10. Fighting Kuja Pirates

(One day later)

From the minute changes of the clouds I can tell that we are half a day from exiting the calm belt. I can also determine that we are near paradise as the log pose isn't making any erratic movements. After making sure that my crew can handle the ship in my absence I retired to my cabin to rest.

I sit at the luxurious table in my room and took out a high end laptop I made powered by a small CFR, from my storage ring. Not only does it not need to recharge, it has a RAM in the terrabytes and memory storage in the petabytes. It even has a 3D holographic projector inbuilt. I open a highly encrypted file containing all my one piece knowledge. It is not a lot since I have only seen the anime till Dressrosa arc and that too years before. So I only have a general outline of events happening in this world. I check over the Paradise portion of my notes to see if there is anything intresting for me to do in here, or should I head to Sabaody Archepelago and directly enter New World.

The only intresting things I remember are Florean triangle, Sky islands and Ancient weapon blueprints in Water 7 in the possesion of Cutty Flam otherwise known as Cyborg Franky.

Florean triangle is a stetch of sea between water 7 and fishman island covered in fog. In here many pirate and commercial ships went missing every year. While some of these disappearances are due to Moria's scheme, ships in the area vanished even before thriller bark arrived here 6 years ago. This mistery is attributed to an unknown ominous entity that is larger than Thriller Bark. In the show it is shown through the fog that it completely dwarf Thriller Bark, the world's largest pirate ship. In sheer size it may have been the largest creature shown in the series. I really want to investigate this creature, and if it turns out to be difficult to handle I can always fly away with my ship and nuke it.

My interest in sky island is because of it's location. Due to being located kilometers above sea level it is without any world government presence. So it is the ideal place to set up a secondary base and a place to claim as my territory. I can get rid of Enel and appoint myself as ruler and if I appoint Gan Fall as my governer I don't think they would complain. To bring the shandorans under my rule I can give them access to Upper yard and maybe I can find their golden bell, I have a vague idea where it is from the show. An additional benifit is I can extract the Rumble - Rumble fruit from Enel.

As for the Ancient weapon blue-prints, it is purely out of curiousity. I want to know how 'Pluton' compares to my 'Black Pearl'

in destructive power as both can destroy islands. And maybe I can add something to the Pearl.

As I am not under any time constraints I decided to visit all three places before entering New World. With that resolved I decided to take a short nap in my very comfortable bed.

I awoke four hours later to an alert from the navigators room. The crew navigator contacted me to inform about a pirate ship approaching.

I quickly route the video feed from the telescopic cameras to the 3D hologram projector in my room. With the advanced technology I can detect ships tens of kilometers away and get a visual at 10 kilometers. I look at the ship projected and could't help but be excited. It is an unusual ship with a pink mansion structure in the middle. It had a jolly roger of a skull surrounded by 9 snakes. It's the ship of Kuja Pirates, Perfume Yuda.

I knew that there was a chance to meet them when I figured out we were near paradise as Amazon Lily was in the calm belt near Paradise.

I check over my appearance and my crew's as I'm about to have my first encounter with other humans in one piece world. I am wearing a white shirt, black stretchable jeans and a black blazer. I also wore black shoes and to complete my attire I also wore my self created Supreme grade sword on my waist. My crew is also wearing standardised uniform of white shirt and black pants with the fist mate having an additional vest. They started making and wearing outfits 2 years ago, It started with simple outfits and then grew to overly complicared ones, after the novelty wore off the I got used to it.

I'm not going to lie, I'm looking forward to meeting the most beautiful women in this world (arguably).

With our advanced equipment we had visual on their ship when they are 10 kilometers away. We are not heading straight against each other but at an angle. According to my calculation we will be within visible distance of each other in 15 minutes. I inform my crew to prepare for possible combat (because they are still pirates, my ship looks expensive and Boa Hancock hates men pick one). This may be my first combat in this world against humans. This may give a good workout for my crew as all members of Kuja tribe are said to be able to use haki and only the elite are allowed into Kuja pirates.

Soon time passes and the two ship are only a hundread meters apart. I observe the ship in detail. The Perfume Yuda is a basic galleon with a pink mansion in the middle. Paddle wheels are installed on the stern instead of rudders, and instead of a figurehead, two yuda are tied to the front, where they steer the ship. The front sail bears the jolly roger of Kuja pirates, while the back sail has Kuja written in kanji.

