
Levi kept getting a chilling sensation from the rear, so he began to erase the groups tracks, and began leaving a false trail, having John take over the erasure of the tracks. Once Levi felt he had satisfactorily led a false trial far enough away, he headed back.

"What's got you so paranoid? Lack of sleep?" Jason taunted.

"I will never have a lack of sleep." Levi responded, letting the taunt pass as he had truthfully become very exhausted, and he was reaching a starving point. More so than anything he had ever felt. Every step drained him further beyond a normal person's breaking point.

[]You need to eat some nutritious meat.[]

"We need to find shelter, someway, somehow. We need it, or we wont make it." Jason finally stated.

"I've got this, *Yawn* I've just enough strength left." A student yawned as he raised a dirt, stone, vine, and tree mound from the earth and made a solid, and well hidden, shelter. Soon the other students pitched in with more vigor, as rest was all too appealing for them. And now that they knew what to watch out for, this shelter was very accommodating. A stone flooring to prevent the Gutzies, a steel interior to prevent Vlads. And concealment from Junkets.

"Alright, let's rest, I'll take the first patrol watch." Levi nodded and volunteered.

"Then I'll take first stationary watch." Jason too volunteered. Though the two would probably never see eye to eye, they both had a strong sense of duty.

[]I find it interesting that a Rephaite chooses to protect humans.[]

[]The hunger will catch you, the pain will become so unbearable, you'll devour the first living thing you see. A starving Rephaite, is worse than a starving demon.[]

[]… I am unsure of what you're talking about.[]

Levi travelled far away from the group, his hunger slowly eating away his rationality.

[]Oh, I see. Sharp instincts. You're travelling as far away as possible to avoid eating those humans! But, futilely so. You will go for the most nutritious food.[]

[]Wow! Loss of rationality, and Intelligence![]

Levi had collapsed about three kilometers from the shelter. His skin darkened to a grayish brown with red lines popping up where his veins were. His hair turned a bright red and his left eye went golden with red flecks. The right eye was now iridescent violet. His teeth had elongated and sharpened, looking like thin sharks teeth, his tongue had lengthened as well, being able to writhe about around five feet from his mouth like a sickly vine of flesh, saliva dripping from it.

Levi sniffed the air, all sentience had disappeared, now was just a husk filled with nothing but rage and hunger. Rachel could no longer reach him.

A scent hit Levi, a sweet smell. A smell that made Levi run at blazing speeds on all fours. He jumped into the treetops and against tree trunks. His movements silent and each lunge left a clawed hand and foot mark.

Eventually Levi reached a small group of around 11, following a trail he had left when he was still himself, he didn't know that now, all he saw was a meal. It was getting real dark, but Levi had superb night vision. He dropped silently behind the group, sneaking up behind the rear guard.

Just before his presence was noticed, Levi snatched the Jibwa Warrior and lunged into the trees. Not a sound was heard. Levi tore the throat out of the Jibwa with his teeth and devoured the man. Leaving no good meat behind.

The only thing left after two minutes was the head and most of a carcass. No bones were eaten, and the back was unappealing to Levi. So he dropped the carcass and continued his hunt. He repeated his steps three more times before the Jibwas took notice that something was wrong.

"Where's Gillia, Deran, Jumis, and Fiola?" Sirah stopped the group when she noticed the disappearance of their presence.

"They were right behind us... Wait... what is that over there?" One of the Jibwa warriors pointed to a dark disheveled shape behind them about thirty or so feet. Sirah held her hand up as a signal for the group to wait there and approached the shape. The closer she got, the sicker the feeling in her gut got.

Levi watched this and took his chance, not on Sirah, she was too alert, no, he took his chance on two of the huddled group, snatching both and jumping back to the treetops a swift a a breeze and just as silent. One Jibwa turned around quickly, weapon raised, when he saw that two more had vanished, the hair on his neck raised. He looked down, and saw a grotesque and bloody clawed foot print.

Sirah had finally reached the shape, only to puke right next to it. Gillia's horrified and crying face stared emptily at the sky. She had been eaten from the neck down. Her empty rib cage sticking out eerily, looking like a symbol of impending doom for all who see it.

Sirah stood up shakily and turned back to the group, only to see that three remained. Levi had been quick and busy. He ate fast, gulping down meat as easy as drinking water. He stared at the remaining four hungrily. He slowly began to think, how would he catch the next ones? They were on high alert now. He had just hunted seven of their group, but he couldn't keep snatching and jumping, eventually one of them would catch on.

That's when a savage and primal idea came to him. He had just caught number seven, and she was still alive. A sinister and evil smile spread across Levi's bloodied face and he lunged ahead of the group, grabbing a few vines and a heavy log. He stopped twenty yards from the small group and began setting his trap. He knocked the girl out and tied her to a tree. Then he set the log up above her, tying the vines to it. Then he set a trip wire, leading the trip wire to the two long sticks that he set up to hold the log.

