4. Progress and Rokushiki

( One year later )

It's been one year since I arrived in one piece world. Things have been progressing mostly according to plan. All my stats and skills have progressed nicely except I hit a snag in learning Rokushiki. I had saved up 50 million beli in the first 2 and a half months and bought the technique. But each of the rokushiki focus on certain aspects of physical body, Soru for speed, Rankyaku for kicking strength, Shigan for arm strength, Geppo for jumping ability, Kami-e for flexibility and tekkai for endurance a durability. So the minimum requirement for learning it is each physical attribute at 300. Due to it I had to wait till now to learn it. Other than that my progress had been exceptional.



[strength: 343]

[vitality: 321]

[stamina: 349]

[agility: 380]

[intelligence: 154]

[will: 180]

[money: 305 million Beli]


[plant - plant fruit control lvl 89]

[boxing lvl 94]

[architecture lvl 48]

[gardening lvl 54]

[wood working lvl 45]

[blacksmithing lvl 43]

[Cooking lvl 49]


Because of the inceased talent for martial arts, weapons and devil fruit ability even though it's only been one year of training for me I got the result of 20 years of training. My devil fruit control increased to lvl 89. I can create a tree of upto 250 meters high in an instant and a forest of 250 meter radius in 1 seconds. I also increased the upperlimit of my wood creations to maximum dimension of 250 meter and decreased the time to within 2 seconds. I have increased the range of wood spikes and vines to 250 meters and their speed is just under the speed of sound. Upper limit of my wood golems increased to 50 meters and they can also follow slightly complex instructions. I also improved the size and speed of growth of of my wood walls, wood dome, and wood armour. The maximum toughness of my wood creations is at the level if iron now. I even brough a plank of treasure tree adam to compare and they have roughly the same toughness. Now my creations are also fire resistant, setting it on fire is on the same difficulty of setting concrete on fire. I am relived to remove a glaring weakness from my devil fruit.

I created some new moves, like a carnivorous plant that jump from under ground and tries to eat my opponents. The speed of my plants are near mach 1 so it will be hard pressed to escape from them. There is also flesh eating fungus that I can deliver through direct contact or through spikes or vines. It can eat through a human body under 10 seconds. There are also exploding seeds that can cause a decent explosion, I can lauch them from my body at just under mach 1 and they can explode on contact or can stick to a surface and can be willed to explode later. I can also produce and spread microscopic spores from my body that can cause halucination or knock out opponents. The spores are odour less and tasteless so by the time someone notices something wrong it will be too late. These are the main ones I also developed various other abilities of my devil fruit. I have got accelerated healing ability and if I was ever seriouly injured I can create a healing pod around my body filled with a special sap that can fully heal me in half an hour.

Due to having a 100 unwilling training partners my boxing skill had the most growth as it rose to lvl 94. At first the apes were angry I kept beating them up, then they became resigned and now it developed into a tentative rivalry. I always leave them with fruits with healing properties so they have no complaints. The apes are around lvl 40 - 50 in boxing and they give a good challenge. Not only can I use more moves than before but can also strike with multiple times my maximum body strength. The more time I warm up for it the better, I think this is the basis of King's punch.

I also didn't forget to practice my devil fruit techniques in battle against the apes. I have gotten to the level of using them on instinct. The lethal techniques like carnivorous plants, flesh eating fungus and exploding seeds were tested on other animals as I don't want to decrease my sparring partners.

As I didn't have 20× growth in other skill so their growth had been slow compared to my main 2 skills. Still they improved more than what an average persons would have, seems I have a little talent for them.

I have also made some improvements to my base but the basic layout had remained the same. I increased the toughness of all the wooden structure without much increase in weight. The walls are now covered with vines that will capture intruders and throw them into the trench filled with sharp iron hard spikes. Some animals that tried their luck ended up skewered there, I even tested out the flesh eating fungus on them first. The house has undergone modifications too. Though it is still only one floor it looks luxurious compared to the wooden cabin it was before. I have decorated it with wood sculptures and other artworks of wood and some metalworks I made in my free time. Though it was novel to sleep on a grass mattress at first after a few weeks it became uncomfortable, so I gave up and bought an extremely soft mattress for 10,000 beli from the shop. I have even perfected the water filtration and delivery system with my increase in devil fruit abilities.

Just for the fun of it I growed a treehouse in a corner of my fort. The entirity of it is about 50 meter tall. The house is entirely grown out of the tree seamlessly with doors, windows and even a balcony. If you placed it in the middle of a forest surronded by other trees you would't even notice it without looking up. Everyday I vanish the treehouse and make an improved one as a part of my training. The current one has even indoor plumbing and wooden stairs inside the trunk that leads down to a camoflaged entrance at the base of the tree.

I generally took a one day break after every six days of training. On that day I do anything that interests me like reading newspapers, marine reports, Vegapunks's research papers etc. I was surprised the last one was available in the shop. With it I even figured out how to feed a devil fruit to a weapon. I even bought some dials and played with them. Now I am experimenting in how much force a reject dial can store, a 10 meter golem had been repeatedly punching one for 2 months.

Finished with reminescing the past one year I started on my rokushiki training. I had already memorized the training manual.

Since I have all the required attributes the training goes mostly smoothly. After a few hours of practice I can use soru, geppo, rankyaku, shigan and kami-e. I am having a hard time with tekkai because I'm not a fan of getting hit intentionally. For tekkai I have to tense my muscles to harden them while a golem pummeled me. But after a few more hours of perseverance I got the hang of it too.

From tomorrow onwards I have added three hours of rokushiki training to the daily scedule. It's going to cut into my other trainings but I don't thing those skills are going to suffer much.

As I take a break from training my thought go to what am I going to do in this world. Honestly I have no clue but am sure of one thing, I'm not going to follow the strawhatts around and babysit them. If I meet them on an adventure I may help them, thats it. As fun as Luffy was to read he lacks a danger sense and if it wasn't for the plot armour he would have have gotten himself and his crew killed multiple times. And Nami and Ussop are annoying. The only ones I would have been okay with are Zoro and Robin.

So yeah I have no clue what I'm going to do. It all depends on where I ended up, whether I'm near Paradise or New World or one of the blues.