First Day Of My New Life

I was dreaming, about what you ask? Well, the thing I was laying on was soft and fluffy, like a giant cat or dog, it was so warm and cozy.

Deep into my dream, I heard a fist slamming into my door.

Let me introduce myself while someone is trying to break down my door, my name is Winston Zach. I'm a bookworm, nerd, geek, whatever you want to call me. I was born in 2001, October 23 and I am a grouchy college student.

The slamming on my door continued, but it was now someone was shouting my name urgently, sigh, how annoying.

Stumbling out of my bed, I grabbed the door handle, yanking it open, or at least I tried to, I had forgotten to unlock it. Grabbing the key off the hook, I jammed it into the lock and twisted, finally opening the door.

"What?" I asked, glaring up at the annoying man who was damaging my poor door.

He looked down at me, looking slightly worried, "Oh, so you are alive. I thought you had died in there or something."

Say hello to Holden, was the busybody guy who was everyone's friend, he loved to help and wiggle his way into people's business. The complete opposite of me.

I mean come on, I was a shut-in that did nothing but complete his schoolwork, read, play video games, occasionally draw, do a bit of martial arts, and...and well, nothing. I don't really do much, sometimes even I'm disgusted with myself.

Holden stared at me, or rather, stared down at me, he towered over me by at least half afoot. Oh, yeah, my height is about 5'8 and I weigh about 129-131 pounds, depending on my mood and what day it is, cause hello, stress eating.

He asked, "Are you going to get moving, or are you going to stand here all day?"

Rolling my eyes, I sighed, "Nobody asked you to wake me up, why are you still here?"

He stared at me, after a few seconds of awkward silence, he patted my head and ruffled my hair, "You're my friend, that's why."

I stared at him, friend? Really? God, his definition of friendship must be so loose that some random person walking by him would be able to pass as his friend.

"Whatever you say. See you later, I need to change and get to classes," I flopped my hand at him, it was a sad attempt of a wave, "Thanks for waking me up."

"See ya." He waved and walked off to who knows where. Probably to look for his next victim to anno- ah, I mean, to help.

Running my hands through my oily, unwashed hair, and taking off my clothes, I grabbed clean ones and shrugged into them. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Looking down at my watch, I sighed. As per usual, there's no time for breakfast.

I hurried to my classes, not wanting to be late.

A few hours later, the last class was over. I majored in biochemistry. It was a fun thing to learn and do, for the most part. Okay, I lied, it's horrible and I don't wish this suffering upon anyone.

Putting on my backpack, I walked back to my dorm most days, it was a good exercise.

Plugging in my headphones, I started walking just like I always did, but this time, I paused, hmm, maybe I should go check out the bookstore to see if they had new books.

I wasn't paying attention as I crossed the crosswalk, all I heard was a loud horn blaring, and a loud SCREECH, then suddenly, BAM!

There was a flash of searing hot pain that sent stars flashing in my eyelids. Then everything went numb, it was as if I was nothing and everything at the same time, it felt so strange. Then everything stopped, and darkness wrapped its arms around me.

An eternity passed, at least, it felt like an eternity to me, I opened my eyes, everything was so bright, I squinted. Ugh, I pulled my arm up to rub my eyes, huh? Something was connected to it, I stared at it, it was an IV.

Confused, I groaned, what happened? I looked at myself, my skin was so pale, it looked like snow and it was smooth and soft. WHAT?! I pulled the sheets away from my legs...they were smooth and pale.

What the hell? Why do they look like women's...WHAT! I pulled the collar of my hospital gown down.

I almost fainted, I had breasts. I was a woman when I was supposed to be a man. I gulped, pulling my hospital gown up my legs, peering between them, yep, I was definitely a woman.

Sigh, okay I need to calm down, this wasn't that bad. OH, WHO AM I KIDDING? THIS WAS HORRIFYING! (no offense to my fellow females)

After freaking out for a few more minutes, I came to a conclusion. This was going to be fine, just a different body, but not a different mind. I just have to accept this is my body now, or at least I will try to.

The door opened, and the nurse looked at me, "Oh my! You're awake! I need to go get the doctor. I will be right back! Don't move!"

How was I supposed to move? As she went to get the doctor, I sighed, I needed to figure out my name- Alice Morton.

I rubbed my chin, huh, so my memories, or rather, her memories, the owner of this body's memories, came to me when I thought about them.

Family, ahh, I have 2 older brothers, Alec and Jesse, they were twins. I also have a sister, she was older than me by a year, Sam. My father, Chris Morton is a wealthy man, his father left him billions of dollars. My mother was a woman he married because grandfather willed it. Then later in life, they fell in love.