Once he felt it was properly set, primally, he camouflaged the best he could. The trap blended with the surroundings well enough not to be noticed. Levi then plunged his hand deep into the girls side, careful not to kill her, but mortally wound her, then took the chunk of meat and ate it. The girl had begun to scream, and that was Levi's que to vanish. He hid above her, and watched with glee as his four targets came running.

As soon a Sirah heard the screaming, she took off, the other three following suit. When they reached the spot, they saw the poor girl strung up, pouring blood from a grievous wound on her side.

"Hang on Kaylit! We're coming!" One of the warriors rushed forward, the others followed, but the Sirah stopped, something seemed off, but she didn't stop soon enough. The Jibwa who ran forward suddenly stumbled, and a giant felled tree came hurtling towards the group. The suddenness had startled all of them, and the tree made contact with each of them. The Jibwa who triggered the trap, died upon impact, the other two instantly knocked unconscious, and Sirah was thrown into another tree, leaving her breathless and unable to move, but conscious. She watched the tree swing back and squish Kaylit like a bug. Just as the tree was swinging back towards Sirah, though at that point it wouldn't reach her, a creature leaped in front of it and caught it mid swing.

With the force of the swing, the weight, and the size, it should have tossed whatever creature it was, but it didn't budge, it just simply stopped.

Levi was smiling in sick glee, his trap worked! He would do this more often when he hunted. He threw the log to the side with extreme force, causing a very loud crash, and toppling more trees. This time, silence was no longer a necessity as he began eating the dead Jibwa. He was fast, moving from the first Jibwa to the second in a matter of minutes. He had just finished the last one and was headed for Sirah.

[]…vi! Levi! Goodness! Wake up![]

Levi stopped and held his head in pain. The red lines began to disappear, and so did Levi. He jumped into the trees and went as far as he could before collapsing and falling to the jungle floor. He began writhing in pain as he reverted back to himself.

**Natalia and Company**

Natalia was sitting at the bar, sipping on spirit tequila, when the loudest crash she had ever heard echoed in the empty streets. She ran outside, followed by Kenji and Jax. Dust could be seen three miles to the east with flying creatures escaping the area.

"Ooh, a Tyrant must be causing chaos." Jax said as he looked.

"A Tyrant?" Natalia looked at Jax with concern.

"Yes, but its unusual for them to be so close... Exciting!" Jax responded gleefully.

"That does not bode well." Kenji commented.

"We should check it out, just in case." Natalia said as she ran towards the commotion. The other two followed.

**Jason and Company**

The crash was very loud, and close, so Jason looked outside, only to see a dust cloud about fifty yards from his position.

"Levi must be over there fighting something. John, guard them, I'm gonna investigate!" Jason immediately began running in that direction after giving John his task.


Sirah watched the creature disappear into the jungle, the sight of it eating her companions had been permanently burned into her memory. Now that she thought about it, they had traveled too close to The Place of No Return, so these deaths were all her fault. That was her last thought as she passed out. The last thing she saw was a woman standing over her.


[]Hey! I got a connection with Natalia![]

[]Not my fault you refused to eat anything until you went primal.[]



×Where have you been!×

×Don't move! I'm on my way with a prisoner!×

A few moments later.

"Levi! Where are you?" Jason called out, stepping right on Levi's head.

"You did that on purpose. Didn't you?" Levi grumbled under his foot.

"Ah shit! My bad my friend! Its soo dark, I couldn't see you laying there all pitiful and bloody!" Jason smiled widely. He had an amazing sense of smell, and he simply followed the scent. After finding a tree embedded in the ground a ways back, he decided he should see if Levi had died. Unfortunately, in Jason's mind, he didn't.

As Jason was laughing and poking fun at Levi, Natalia and company arrived on scene.

"Who're you? And... is that the Chieftess? Damn, she looks fucked up! I mean, not as bad as you, but, damn!" Jason laughed.

"Are you... Nara? The singer slash lead guitarist for Hell's Haven?" Natalia immediately recognized Jason.

"Levi the conquered!" Jax laughed and pointed.

"Well, yeah. But, I'm here as a student, so I'm just Jason. Nara is my stage name." Jason's ego began to inflate.

"Oh. My. God! I'm such a huge fan! I love your music!" Natalia ignored Levi.

"Oh yay! Wow! What the fuck is a guitarist?" Levi mumbled from under Jason's foot. Still, he was ignored, except by Jax.

"Hahaha! Levi The Conquered!" Jax sang as he laughed.

"My favorite album of yours, is To Hell Abyss! Oh, but my favorite song is Souls Scream Too!" Natalia was beginning to fangirl.

[]What! What the fuck! This kid is so fucking weeb, the songs naturally acclaim weeb titles![]

Ignored, even by Rachel. At this point, Levi's Irritation boiled over into anger. He started cursing and yelling, but since his body had been pushed beyond its limits, he was rendered immobile. Eventually Kenji helped him up after Jason and Natalia had gotten to talking as they walked back towards the other students.

"Levi the Conquered!" Jax continued with his title.