His Past

*Tring* *Tring*

The telephone was ringing again.

"I have to pick it up-"

"No!" Jessica stood up and showed her hand to stop Hebrew from moving.

"You've already fainted twice, lemme handle it."

Hebrew growled, but she ignored him and made her way towards the telephone.

"Hello, Flynn?" As soon as Jessica picked up the call, Fernsby spoke up.

"Mr Fernsby? It's me, Jessica Lennon." She replied.

"Oh, miss Lennon? Where's Hebrew?" He asked.

"He is quiet weak so you can talk-"

"Hand me the call!" Hebrew gritted his teeth and snatched the receiver from her hands.

Jessica glared.

"Mr Fernsby, it's Flynn Hebrew this side." He ignored Jessica and spoke up.

"Oh! Flynn, there's an important thing I want to tell you."

"Go ahead!"

"I was cleaning my lab today, and I found this little pocket diary lying under one of my lab tables. It is not mine and so...I thought it might be related to your case."

Hebrew heard Fernsby with a stern face. He intended not to give out any hint of whatever he was talking to Jessica.

"I see...I will come to meet this week."


"I will call before visiting."

"Okay then, I will wait. Also Hebrew...there's one thing. I don't know why but I feel the murderer is very dangerous, stay safe."

"Yeah noted." Hebrew quickly answered and ended the call.

"What happened?" Jessica asked as soon as Hebrew turned around.

"Nothing much, just Fernsby asking if we did any progress on the case."

Hebrews walked casually towards his room.

"But he could've asked that to me too." Jessica walked behind him but was abruptly stopped when suddenly Hebrew turned around to face her.

Bending his neck a bit, he looked into her widened hazel eyes.

"Cause you're not worth it!" He simply claimed, without hesitation and walked inside his room leaving Jessica glare at him.

"And don't disturb me!" He slightly yelled before closing the door of his room.

Jessica, who stood there keeping her hands on her waist, sighed.

"He gets hard to handle sometimes." Eric came over and stood beside her, holding two mugs of coffee.

Jessica nodded and looked at him. He smiled his gorgeous smile at her and she returned it.

"By the way, don't you think too much caffeine will harm your health?" She asked, pointing towards his hands.

Eric looked at the mugs and shrugged, "Well...Flynn is broke and so is me. I guess we both can't be helped." He laughed.

Jessica laughed too, a little low, a little dull. She didn't find it funny. Somewhere she felt extreme pain in her heart. How could she even think of taking revenge on a man who was already miserable?

She sighed at her thoughts, "And...this is for you." Eric handed her one of the coffee mug.

She held it tight and nodded, "Thank you."

"No problem! But...now I think we should head toward the hall because, Flynn won't be coming out any time now."

Jessica nodded and followed him.

"Do you have any idea about what he might do in his room?" She asked, as they sat on the sofa.

"Hmm...not sure..." Eric frowned.

"Maybe he will just sleep or....re-read the old case files."

"Who does that? That's-that's insane!"

"Right!" Eric's eyes twinkled.

"Yeah! Why go back to those cases which are already solved. That's time-wasting and more of a craziness."

"I know right! Flynn sometimes does acts like an insane."

She nodded, totally agreeing with him, and took a sip from hot coffee.

"Tell me something about him," she asked.

"Something like....?" Eric questioned.

"Umm...like about his life. How did he become a detective and stuff? Like how you two met?"

"Hmm..." He thought for a while, looking at the wall in front of him.

"You know the name Limehouse?" He questioned and looked at her.

She nodded.

"We used to live there." Eric added.

"Flynn, his family, me and Eva."

"Oh! He has a family?"

"Yeah! Of course. He is not an orphan." Eric frowned as he looked at her.

"Yeah- yeah...sorry." She chuckled slightly.

Eric nodded and looked back at the wall. "Flynn left his family 10 years ago...he wanted to be a detective."

"He, me and Eva...we three came to this city Whitechapel, to start a fresh new life."

He scoffed sorrowfully.

"How crazy we were, about this new life and city."

"Wait...whose Eva?" Jessica questioned.

Eric's gaze returned to her. "Eva...was a friend of ours."

"Was? Is she dead?" Jessica asked in a low voice.

Eric shook his head, "No...but don't take her name in front of Hebrew, he won't like it."

Jessica frowned, but intended not to ask any further questions about her.

"Flynn differed from what he is today. He has a good life, he was a good friend, a God son too. He was good in his profession too, until that case. That case 1945 took everything from him. His fame, Eva, everything."

"We three, him, me and Eva. We were best friends, a family. We bought this home back then after a year when we came to Whitechapel. Before then, we lived as renters here."

Jessica nodded.

"Every Christmas, Easter and New year we used to celebrate it with our neighbours."

"From neighbours, I wanna ask...why is this building all empty? She questioned.

"After they bailed Flynn out of the prison and came here, everyone had despised him. He is the reason there is no one except us in this building. People left their houses to settle anywhere else. They didn't want to confront him."

Jessica frowned even more, couldn't digest the reason.

"Is that even a reason?" She blurted out.

Eric nodded slightly.

"The Whitechapel has hated him ever since he was jailed. And if I look back now, I feel killing myself for not being there for him, when he needed me, when he was all alone."

Jessica patted his back slightly. She could see his eyes brimming with tears.

He took in a deep breath, "Well...reminiscing isn't something I do so...tell me something about yourself." He looked at her.

"Me?" she questioned.

"Yeah, don't hesitate. Tell me something."

She gulped in a mouth full coffee.

"I really don't have a good past to remember."

She seemed nervous.


She looked up at Eric and found his eyes stuck on something else in behind her. She turned back and gradually found Eric standing up and walking towards Hebrew's glass board.

She followed him. "What happened?"

She asked as she saw his eyes stuck on something, his brows furrowed.

Keeping his finger at one photo pinned on the board, he claimed, "I've seen this woman somewhere else too..."