I then focus my gaze on the Kuja pirates, there are about 20 of them present on the main deck, but my attention is on the Gorgon sisters, Boa Hancock, Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold. I got to say the anime didn't do Hancock justice. She has a well proportioned figure compared to her abnormal and huge sisters. She is very tall and slender with long black hair that extends past her waist with locks of hair that frames her face down to her chin and shows of her high forehead, dark blue eyes with long voluminous eyelashes and pale skin. She has a narrow waist and very large breasts. She is wearing a revealing red blouse that shows much of her chest and a loose sarong that exposes her long, slender legs with the green symbol of Kuja adorned on it and red high heel pumps. She is also wearing a pair of snake shaped earring.

When the ships were just 20 meters from each other I initiated the conversation.

"Good day to you ladies, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Hancock looks stunned at that, whether it's at the apes in uniform or me being unaffected by her appearance is not clear. But she quickly regains an indifferent look and adopts her iconic extreme looking down pose, but since her height of 1.91 meter is shorter than my 2.05 meter I got a good view of her cleavage and generous breasts.

"This empress commands you to leave all your treasures behind, maybe I will let you live"

"How about no. And do you know in this pose I can see a good amount of your breasts."

She actually blushes at that and angrily orders her crew to attack. Used to following her orders the Kuja Pirates jumped to cover the distance between the ships.

But since I don't want any of my high tech instruments to get damaged I punched out using a variation of tile fist of fishman karate which let me transmit the force through water vapor in air and blow all them back to their ship. I then ordered my crew to retaliate. They quickly jumped onto their ship. I also joined them and now I am facing Hancock in a stare down.

As if on agreement we break the staring match and start a match of high speed combat. She mainly used her devil fruit powers and Haki and me mainly my Haki, Hasshoken, fishman karate and sword.

She repeatedly tried to use her love-love fruit powers to petrify me followed by haki enhanced kicks. The key word is 'try', as my haki is strong enough to swat aside her devil fruit abilities or even dodge them using future prediction. I even swatted her perfect posterior with the flat of my blade a few times. That enraged her but the results were same.

After 5 minutes of fighting, Hancock was out of breath and her appearance was disheveled with some cuts but I was perfectly fine without a strand of hair out of of place as if I was out for a relaxing stroll. Then I suddenly appeared infront of her using increased speed from before and knocked the wind out of her using a fishman karate enhanced punch to her stomach that did internal damage through the water in a persons body. I then quickly restrained her by wraping wood around her limbs and hardening it to the level of steel. For an added insurence I even hand cuffed her with seastone handcuffs. I then made the wood float her to the deck of my ship and followed her with a jump.

My crew had already subdued the Kuja pirates in minutes. I was now sitting on my throne like chair under the main mast. Below me on the floor are the kuja pirates bound and sometimes gagged and around them my crew to make sure they don't make a break for it. With their power level in the range of a Vice Admiral it didn't take my crew long to subdue them, even Tim could quickly take out the other two gorgon sisters. Once all of them are awake I addressed Hancock.

"Since you attacked me first I am in a dilema of how to punish you for attacking my crew."

But Hancock tried to get out of it by her usal method, as she replied with a cute expression.

" How can you be cruel enough to punish someone as beautiful as me."

I was shocked when I could feel that she truly believed she would be forgiven for anything because of her beauty. I decided to wake her up from this delusion. It will be humiliating for her now but it's for the greater good.

" Since your elders did not punish you for acting like a spoiled brat I will."

Wooden hands bring her to my lap and lay her there with her bottom up in the air on my right side. I had to really concentrate to not get an erection now. Then I lift my right hand and coated it with Haki turning it pitch black and brough it down hard on her left bubble butt then on the right. I repeated it till each ass cheek got 20 slaps. When the screams from the first slap turned into sobs I stopped.

Usually I won't be this harsh with women. But as I have become fond of my crew, if anyone attacked my crew with the intention to kill then I will kill them. And she did attack with the intention to kill as the usual victims of Hancock are found petrified. But killing her would be a waste, If I can turn her and the Kuja tribe into subordinates it would be better.

"Bastard, are you not afraid we will report you to the world government as pirates?' one of the Boa sisters asks.

"Oh I'm sure you won't, one of the conditions of Hancock here remaining in the Shichibukai is for her to remain undefeated and don't bother to lie since I recorded the fight from my ship. I'm sure Morgan will love to get a copy of it. Since the treaty she signed recognises all of Kuja tribe as pirates, if she is removed then your tribe is open to attacks from slavers. And I'm sure some Celestial Dragons will sponser them."

At the mention of slavers the kuja pirates shuddered, but the mention of Celestial Dragons got an even bigger reaction out of the Boa sisters, even the still sobbing Hancock, their faces went pale.

"Anyway I will discuss your punishment with your three rulers" I informed them as I depart to my room with the three sisters behind me carried by wood arms.