Growing Sympathy

"Hey good? You just-just don't seem quite right? So we need a doctor or anything?" Eric asked as he helped Hebrew get up.

"Umh..." Hebrew groaned.

"Nope, it is absolutely fine, it's just I have not eaten properly these days, the case kept me busy."

His voice was low. Eric nodded. "You're overdoing yourself, buddy. If you can't handle this case right now...then... let's just skip it. You don't need to-"

"No, it's fine!" Hebrew interrupted.

"Ms Lennon needs me, and I guess this case would earn me something."

"Something? A similar case let you lose your job, Flynn. This field and its people have already eaten you half, don't let them consume you all."

"Have seen some sort of cannibalism skit?" Hebrew scoffed.

"What is this half-eaten and consume all? Don't worry, I have been through one case earlier too, I won't let this case engulf my already sinking career."

Eric shook his head. No one could convince Hebrew. He was a man of his decisions. Only Eva was the one who could ever convince him. And that was the day that led to Hebrew's downfall, and Eric clearly remembered what happened that day.


"Eva you-" Hebrew's eyes were filled with his unshed tears, and with the sorrows of losing Eva.

"I'm sorry Flynn, but it has to be me-"

"And why me? I never wanted us to end up this way."

"I...." He gulped, a tear splashed down on his cheek.

"I had seen an entire journey of life together with you Eva."

"How could you-"

Eva hugged him.

"I'm sorry Flynn, but...but I love him now."

Was always so easy for Eva to move on? Was she never in love with him anymore?

Hebrew pushed her back, "Did you ever loved me, Eva? I anointed my heart on you." Hus green eyes were dull now.

Eva gulped. Her eyes were puffed and red too.



Hebrew yelled. He had never done that before on Eva.

"You step out of my house now, and never come back. You seem to trust that man. Who lives in the dark? Have you ever even seen his face? He never confronted people Eva. Do you even know what your life would become with him?"

"Flynn, listen to me!" she yelled

"I always have, and today as well...I will listen. So explain to me, WHY DID YOU MARRY HIM?"

"Flynn, the situation is quite worse. I know I'm rushing things but I have little time. There's only one thing I will say, Flynn. Move on. Forget about me, you don't have to shed tears for me, cause I won't, for you. Just forget I ever existed in this house. Just keep on living a normal life, don't die. When everything gets back to normal, I'll come to you. Listen to me Flynn, one last time."

She whispered everything in his ears as she settled her forehead on his. She shed tears while he closed his eyes and breathed slowly. None of them said goodbye to each other.

Eric stood at the threshold of the house, listening to everything.

Eva convinced Hebrew, he forgot Eva like it was a dream and he moved on. He never took her name and no one ever mentioned her to him until that day one day she came in search of Eric, who was on run...


Jessica stood on the threshold of the washroom, hearing their conversation. She felt sympathy for Hebrew, again. And this time, she didn't restrain that feeling of her.

She could see how hard-working Hebrew was, little did she had also thought. Hebrew wasn't the reason for her father's death. He might've been framed too. He can't be a celebrity detective, he can't be a fake.

"I'll make some coffee you want?" Eric's question to Hebrew made Jessica blink away her thoughts zoning her out.

Eric came out and smiled in her direction. She mirrored his action and went to Hebrew.

"Oh! Ms Lennon, you're still here?" Hebrew asked in his calm voice.

Jessica kept walking towards him silently.

"Umm...Ms Lennon?" He questioned as he found her behaviour suspicious.

"If you're again trying to dig in for some information regarding your father, then let me tell you this-" she interrupted him.

"You've loosened some wait."

Her eyes started digging for answers in Hebrew's and she didn't realise when her hand reached his cheek, caressing him.

Hebrew was stunned. His green eye kept gazing in her hazel ones.

"Ms Lennon you-"

"You're alone..." she interrupted again.

"And you're ill," she continued.

Gazing in his eyes, as if they were some wonders, she added, "Why I feel, Mr Hebrew, these eyes are not supposed to be so dull as they are."

He breathed in and out, slowly.

"Are you alrig-"

"You don't seem alright, Mr Hebrew..." Her calm and low voice interrupted.

"I don't know why, but even though I wanna hate you, I can't, not anymore."

"Ms Jessi-" Eric stopped midway and Jessica and Hebrew both looked at him, stunned.

Jessica stood straight, and Hebrew cleared his throat.

"Umm...I guess bad timing. Haha!" He laughed awkwardly.

"I...just wanted to ask wanna have some coffee, Ms Jessica?"

Jessica smiled and nodded.

"Yeah sure, if Mr Hebrew can afford it." She and Eric both looked at him.

He glared at Jessica. Eric laughed.

"Before he explodes, I'll make the coffee, it's on me." He walked out.

And Jessica wasn't able to look at Hebrew anymore. She kept looking outside the room, as if waiting for Eric to arrive.

Deep down she felt embarrassed for what she did. It was involuntary in her mind. She didn't know what she said to him, but she knew it made the air awkward around them.

She didn't know if Hebrew was looking at him or somewhere else until he spoke up.

"Ms Lennon-"

"Yes!" she quickly responded.

"Umm...have a seat. Or are you going to stand there until he brings the coffee?"

Jessica shook her head and sat down in the wooden chair quietly, like an obedient child. She didn't look at Hebrew for once; she didn't want to know what he was thinking this time. Instead, she just wanted Eric to arrive or the telephone to ring...any distraction would've worked for her.

She kept praying until the phone in the hall actually rang, making her flinch...