The Truth About Jax

Levi snapped his eyes open, impending danger alerting all of his senses. Levi jumped up, spun and prepared himself for whatever threat he faced... Only to find Shizimaki sleeping soundly on the bed he was sleeping on.

<... Why did I sense danger?>

"Oh, I'm so glad you decided to wake up. I was just about to ki-*Ahem*, Gently wake you." Jason said from the other side of the room near the door.

"... Huh?" Levi stared at him for a moment before prior events finally flooded back.

"Oh... it's you. What's with the murderous intent you fuck!" Levi seethed, irritated by the suddenness.

"Huh? You got a problem already?" Jason scowled.

"Yeah, I do! The first fucking person I see when I wake up is your dumbass! Of course theres a fucking problem!" Levi shouted.

"Fuck you, you cunt! You think I want to see your fucking face this Goddamn early?" Jason retorted.

"...Then why the fuck are you in my room!" Levi roared back.

"... Fuck you! Wanna fight!" Jason snapped back.

"Anytime motherfucker!" Levi stated.

"Well let's go then Chicken Shit!" Jason lunged forward, only to be interrupted by Jax... Master Jax.

"No fighting between disciples!" Jax knifehand chopped Jason in the head, sending him to the ground hard.

"Hahaha- erk ack!" Master Jax did the same to Levi, only he got it in the throat.

"There. Now that we've settled that, training begins in exactly forty five minutes! I've brought the required uniforms for you two. As you'll see, Maki-chan is modeling it for you. Besides, they're clean, and yours are... torn apart." Master Jax pointed out.

Certainly, Shizimaki was wearing something different. A completely white flowing robe like outfit with matching pants and cloth like white shoes. Jax wore something similar, only it had gold and blue embroidered edges. After pointing that out, Master Jax swiftly left.

"What is that guy?" Jason asked as he groaned.

"I'm sorry, I haven't quite studied up on my Jaxology, check back in when I give a fuck." Levi snapped angrily, not because of Jason, but because of Jax's actions.

"Huh? You still want to fight? Well, alrighty then!" Jason once more tried, but Levi was swifter and palm struck him in the gut. Jason skid back a foot or two, then doubled over and began puking.

"Man! I love this move!" Levi exclaimed.

"So do I!" Levi heard just before an impact knocked him into a wall, breaking his right arm in several places.

"Thirty Minutes. If you aren't in the central yard in thirty minutes, I'll slightly kill you, but not enough for you to die." Master Jax said chiperly as he once again left.

"Post pone?" Jason offered.

"Post pone." Levi agreed.

**A few Moments Later**

"These feel weird." Jason muttered as the two headed towards the central yard in their new outfits.

"What? They don't fit your weeb criteria?" Levi poked humorously.

"W-w-w-What! Wh- Ho- Whe-! *Sigh* How did you know? Nobody should know!" Jason looked like he was about to cry from embarrassment.

"'Thunder Charge!'" Levi mimicked Jason.

"... I say that outloud?" Jason now looked really pale.

"Yeah... wait? Did you not know that?" Levi stopped and asked.

"Haha, nope. Guess it only comes out in the heat of battle. At least I don't say, 'Thunder Fist!', every time we fight." Jason laughed it off.

"Well, I guess that's fair. Still, you are a weeb, and appearantly a very big one." Levi continued.

"And you are a Battle Junkie, a very big one. You can't be insulted by something you know you are, or at least you shouldn't be insulted." Jason answered.

"...That's a fair point." Levi dropped the subject, just as the two arrived in the central yard. There were a few students wearing the same outfit. Present were, Kenji, Natalia, John, Shizimaki (Somehow), Sierra, A boy Levi had learned was named Evan Sernapsis, a girl Jason knew as Dililah Demerian, and finally Drake. Jax was standing at the side, waiting. Once Levi and Jason had joined, Jax clapped his hands together, silencing everything in the proximity, instantly.

