Season 2 - Page Twenty One

Season Finale Part 2

Warning: R18+ scenes ahead. Don' read if you're uncomfortable with it.


We were rescued afterward by a night guard called by our classmates. I honestly don't remember everything that happened after that probably due to hunger and fatigue. All I could remember is Sorelle fetching me up and scolding me for sleeping without eating. Maybe this is the reason I woke up with my stomach hurting.

Knocks echoed in my room followed by Sorelle's soft yet still sleepy voice. "Siren, aren't you going to school?"

I get up from the bed sluggishly. I don't want to go to school today but knowing my sister, she won't stop nagging me so I'll just have to endure this.

I got out of the house feeling heavy. I think I'm going to get sick. I wish I could get sick so that I won't have to go to school for the time being.

Why do I feel like I forgot something? I stopped walking, turned around, and see Yujin a few steps away from me, her face visible with confusion. Shit. Did I just walk past her and forgot her?

"Y-yu jin... I-"

"Are you okay?" Her worried voice made me guilty even more. I can't believe I walked past her.

She's so nice to me. So nice that I feel like a bad person for staying with her. I need Lea to slap me in the face and call me names right now. I don't deserve her worry, I don't deserve her.


"We're going to be late, let's go." She didn't let me finish, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to walk. I feel like she can sense what am I going to talk about.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered but enough for her to hear. Still, she ignored me and didn't even glance my way until we reached the classroom.

Peach is already there, sitting quietly on her chair and writing something. Yujin drag me to sit and managed to distract me by talking to Hana and me.

Miss Astrid then came and started the class and soon enough, it was lunchtime.

"Where's Hana?"

"Bryan dragged her somewhere, I thought we were gonna share her sandwich today," Yujin answered pouting. I smiled and pinched her cheeks.

"Then let's eat a sandwich today."


I glanced at Lea's chair and didn't find her there. She already left. Sigh.

We somehow managed to squeeze in the crowd at the cafeteria and buy food and now we're comfortable eating at our usual hang-out place. Now that there are only two of us, it's really quiet. Unlike when Hana and Lea are here, which makes the place more lively.

A lot of things have changed. And it's all my fault.

Yujin leaned on my shoulder. "Do you feel better now?"

"I think I'll get sick," I answered truthfully.

"Then, can I stay with you tonight?"

"Not now, Jin. Maybe some other-"


I stared at her. She looks like she's about to cry. I reached for her face and caressed her left cheek. Don't make me feel even more guilty than this.

"I want to stay with you tonight." She repeated, her voice shaky. I slowly nod while scolding myself for giving in.

Yujin slowly bridged the gap between us, until our lips touched. It's still warm and sweet, like candy.

- - -

"Siren! I've been looking for you!" Dorothy, one of our classmates came rushing on me when we reached the classroom after the lunch break has ended.


"Heidi got injured and you're going to replace her."


"It's only a relay, you won't run the whole lap. We can't find anyone that has the same stamina as her."

"So you just assume that I can run?"

Dorothy clicked her tongue and furrowed her brows at me. "Cmon! It's our last sports tournament! Please cooperate with us!"

I sighed. I feel like I can't say no today. "Fine."

"Really? Then that's great! Thank you, Siren!" She excitedly shakes my hand before running away. My classmates really are all energetic.

"You're participating in the tournament?" Yujin asks me excitedly like a kid. I smiled and nodded. "I'll cheer for you!"

"Thank you."

Maybe the tournament will help distract me for a while.

- - -

A moan escaped my lips when I feel Yujin's warm hands caressing my thighs. She went up and down, until it reached the hem of my underwear, slowly teasing my already wet sex.


She seems to be aggressive today, initiating this whole thing and even going on top of me. It's unlike her, but it feels so good, that all I can do is submit to her and let her do whatever she wants.

My body feels so hot, but I in no way feel sick. There's something that's slowly building up inside me and as Yujin's fingers thrust even faster, the thing that's building up inside me grows even nearer.


"I love you, Siren." She whispered while giving my face and neck small kisses. Her lips soon trailed my collarbone then up to my neck again and stopped to bite my ears.

I hugged her tighter as I welcome my own release. Our pants mixed up as Yujin collapsed on top of me.

"It's my turn," I whispered but she shakes her head and hugged me tighter. "Jin?"

A warm liquid slowly filled my chest. "Are you crying?"

"I love you, Siren." She continued, sobbing.

"Jin, wait-"

She repeated that same word over and over again until she finally falls asleep, still on top of me. I slowly caressed her hair.

I wonder what her expression is like earlier. Do I even want to know? I'm being too much of a sadist if I ever tried to look at her face. Her voice, her painful voice is enough to know what is really going on between us.

"And it's all my fault..."

I kissed the top of her head and carefully laid her beside me. Traces of tears are still evident in her eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

To be continued.