Season 3 - 5

You might want to re-read it as I changed a lot of things in the past chapters. Thank you and Merry Christmas 🙂



I stared at Meraki dumbfounded at what I just heard.

"You can't believe it yourself, huh?" Meraki said and grinned at me. I went straight ahead at her after my encounter with Peach. I found her immediately at the photo lab where she told me everything that I did last night and honestly, I can't even deny or confirm what happened since I literally blacked out. I don't even know that they were there.

I'm so never drinking again.

"You completely changed once you saw her come into the bar. You forgot about me, you forgot about her girlfriend, you forgot about-"

"Stop, Mera. Just... Stop."

I hopelessly sat by the chair while massaging my head. Trying to remember what happened last night makes my head hurt even more.

"You gotta make it up to me, Siren." I glared at her.

"That's what you're going to say? You're not helping at all!"

"What help do you need?" She chuckled after that. "I went along with you thinking I'd get something in return and yet, you left me all alone there! Besides, it's your fault for getting so drunk, you forgot your surroundings. That's why I needed something in return. You need to make it up to me."

I groaned in response. "Does it have to be now? My head hurts and I have a class in 2 hours."

"Fair enough. I'll just text when and where." She approached me and tapped my shoulders. "Don't drink so much next time. This should serve as a lesson to you now."

I didn't say anything until she left the room. I heave a sigh. Damn it, I really can't remember anything.

I could've said or done something, or else, Peach won't come with me. Or did she just take pity on me because of my state?

I might be the one who initiated everything that night. And I'm so pissed.

I could've stayed sober. Who knows if it will happen again? I can't even remember if we really did something. I can't feel anything on my body, besides the throbbing pain in my head. Knowing Peach, she wouldn't jump on a drunk person.

I sighed again. I thought I'm all over this thing. Why... I'm back to the start again.

I gave up on trying to remember what happened last night. I went outside the lab still pissed about it.

It seems like my bad luck goes on as the person I don't want to see stops Infront of me, giving me a cold, menacing look.

'Oh please, not now.'

"I think you know we need to talk, right?"

"I don't think we need to talk, so, no." I coldly answered and walked past her. My head really hurts and I might say something that I'll regret so I hope she leaves me alone.

"I clearly told you we were going out and yet you still went ahead and snatched her away from me." I stopped walking but I didn't face her. "Are you really just a high school classmate?"

"I don't know what happened last night and -"

"Of course, you don't know." She cuts me off with sarcasm in her voice. "You cling to her like a lost puppy, telling her how much you like her, crying like a kid. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Doing that to someone who's in a relationship?"

I did... what?

I slowly turned around to face her. I can't say anything. How would I defend myself if I don't know what happened last night?

"I'm drunk, so I might've done something really inappropriate. But, if you say that happened, then why didn't you stop her? I think she's clearly sober enough to know what's happening so why didn't you do anything? why did you just watch everything?"

Seeing her speechless made me confident a bit. Girlfriend, huh? I think I got this by now.

"I should ask you the same, then. Are you really her girlfriend?"

She stared at me, dumbfounded. Guess I got a bullseye.

I sighed. "I don't think you should be confronting me when, clearly, you don't have the right to do so. Peach is free to be with anyone she likes, don't you think so?"

"I like Peach."

"Yeah? and what has got to do with me?"

I can see her gritting her teeth when she uttered the words. "You're in the way."

"How? How am I in the way? We just met again last night?"

"Since that wedding... She's been acting so indifferent since she met you at that wedding!"

"And is that my fault?"

I'm starting to get irritated. Why won't she leave me alone? She should sort this kind of thing with Peach. Why does she have to involve me?

But, knowing that Peach reacted that way because of me still gives me a little bit of hope.

The hope of what? Do I really think that she would get back at me after I said so? just because I said I like her? After all, I've done to her?

I don't think so.

"Talk to her if you want to clear something. Stop involving me, it's annoying."

"This is clearly all your fault." She said, still glaring at me.

I sighed. "My head hurts, I don't want to talk to you anymore."


"If you really want, Talk to Peach 'cause I clearly don't have anything to do with her."


I ignored her and walked away. She's draining my energy more that I feel like not going to class anymore. Why does she have to be a student at this school?

Ha, whatever. I don't even know her name. I just wish for this to be the last time I'll encounter her.