[]What a commanding presence.[]

"Welcome, my disciples. You new youngsters must be curious as to why I've chosen you. It's simple, all of you have strong affinities for spiritual cultivation, or energy in your terms. I'm here to guide you through a style of Cultivation, known as the Path to Immortal." Jax immediately jumped into his lecture.

"Pssh. Only Demons and Angels can grant immortality." Jason scoffed.

"Wrong!" Jax flashed before Jason and palm struck him into the building they had just exited. Jason impacted with an audible crash, plumes of dust and debris erupting from his impact. Levi grimaced, he knew all too well how that felt.

"Does anyone have proper questions?" Jax smiled mischievously. Natalia raised her hand unhesitatingly.

"Yes, my star pupil." Jax called on her.

"How does a human gain Immortality without the Blessing of an Angel or Curse of a Demon?" Natalia asked.

"Cultivation. Excellent question. Now, for the explanation! Cultivation is the art of gathering Qi from the surrounding area into yourself. Qi can also be translated as Spiritual Energy. Now for the application. I want all of you to sit down, and sense the Qi around you." Jax swiftly motioned them into cultivating.

[]That was rather quick.[]

"Nope. No demonstrations. Just applications." Jax somehow heard Levi's thoughts.

[]I hope he can't see or hear me. That'd be too terrifying.[]

"I can, and I do. Now hush! No thoughts. Close your eyes, and use your senses." Master Jax instructed. Levi could feel the mental equivalent of Rachel shiver in terror at Jaxs abilities.

[]...How can a mere human sense me... An Arch Angel! Too terrifying![]

"... Are we all clearing our minds?" Master Jax stated, obviously aiming it at Levi.

Levi silenced his thoughts and completely blocked out Rachel. He closed his eyes, and attempted to sense this 'Qi'. As he was, his mind, soul, spirit, whatever, was sucked into a void. Along with every student present in the courtyard.


Jax stood up from his seat and smiled.

"Good! Now they're in the void! Nothing faster for cultivating than a Alternate Reality Void!" Jax laughed maniacally. The truth was, Jax had accidentally ripped a spiritual hole a few hundred years ago. Time in the hole was even more slowed than the reality. A whopping 50 to 1 Gaias time. 150 to 1 Earth time.

As Jax stood there, admiring his new students, something stirred inside him that made him pale drastically in fear.

"What are you doing awake?" Jax suddenly shouted. A moment of silence passed.

"Prisoner? Ah, yes... of..  of course!..... No! I can bring you myself! Please! AHHH!" Jax collapsed in pain and began to writhe about. Thrashing as his appearance changed. His hair darkened and his skin paled. His eyes became a luminescent green. He even grew taller and gained muscle mass. Soon, his pained face straightened into seriousness, and he stood back up.

"Hmm. How long have I slept? A thousand? No. Three. It's been three thousand years.... How sad. All of my clansmen... *Sigh*. I guess it's time to stretch this old body of mine, and go meet an old friend." Jax began moving all of his muscles, getting himself attuned. Then he smiled as he walked towards a certain building housing a certain Jibwa.

**The Void**

Levi was on edge. Dark places made him agitated and paranoid. He knew the others were around him, but he couldn't see them.

"I don't like this. I really don't like this!" Levi shouted.

"You think we do?" Jason shouted back.

"Don't worry! I've been here before! I just couldn't remember until now! There will be light soon, and you'll find yourselves in a proper environment suited to yourselves! Good Luck Jason!" Natalia called out. Not long after she said that, the presences of all the students except Jason, vanished. A light filled Levi's vision, causing him to guard his eyes.

When he adjusted, he looked around. He was in an medieval arena styled building, with cloaked figures sitting silently in the stands.

"Ah. This is the perfect environment!" Jason laughed.

"You're absolutely right about that. This will be perfect!" Levi grinned. The two took their stances, and rushed at each other.

"Thunder Clap!" Jason roared as he attempted to blind Levi, only to find out he couldnt use his ability.

"Uh..." Jason stopped and stared, just as Levi slid and body slammed Jason backwards.



