten of the sleeping students were enshrouded by a gold energy, and grey, slimy worm like creatures with no visible head and two claw like arms were expelled from the barriers.
"GUTZIES! MOVE!" Levi roared loudly, waking the students. Some saw the Gutzies and started screaming, a couple even punched a few away. Yet three more were struck with bad luck and got attacked, the Gutzies burrowed into them with sickening squelching and crunching sounds. The screams were haunting and the looks of horror and terror even more so. Guts and blood, chunks of flesh, soon the heart would be devoured, and the golden shield would envelope the students, expelling the creatures.
Thirteen dead in less than five minutes. A huge blow to Jason and Levi's pride.
"We need to move now! Let's go! If you can use your ability, start using it!" Jason started commanding, a green lightning bolt charging up in his hand, but also a wind accompanied it.
"THUNDER CHARGE!" Jasin belted out as he cast an explosive bolt of thunderous lightning at five of the Gutzies. Levi's face went dark.
"... Did.... Did he just announce his attack?" Levi inquired quietly, only for him to hear.
[]Remember that weeb shit Natalia was talking about? Yeah, that's a prime example for you. That's just pathetic.[]
Soon magic attacks, some soul weapon attacks, and a few physical attacks were launched against the creatures, soon the Gutzies were all dead. And the remaining twenty seven students, including John, Jason and Levi, were huffing and puffing, not from exhaustion, but fear and shock.
"My brother!" One girl began sobbing next to the body of a terror faced boy. His entrails and blood frozen in time as they were being torn out. The scene was gruesome to all present.
"We have to leave! We don't know how many more of those are lurking around. AND YOU! YOU KNEW THOSE THINGS BY NAME! Why didn't you warn us? If you had-"
"Those students would still be dead! Grow the fuck up Jason! This is an alien planet, none of us can predict shit! Listen up! The creatures and beasts on this planet are ambush oriented! Some of you are going to fucking die! Face that reality! Don't wanna die? Then get stronger!" Levi cut Jason off and addressed the rest. All looks of protest died instantly, now only sad, fearful, pathetic, and solemn looks remained.
"Now that we get it, let's fucking move!" Levi stepped out of the house, quickly followed by John. The others soon followed, Jason reluctantly trudged after.
After that, for the next couple of days, the students were ambushed by Frizzers, Junkets, and even another Catlah. The Catlah was easy to dispatch, but the giant bugs that electrocuted and the bat pterodactyl like beasts that tore things apart, were too hard to fight off without several casualties. The final ambushing creature, was unlike anything Levi could ever prepare himself for, and it honestly struck a phobia he didn't even know he had. Spiders. But these Spiders were twenty feet tall, weighed three tons, and spat digestive acid. Their legs were sharp and powerful, and could impale a student like a pencil through paper, and what made it worse, was their ability to camouflage as well as strike swiftly and precisely.
The monsters name was Vlad. That was the name John gave it after it was finally killed.
[]So it would seem, and these are the toughest monsters I've ever seen, to fight.[]
"This seems to be an unnamed species, so someone mark down what John said. These are now Vlads." Levi said as he struggled to catch his breath.
"The Impalers. Perfect really." Jason laughed humorlessly. Levi looked at the remaining sixteen students, excluding himself. They were haggard and exhausted, but the strive to survive was all to evident. Nobody had slept or ate in three whole days and nights. Continuous fighting and running had begun to have negative and positive effects on them. Negatively in mind, body, and soul, but positively on their abilities, as Levi had noticed significant leaps in tiers for most if not all the students. But the situation was grim no matter what the silver linings were.
**Meanwhile, Natalia and Company**
"Its been weeks since we last saw Levi. For all we know, he's dead!" Drake shouted. Natalia had proposed a search and rescue.
"Yeah! Dead!" Jax laughed.
"But he could be alive too!" Natalia shouted back.
"Yeah! Alive!" Jax switched sides, again.
"Onii-sama isn't so weak to die!" Shizimaki shouted.
"Can we please just vote! I vote no!" Drake interjected.
"I vote no!" Kenji crossed his arms.
"Go!" Natalia voted.
"No!" Jax laughed.
"Go!" Shizimaki exclaimed.
"We should wait longer, we all know Levi is a strong individual. There is nothing the Jibwas can do to him, that will kill him." Kenji argued.
In the two weeks plus that Levi was gone, the group of four had been meticulously getting stronger:
Drake- 2.7 When he arrived->6.6.
Kenji- 3.8->8.5
Shizimaki- 3.7->8.5
Natalia- 5.8->10.9
"We have gotten significantly stronger, we need to find Levi, he's been gone too long!" Natalia and Shizimaki continued arguing this.
"God, what are you two trying to do? Get in a harem together with him?" This comment always ended the arguments. Little did either party know, they were all less than two miles from each other.
**Skull Face and Company**
Skull Face, real name, Sirah Scavenger of the Scavenger Clan. Her and ten warriors had been tracking the group of humans that completely obliterated her clans home and killed thirty eight of her clansmen for three days.
The first bit of tracks were found the second day when they stumbled upon the dead students in the old house. Then soon the electrocuted and torn apart students. Then finally a still fresh Vlad, though they did not know what creature this was.
"First, they stumbled stupidly into a Gutzi nest, then they walk into Frizzer Junket territory, killed a Catlah, then this thing. It's still fresh, and from the looks of it, they've significantly slowed down, and lost a huge number of their group. Tracks say... less than twenty, more than fifteen. So sixteen to nineteen remain." Sirah stood up from the dead Vlad and stated to the other ten warriors.
"Soon, they will pay for their crimes, as these ones have!" One warrior exclaimed.
"Calm yourself Gillia! I know the loss of your eternity mate has been tough on you, but our Clan has laws that must be upheld. All except the masterminds can be killed. The boy with massive ice magic, the boy with spiky red hair, and the Chimney must be taken in alive." Sirah calmed the warrior. In order she named, Levi, Jason, and finally John.
"Now, from the freshness of this kill, and the tracks they've left behind, I'd say we are about twenty minutes behind them. Get ready to ambush them." Sirah smiled viciously.
"Just you wait boy! I will make you mine!" Sirah muttered to herself.