The fuckening: when your day is going great but you don't trust it and something bad happens later. That's the fuckening.
Aurora POV
" A black coffee without sugar like you ordered,sir"I said.
"How many times I told you not to call me sir, no need for formalities my love."he said
"I'll keep that in mind Xavier". "Do you need anything else?"
"maybe you can come with me on a date tonight at 8. And before you start with excuses
I know you don't have a shift at the coffee and you aren't going anywhere". "So be ready at 8 sharp and don't be late".
With that been said he left leaving me with utter shock.
It's true that I have a crush on him but all the women are. I saw the way they gwak at him whenever he entered the shop and I don't blame them. He's an Adonis after all.
I tried not to think about him for the rest of the day.
Key word (tried).
I look at the clock to see it was 5 pm which means the end of my shift. I took my apron off, grabbed my purse , said my goodbye and left from the front door.
Since the weather is nice I decided to walk home, it's just a few blocks far anyway.
It was 5:15 when I reached home . I decided to take a quick nap before getting ready for the date.
I still can't believe that the XAVIER knight asked me on a date , Even if it seems a little fishy to me. But I brushed that off and fell asleep.
Forty minutes later I woke up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I get into the bath tub and waited for the water to get warm. I just can't take a cold shower, I don't know how can people shower with cold water. After I finished , I went to the closet and decided to wear a Lacy black panties, I choose black off shoulder dress, it was simple but classy since I don't know where Xavier is taking me. I matched it with flat shoes.
I don't want to wear a lot of makeup so I put some mascara and lip gloss.
It was 7:58 when I was finished , I took my purse and went outside after locking the doors.
Xavier was leaning against his car. He was wearing an Armani black suit. He smiled when he saw me approching
"Oh my,you look stunning my dear" he said
"Thank you".I said "you don't look bad yourself".
"Shall we go?" He said
"After you"
He opened the door for me and I stepped in. He Soon Joined me and started the car.
"So, where are you taking me?" I said broking the sielence .
"There's this amazing restaurant downtown , they serve the best comfy food ever." He said.
Couple minutes later, we reached there. He get out and opened the door for me.i thanked him and we entered the restaurant. It was simple and has a comfortable aura .
We sat down a booth near the window.
"I never would have pegged you for a guy who liked this type of restaurant."
"Like I said, they have the best meals around. You've never been here before, and I wanted you to experience the local food."
A waiter then, come to take our orders.
We both ordered Mac and cheese.
"So Aurora, what do you do in your life?" Xavier said.
"I-I'm a first year English student"
"That's great, what novel is your favorite?"
"The old man and the see".I said ." what about you Xavier?".
"Well, I'm a CEO of knight inc and I spend most of my time working or at the gym ".
The night went with us talking about our lives until it was time to go.
"I spent a really good night with you xav . Thank you so much".
He smiled and said"I should be the one thanking you ". "I really want to take you again".
"Good night, Xavier" .
He leaned down and kissed my cheek
"Good night,love".
"Open up Aurora. I know you're in there" he yelled " you didn't pay the rent since three months".
I kept silent,I don't want to face him just yet.
After five minutes the barging stopped. "I'll come back later,and if you don't pay by then, I'll kick ya out this time". With that he left.
I let a sigh and closed my eyes in furestration . I don't know how long I'll keep sane. I just want all of this to be a cruel dream and I'll wake up soon. I've never asked to live like this. Everyone warned me about this . They told me that one day I'll regret my rashed discission but nooo I didn't listen to anyone back then. Guess I have to deal with the consequences.
I looked out of the window to see the angry sky , it looks like it's going to rain any moment now. It's my favorite weather,I like to walk under the rain , it's blessing .so I decided to go for a walk.
I opened the door and pick to see if the landlord is still there, fortunately he wasn't.
I went down the street and start walking, I have an uneasy feeling,like something bad is going to happen but I don't know what.
Lost in my thoughts,I didn't notice the figure behind me , until they sneak their hand in my mouth and drag me in the alley near me.
I gasped when I saw their face.
"Miss me ,wifey"
Oh fuck