Levi smiled again. In hand to hand combat, Levi was certain of his victory.

"It seems I have the upper hand!" Levi said smugly.

"... In hand to hand perhaps. But... If I'm correct, and I am... you can use the weapons provided. See." Jason stood and dusted himself off as he spoke, and then pointed to a rack on the side of the arena. It was full of weapons from Levi's era.

"If I were to use a sword... You'd have no chance!" Jason laughed as he grabbed a sword and tried to pull it out. Jason's smile turned to a frown as he began yanking on the hilt. It wouldn't budge. Levi laughed and went to grab a pair of daggers, only for him to also struggle.

"Ye can't use those. Thy must train thee in Qi first." Levi stopped and stared in the direction of the voice. Standing at a barred entrance was a very familiar figure.

"Wait... aren't you...? Eric!" Levi immediately remembered the sellsword. Eric began to laugh.

"Of course... not! I'm a Memory Shaping Voids Traveler! I just chose the best form between the two of you!" Not Eric explained, his speech pattern shifting to modern in an instant.

"Okay?" Jason backed away slowly.

"From here on... I'm your personal Trainer. Until you are forced out of this void Space, both of you are under my care. Nice to meet you... and I hope you can survive." Eric's look became serious, and a chill overtook both of the boys.


Jax approached the cell Sirah was chained up in.

"Who's there this time?... Oh, haha, it's you." Sirah laughed.

"Indeed, Sirah the Wretched of the Scavenger Clan. The Scavenger Pillar. I must admit, I'm so glad to meet you again." Jax nodded as he stood outside her cell. A malicious grin formed on Sirah's face.

"Ah. So you finally remember me." Sirah giggled.

"How could I forget the Pillar responsible for the annihilation of my Clan." Jax said coolly.

"No, you're thinking of the Savage Pillar. I was responsible for the cleanup and lure. I pulled you into a belief of peace, and then cleaned up the aftermath of the war. Taking all the valuables." Sirah laughed some more.

"It was clever. Very clever. You even made use of the prison in a very unique fashion." Jax complimented her.

"Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed that." Sirah scoffed sarcastically.

"Keeping me locked up in the darkest depths, devoid of light. Sending in one after another of my own brethren. Making them seem like they were one of you, or your bastardly creatures so I'd kill them myself. Torturing me with maniacal mental games. It was hell. A vicious hell!" Jax shouted angrily, losing his cool for a second before recollecting himself.

"I know. All the while, you slowly went insane. Then we left. After you had killed all of our toys, hah, the entertainment was dull and tiresome. Who knew, you'd simply escape later. I went back, about a thousand years ago, just to find the place a pile of rubble." Sirah moved her chained hands limply and stared off at the far wall with a reminiscent look.

"Its not a pile of rubble, but a monument to my fallen comrades." Jax growled.

"Oh! Really? I'll tear it down later then. Can't have something like that now can we?" Sirah exclaimed in a feigned caring manner.

"You'll never get that chance Sirah." Jax stated intimidatingly.

"What are you going to do? When I first saw you, I thought you'd gone back to your planet, and brought other humans back, but you didn't even recognize me. It was sad at first, I just thought you were ignoring me, feigning a forgetfulness. But, after observing you, I realized, you had entirely gone insane!" Sirah laughed maniacally.

"If only it had been insanity alone, I might not have suffered as much. No! Instead, six different souls besides my own, house themselves in my body! Souls of my friends, family, loved ones! AND NONE OF THEM REALIZE WHO THEY REALLY ARE! THEIR SOULS COMPLETELY BROKEN AND DEVOID OF LIGHT AND LOVE!" Jax screamed in pure hatred.

"Oh shut it! This conversation is old, thousands of years old! You can seethe at me all you want! But, I know what you're up to. Your subconscious thoughts must have passed onto your subsidiary Souls, and now that thought, can be put into motion... You're creating a revenge party... Aren't you... Ex-Commander Jack Axman?" Sirah smiled sadistically as she spoke.