Season 3 - 6

Siren is taking up Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography

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"Im expecting your photobook by the end of this semester, and by that, I mean in two weeks, all right?"

After some reminders, our professor finally ended the class. It's only a two-hour class and yet I feel like I've been sitting there for ages, probably because I haven't slept these last few days properly trying to meet deadlines. And here I thought I would get a peaceful college life. I want to smack myself for thinking Fine Arts will be easy since I'll be majoring in Photography.

And yes, another deadline to meet. But this time, this should be quite easy for me. I just have to think of a subject for my photobook. This was given to us at the start of the semester and now, two weeks before the deadline, and guess what? I haven't even started! Looking for a subject for your photos is so hard. It has to have a connection with me. My mind seemed to blank out I can't think of anything else. What or who could be the perfect subject for my project?

"Siren, you good?" Lucas, one of my classmates asked me, full of sarcasm in his voice. "I can see you frowning even with your back facing me."

"Shut up."

He just laughed at me as he try to catch up with my steps. I am planning on taking a walk around the campus, hoping something, or someone will strike me to be my subject.

"How are you doing with the project? Filled the 120 pages yet?"

"I haven't even started."

"What? You do realize it's due in two-weeks time, right?"

I groaned. "I know. I just heard the professor earlier."

"Got an artist's block?"

"Not really. I just haven't found my subject. What about you?"

"I'm halfway done." He said, completely boasting that I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Good for you then."

He chuckled. "You wanna know who my subject is?"

"Why would I want to know?"

"I don't know," He answered, shrugging his shoulder. "Maybe you could find some inspiration for it?"

"I don't think so. Why are you following me anyway? I'm not with Mera."

So, Lucas kind of has a connection with Meraki as well. That girl really is complicated. Like, I'm to talk, huh?

"I'm heading to the library and I happen to see you walking that way so why not talk to you, right?"

I ignored him and continued walking while looking around. I can see different kinds of people. The students sit on the bench talking to their friends, others walking while talking to their friends or their professor, and there are people walking alone, listening to music or reading a book. I even caught some who are sleeping in the open, grassy, area of the school. All of them have stories I didn't know. I wonder what they are thinking. Do they like where they are right now? Are they happy? Or, just like me, they're also struggling to meet deadlines?

"I'm heading here, Siren. Thanks for walking me here."

I grinned at him. "Shut up."

I was about to walk when I decided to stop him.

"What is it?"

"Your photobook. What is it about?"

"I thought you don't want to know?" He asked in a teasing voice. "But I'll still tell you. It's Mera."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I like her."

"And she agreed?"

"Kinda. I really want her to see how I see her. It's tough but I hope it works somehow."

"I see."

"You'll find that person too."


"Someone who will smile at your photographs. Or, maybe you found that person already."

That person... Peach?

"Seems like I was right." Lucas was grinning at me when I looked at him. "If so, then that means you can let go of Meraki now."

"What the hell are you saying..." I whispered, having lost all the energy to fight back. I turned around without saying anything. It feels like a bomb has been dropped on my face.

I wonder, How does Peach see me in her eyes? Did I even bring her pleasant memories? Did I make her smile? Looking back, I can't think of a memory where I've done something good for her. So, if they'll ask Peach how she sees me through her eyes, she'll probably answer someone who gives nothing but pain. Even our present meeting was also hurtful.

Is it really too late to fix anything now? Is letting her go the right choice?

I took a deep sigh and decided to just go home.

It's as if destiny is playing with me as I saw Peach across the street, talking to the girl who confronted me last week. What should I do? It's been a week since I last saw her. And seeing her with someone so happy makes it harder for me to breathe.

Is it really over for both of us?

No. I don't want that.

I want to be the person standing beside her, the person she shares her day with, the only person she shares her feelings with. I want to make everything right and be the right person for her. Part of me questions my right to do that. The never-ending question of Do I deserve her? What right do I have barging into her life again, after everything I've done?

"Siren? What's wrong?"

I blinked twice, not realizing I am already in front of them with the girl beside her glaring daggers at me.

"Siren?" Peach called out again, looking all confused about my action.


"If you're not going to say something then we'll go. Inari has a class in an hour, she can't be late."


"What? It's true."

Peach looked at me, waiting for me to say something. At this point, I felt like I lost my ability to speak. I can only stare at her face as if to memorize it. My eyes became the camera and she became my subject. I wanted to hug her, I wanted to apologize but all the words I wanted to say just remained in my mind.

The guilt stops me from doing what I really want.

If she's with me, will she be happy? Can I make her happy?

"Let's go, Peach." Via dragged her by the wrist before I could protest. I just watch them walk away.

Well, I guess that's it. There goes my chance.

No. I don't want to end things like this. Meeting her again after some months is the sign I'm looking for. If I have to apologize, then I'll do it now.

I run as fast as I could to reach out to them.


"What's wrong with you?" Via almost shouted but I ignored her.

"What is it, Siren?" Peach's cold tone made me flinch but I decided to ignore it. It's all my fault she's acting this way.

"Talk to me... Please."