5. Progress and Haki training

( One and a half years later )

It's been 2 and a half years since I came to this world. I had started Rokushiki training one and a half years ago. 'Let's see my progress, stats'



[strength: 1239]

[vitality: 1223]

[stamina: 1245]

[agility: 1333]

[intelligence: 544]

[will: 589]

[money: 605 million beli]


[plant - plant fruit control lvl 126]

[boxing lvl 141]

[architecture lvl 60]

[gardening lvl 65]

[wood working lvl 58]

[blacksmithing lvl 56]

[cooking lvl 64]

[technological expertise lvl 46]

[Techniques] ( Rokushiki & Haki wii be shown here)


☆ soru lvl 102

☆ geppo lvl 105

☆ rankyaku lvl 100

☆ shigan lvl 103

☆ kami-e lvl 108

☆ tekkai lvl 102


☆ conqueror's haki lvl 1


First of all It's getting harder to level my devil fruit control the higher it gets. I could only level it up only 7 times in the last 6 months. According to my speculation I can slowly level it up to lvl 149 in 3 to 4 years, then I will need a couple more years for awakening the devil fruit.

I can now create a 400 meter tall tree in an instant and a 400 meter radius forest in a second. My wood creations also improved, now their maximum dimension is 400 meter and the time to create them has decreased to 1 second. Now my control of my powers have incresed to the level that I can replicate some of Hashirama's large scale wood jutsus. I have replicated jutsus like [Deep forest emergence] [Advent of world trees] [Angry thousand hands] etc and I can do them proficiently. I even recreated an inferior version of the [Wood clone]. It didn't have much fighting ability but can be used as a decoy or for reconaissance because of the memory feedback when dispelling the clone. As the clone didn't have any of my combat skills so I could't use it as a training hax. But I can have them read about different topics to increase my intelligence stat and world knowledge.I can also have them increase my non combat skills as the clones have access to them.The maximum I can simultaneously have and displel is 10 clones, any more than that my brain's regeneration can't keep up.

My moves like wood spike,vines and carnivorous plant had increased their range to 400 meters and their speed increased to mach 2. I can also shoot wood spikes or bullets from my hand or fingers respectively at mach 2. Speed of my exploding seed also increased to mach 2. My wood golem size increased to 100 meters. Flesh eating fungus now only needs 5 seconds to consume a full animal.I also improved my other moves proportionally. The maximum toughness of my wood increased to the level of steel. My wood armour now looks like a layer of bark around my body. It may look flimsy but since it has the toughness of steel on the outside and is soft on the inside it provides good protection and its only going to get better when I learn armament haki.

Now onto my sparring partners, I am amazed at the learning capability of humandrills. When I first used Rokushiki techniques they couldn't keep up with my increased abilities. It was a one-sided beatdown. I was a bit disappointed they didn't pick it up in a day like boxing, I thought Rokushiki was outside their imitating abilities. But after a week they picked up soru and geppo and after two more weeks they picked up on the rest. After one and half years of combat practice their rokushiki levels are around 50 to 60 and boxing skill levels are around 70 to 80.

With the increase in combat capabilities of my sparring partners our battles became more challenging. It was during one of this tough fights that I awoke my conquerer's haki. I was in a tough position about to be overwhelmed, I was about to used my devil fruit powers but suddenly an intangiable wave exploded out from me and knocked out the apes.

As a side-effect of that the apes now consider me their leader. They still fight with their full ability but there is reverence in their behavior. After years of fighting them I can read their body language and athough they cannot speak the language they can understand me. I made the previous leader my second in command and let him lead as before as I didn't want to meddle with their lives.

Another change I made is that I dismantled my fort near the beach. The reason for that is two, first I don't need it as the aninals on the island know not to mess with me and second a fort and and house near the beach is eye catching. I am lucky nobody has sailed near the island in the time I have been here. The fort was easily visible for anybody who sailed close to the island. And I am not ready to meet anyone now.

As for my new home I cleared some space from the middle of the forest and made a tree house. The tallest trees in the forest were around 200 meters. So I made my tree house the same height and trunk is 15 meters thick. The house is grown from the trunk and branches from a height of about 100 meters and upward 50 meters. It has every luxuries including indoor plumbing, a huge bedroom with king size bed, a huge library with the thousands of books he has read, a training room with multi-ton weights and facilities for training rokushiki skills and haki, a storeroom for all the fruits and rice the golems harvest and many balconies for me to relax on. From the base of the tree there is an elevator to the house that works on my devil fruit powers. It is mainly for the golems as I can easily get into the house by geppo. The entire treehouse is made of my toughest wood even the roots so I am not worried about the structural integrity. I moved all my fruit trees near the tree house and the rice paddies and vegetable plants are moved to specialised gardens in the tree house.

My Rokushiki techniques have reached a level where I'm an expert in using them. I cam cover a large distance with soru and can change direction without stopping. My geppo don't make a loud noise now and it speed increased. I can launch a rankyaku 10 meters in width, that's enough to cut some small ships. I can use tobu shigan (flying finger gun) now but in only produces blunt damage, to get the penetrative effect I have to level it up. I can now use tekkai while moving but my mobility decreases. I can now contort to any degree using kami-e.

Now I am in my training room in the facility to train haki according to the training manual. I have long ago reached the qualifications for learning haki when my will reached 400. I held it off to focus on Rokushiki first.

The manuals for all three haki came to a total of about 200 million

First facility is for training observation haki. In it balls will be thrown at me from random directions at varying speeds. I have to sense them and dodge while blind folded. This is only to get a feel for observation haki, there are many other excercise to train the precision, range, emotion sensing etc.

After four hours of being hit with balls I was only able to sense the balls five times. I can guess training this is going to be very painful

Unlike observation haki, training for armament haki was not painful. Because I had the best training manual for it I don't have to go through the trail and error method of getting hit and hoping it works used in many fanfics. I have step by step instructions on how to use my will to form a protective coating on my body parts and it's advanced usages like imbuing haki on weapons, projecting it outside the body etc. By the end of the day I can coat one finger with colourless haki.

Since conquerer's haki is very rare there are no definite methods of training it. So the system collected the best methods and complied then into the training manual. In the conqueror's haki training manual there are instructions on how to properly project the haki, how to increase range, how to limit the effect (just knocking out opponents or braindead), how to target specific people etc. My haki now is only an omnidirectional wave so I got lots of training to do. 'I will do that tomorrow with some animals as guinea pigs'.

Due to their high levels, boxing and rokushiki can now only be levelled up by combat. So I reduced the training time for them to bare minimum. In their spot I decided to to add sword and gun training to the daily schedule. I bought training manuals for both sword and guns for 75 million and 25 million each. Why sword and gun you may ask, they are the most widely used weapons in this world and I need to know how to deal with them. Besides splitting a ship with a sword is more visually appealing than using rankyaku to do the same. As for guns, coupled with my blacksmith skills and Vegapunk's research notes I think I can create a proper gun in this world. If I can recreate the laser of pacifista and make it into a gun it could be pretty neat. One can only dream.