9. Setting Sail

( One week later )

My ship is now complete. Although I built it piece by piece, when it was finished I fused the wood of the hull together, except for the moving parts such as doors, gunports and the mechanisms for extending and retracting propellers and thrusters etc. It took me and 10 clones 2 months to built because of the increased technological components. I am now taking my first tour after the clones did the finishing touches.

I look around the main deck, the all black theme is quite well done, if I say so myself. With my powers it was quite easy to create black coloured wood.

From the main deck there are twin stairs up to both forecastle deck and quarter deck and twin stairs down to gun deck. The door to Captain's quarters also opens to here. I first explore my quarters. It is split into two, first being a meeting room with a large table with 3D holographic projection technology embeded into it, and tall black chairs around it, with my chair at the head of the table being the most luxurious, almost like a throne. The second is my personal room with a king size bed, an elegant wood table and chair, private dining area, wardrobe, cabinates, a private bathroom and other luxuries. It also opens up to a balcony with shades from sun. The room also has a control station for the normal cannons and laser cannons and I managed to create modern targeting systems and 3D holograms for this.

After inspecting my cabin I walk up the stair to the quarter deck where the wheel is located. From here are present twin stairs that lead to the poop deck above navigators room and doors to the navigators room. I have filled the room with different navigational tools and one shelf is solely for eternal poses for different islands in the grand line. There is also both versions of log poses used in paradise and new world respectively. This room also have video feed from different telescopic cameras placed around the ship showing the ship's surroundings. After making sure that everthing works, I continued my tour.

Below the main deck is the gun deck. In it contains the 32, 12 pound cannons and their targeting and firing consoles. On the rear end of the gun deck are the crew dining hall and Infirmary. This deck also has the first mate's quarters, occupied by the humandril leader.

The next deck is for crew quarters and training room. I made 20, 2 bed quarters with room for possible future crew members. The training room contains no weights because I replicated my gravity belt for my crew, but it contains facilities for training Rokushiki and Haki and places for sparring. The training room is also lined with seastone so any damage during sparring will not affect the rest of the ship.

This deck also contains different gender bathrooms and other facilities because the crew is composed of both male and female apes. You might be wondering when the humandrils got used to living like humans. It happened when I first built my tree house, they got curious and requested their own too. Since it was good for practice I obliged them. Then I taught them how to read and I left them many books on subjects like cooking, blacksmithing, tailoring etc. I snowballed from there and they quickly adapted to a human lifestyle.

The last deck is where the the ships cargo hold and stores are, and also where the spare parts and ammunition are kept. Also the brig is there too.

The bottom of the ship is coated with a layer of seastone to cross the calm belt without being disturbed by sea kings.

The ships main sail is printed with a white tree with red, orange and yellow leaves. I also have a green flag with the same tree design, as I have decided to have that as my symbol. If some how I get labelled a pirate I will use it as my jolly roger too (skull and crossbones are so tasteless).

Done inspecting the rest of the ship I come to to most important room on the ship, It is located below the forecastle deck. Only I can enter the room and that too through a biometrics scan. To prevent any tresspassers the walls and doors are lined with seastone as it is considered almost indestructible, even the locking mechanism and door hinges are made of seastone. I quickly get inside and look around, there I see six 7 meter long missiles and 2 silos for lauch (that has retractable openings on the either side of the bow of the ship) and the automated loading mechanism for the missiles.

These missiles are ultra long range missiles that can hit any target on this world. It uses a medium CFR as it's power source and extremely advanced ion engines for propulsion. It can reach a maximum speed of mach 300. At this speed nobody should be able to intercept it if they don't know it's target, not even Kizaru (if he could really move at any fraction of light speed he would be invincible as nobody can react to him even with observation haki, I think he can only augment his speed with his devil fruit). The body of the missiles are made of seastone as it makes it nearly indestructible and prevents interception by strange devil fruit powers. The missiles are guided to target by inbuilt computers in the missile that follow an eternal pose for its targetting. The eternal pose for the target can be easily inserted into the missiles into empty slots designed for it by automated mechanisms. With it's power source it can stay in the air for years and with it's advanced computers it can evade any interception. If by any chance it is intercepted the are programmed to self destruct, leaving no trace of their mechanisms. They can only be targeted and launched from this room by my biometric authentication.

The most terrifying part of this missile is it's payload, which is a 50 megaton thermo-nuclear device. It was not that hard to create as I have already cracked Cold Fusion. I am only going to use it as a deterent in case some powers decided to gang up on me. The red material that grand line is made of won't be considered indestructible when I use it to demonstrate my trump card's power. If I were to launch it at Mary Geoise the only way it can be stopped will be if 'Im' (the behind the scenes ruler of world government) is a God. If that turns out to be true then everyone is f***ed.

After I inspected the ship one last time and a a lap around the island is done as a test run, I'm ready to set sail. These last months my crew also trained to operate the ship, it was easy for them to learn from books and some practice with a small boat I made. With their learning capabilities they will be expert sailors in no time. Now I just need to decide a direction and they will sail the boat with no problem. They even know how to cook and cook well at that.

I give one final check on the ships stores and ammunitions. After finding them sufficient I sit at my throne like chair under the main mast and order my fist mate to set sail. I already have a loge pose pointing to the next island in the navigators room (An: I don't know If a log pose works in the calm belt or not, so for my story it works in there).

I really need to name my crew members as it will be inconvinient to be mixing them up all the time. And while I'm on the subject of names I should decide on my own name. I want to give myself an awe inspiring name but since my naming sense is bad, what might sound good to me will sound retarded to others. So I will go with the name of the character who my appearance is based on. So from here onwards I am Aizen Sousuke.

(One week later)

It's been a boring one week of sailing. Nothing noteworthy happened during this period except a sea king attack. So we got to test our cannons, only one volley of shots were needed to finish it off. But one good thing is we got to stock up on sea king meat. Since the ships stores are refrigerated, the meat can be kept for a long time. Though with how much we eat it won't last long.

The only other thing that happened was I picked names for my subordinates. When I say picked I mean literally. I randomly wrote generic names on pieces of paper, folded and put them in two seperate bowls for males and females. They would now be called by the names they picked. My first mate got the name Tim, some of the other names were Tom, Jerry, Smith, Seline, Rebecca etc. My crew didn't complain so I don't think they mind.

My ship's maximum speed is over 60 knots (111 km/hour), compared to that the maximum speed of a marine warship is 20 knots (about 37 km/hour), . Now my ship is cruising at a comfortable 40 knots (74 km/h), so in this one week we sailed a respectable distance. With the minor weather changes I can pick up I can say we are one day away from grandline.