Age, 17, hmm, two years younger than I used to be, not too shabby.

The school was a private boarding school for rich kids or scholarship students, Oakwood Academy.

I looked deeper into what I did there and saw, I didn't have very many friends, I only had my sister as a friend at school. My brothers were both in college and working for my father in some of their spare time, but they will be working full time after graduating. I didn't like the school or well, she didn't like it.

Before I could think of any more memories of Alice's school life, the nurse rushed in with who I assume was the doctor.

He smiled, "Hello, Miss Morton, I am your doctor, Dr. David Williams, how are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess."

He nodded, "Good."

Staring at him for a few seconds, I asked him, "Dr. Williams, how long have I been unconscious?"

The doctor answered, "2 weeks."

Letting that information settle in my mind, I nodded, slightly dazed. I am really in a different body.

He did a few check-ups on me, to make sure I was okay. He then called my father to inform him that I was awake and well and that I could go home.

I looked out the window the entire time this was happening. Dr.Williams informed me, "Your parents will be here shortly to discharge you from the hospital."

Nodding again, I thanked him, "Thank you."

He smiled, "You are very welcome."

My parents came 20 minutes later, who I assumed was my mother, wrapped me in her arms, "Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you're awake! I missed you so much." She sniffled.

Wrapping my arms around her, I patted her back, awkwardly, "I missed you too, Mom." I don't really know if Alice did miss her, she wasn't even awake, but I assume she probably did.

Alice's mother pulled away, wiping her tears, patting my cheek gently, "You don't know how happy I am to have you back."

The man behind her, who I assumed was Alice's father, patted my hand, "I'm glad you're awake, honey."

I smiled, "Hi, Dad, I'm glad I'm awake too."

He smiled, "I just need to sign the papers and we are free to bring you home."

A few minutes after he signed the papers, my mother told me to change into the clothes she had brought along with her.

Walking into the bathroom, I took off the hospital gown, slipped on the dress, and stepped into my shoes.

Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I touched my face, I was so pale and soft looking.

From what I could see, Alice was a petite, sweet-looking girl. She had pale white skin, blond smooth silky hair, and green eyes. It was the complete opposite of me, I used to have brown, short hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. Not to mention the bored, dead look I usually had in my eyes. Kinda like fish eyes.

I ran a hand through my hair, sigh, I need to get used to this strange body, I got out of the bathroom, "I'm done."

My mom smiled, standing up, "Then we are ready to leave." She turned to my father, "Let's go, Dear. I want to get our daughter home."

My father nodded, "Alright, let's go."

We got to the car, I got in it and sat by the window, staring out of it the entire drive, wondering how and why I'm here.

Ugh, I sighed, just wondering about this won't do me any good, I will never get answers.

I thought about more memories of school. I got bullied sometimes because I didn't have any friends and I was kind of a nerd. I smiled, at least that is the same as my old self.

What did Alice like to do in her spare time? Ahh, she read, studied, and wrote some short horror stories.

What didn't she like to do? She didn't like to exercise, play video games, talk to people, well, talking in general, look people in the eye, being loud, wow, the list goes on.

Hmm, she didn't like video games, I was going to change that. Before I could think of any other memories, the car stopped.

My father said, "We're home."

As we got out of the car, I stared at the mansion, it was huge, we walked to the front door. Before we opened the front door, it swung open and a girl with light brown hair flung herself at me and wrapped her arms around me like vines. Behind her were two tall boys, who I assumed were my brothers.

Hugging her back, I patted her, "Hi, Sam."

She squeezed me tighter, "I missed you, Alice. I missed you so much!"

"I missed you, too."

Sam squeezed me one more time before letting go, "Well, I'm really glad you're back."

I nodded, "I'm glad I'm back, too."

Before I could say anything else to Sam, someone scooped me into their arms and squished me to their chest, I peeked up at the person, this person was my brother Jesse. He was the closest to me, he was my best friend.

"Can you let go a little? I need air."

He pulled back, "Sorry, can't help it, my little sister was in a coma for 2 weeks. Of course, the first thing I would do is hug the living crap out of you."

I patted his arm, "You can hug me, just not suffocate me. Remember, I'm half your size."

He let go of me and patted my head, "Yeah, your tininess is adorable."

Swatting his hand away, I put my hands on my hips, glaring at him, "Hmph! I'm not tiny, I'm just not a giant. I'm normal height and size." Wait a minute, was I?

What was my height? 5'3, almost 5'4. Okay, that was average for women, right?

Jesse patted my head again, and I swear I heard the words, "So cute," before my other brother, Alec, hugged me gently, "Welcome back, little sister. We all missed you very much."

And there you have it, my new family and my new life.