chapter five

"So what happened?" He said

"I slapped him in the face and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine" she paused for a moment and then continued quitely "and ran away" .

Luke sighed and held her hands " you know you can't runaway forever darling. And he will find you again, what will you do then?"

" Ugh, I know .I can't even afford the money to go to  another country. Plus I know he will still find me wherever I go" she said "how lucky I am"

Luke felt sympathy for his friend ,and useless for not been able to help her . "Don't you think,you should give a chance to talk and explain himself. I mean after all this time he came back for you. It's look like you mean a lot to him "

Even though he didn't want to admit it ,but he knows that it's the truth.

"Let's not talk about him, please."she said " why don't we go clubbing tonight?" She asked.

"Sounds like a plan to me" Luke said "I'm  going home now and so should you."

Aurora got up and they exit the shop together.

"See you at 8" he said walking away

"See ya" she said walking the opposite way .

While walking she couldn't help but thinking about the earlier events.


"Hello, wifey" he said "long time no seen,love"

"What the fuck do you want?" She said struggling to free her hands from his tight grip

"Isn't obvious" he said" I want my wife back. You ran away without any explanation whatsoever. "

" I'm not your wife anymore,so you rather leave me be or I'll scream for help" she said fighting the urge not to cry.

"Do you know how much I've been looking for you , and now I've found you, I'm never letting you go again. You should keep that in your mind" he said tightening his grip but not to the way that it hurts her . He would never hurt his woman... physically at least.

The out of nowhere he felt a slap on his right cheek and a kick on his growing.

He fell on the ground which gave Aurora time to escape.

" You can ran as much as you want, but I will always find. I will never let you go. You belong to me and only me! Do you hear that Aurora?!" He shouted.


She let out a furstrated sigh and entered her apartment.

For the first time in her life , she felt helpless . From one side she doesn't want him back , she was doing just fine.....well not fine but she was handling herself.

But from the other side ,she missed him dearly and she knows she still in love with him,it the idea of him , her Xavier,the man she first met in the coffee shop. After all you can't forgot your first love .

She didn't notice the tear that felt of her eye ,but she quickly whipped it away.

"Let's get ready for the party"


"You know we shouldn't be in crowded places like this right?" Aurora said.

"It's was your idea in the first place. If you want we can go back home and have movie night?" Luke said.

" Nah, nevermind. Let's just enjoy the night".

They walked toward the bar and ordered their drink .

After few shots, Aurora went to the dance floor and started swaying her hip.

After few songs , she felt a presence  and arms hug her from behind, she couldn't see who he is but this seemed so famlier to her, she continued dancing anyway.

Few minutes later realasation hit her like a hard rock

"Fuck" she thought to herself.

"I told you I'll always find you " he said into her ear with a smirk  on his lips