I Need To Get Use To This Body

Chapter 2

My brother let me go, his smile was sweet and gentle, it was like a flower, I smiled back. He patted my head, ruffling my hair a little.

Swatting his hand away, and giggling, "Stop that! You're making my hair even messier."

He grinned, ruffling my hair even more.

I giggled, "Stop it! You all are so annoying!"

He laughed, "Alright, alright, I'll stop." He grinned, patting my head again, "You're so cute when you're mad, like an angry little cat."

Rolling my eyes at him, I sassed, "Yeah, yeah, but cats have claws and teeth, if you're not careful, I'll bite or scratch you." Acting like a girl isn't so hard, but I had a feeling I will regret saying that later.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, now you're really scary."

My father cleared his throat, "Alice if you feel well enough, you will go back to school on Monday."

I nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I'm feeling well enough. I can go to school, no problem."

He patted my back affectionately, "Good to know, sweetie, I'll tell the director you can come back to school tomorrow."


Sam sighed, "Ugh, you do realize you lost the opportunity to miss out on a few more days of school just now, right?"

"But then won't there be more work to make up? I already have 2 weeks worth of work I need to do, I don't need more."

My sister sighed again, "Yeah, but you hate school, we all hate school, and a few more days off wouldn't be that bad for you seeing as you have just recovered."

"I feel fine, so there is no need for taking more days off of school than necessary."

My weirdness was showing, I was sure of it, what high school student would want to go to school instead of staying home for a few extra days?

Sam muttered, "So nerdy."

I poked her, "So what if I'm nerdy?"

She sighed, "Nothing is wrong with it, it's just, people our age would kill for a few days off of school, it is so boring and tiresome. And here you are smiling and agreeing to go to school even though Dad would let you have a few extra days off."

She patted my arm, "It's not weird, just a little different than most people. I meant no offense."

Smiling at her, "I have taken no offense, don't worry, I know I'm a nerd and I prefer to keep it that way."

Sam smiled, "Good." She hugged me, squishing me against her chest, "Cause your nerdiness is so damn cute!"

I was being crushed by my sister's hug, ugh, "Stop squeezing me so hard, I can't breathe!"

She let go, "Whoops, sorry. It's just so damn cute, especially when you pout."

Blushing, I glared at her, "I'm not cute."

She grinned, "Yes, you are, aww, your pouting right now. So cute!"

"Hmph! Stop calling me cute!"

She poked my cheek, "Okay, whatever you say, sis. I'll stop it...for now."

Sigh, "That's better than nothing I guess."

Sam patted my head, why the heck was everyone patting my head? Was I really like a cat?

Thinking back to what I looked like in the mirror at the hospital, I was pale and had petite features.

I didn't look like a cat, sigh, I will never understand their thinking methods.

We all went inside, my sister dragged me into her room to show me her new outfits and get my opinion on them.

She had so much clothing, I had no idea how and why a human being would need or want so many clothes.

The outfits my sister wore were nice and pretty, but then I thought about school, didn't we have to wear uniforms? What was the point of having this many clothes?

Oh, I guess on Fridays we get to wear what we want, as long as the clothes are school-appropriate.

But still, this was too much clothing for one person! This closet could probably dress a small city!

Sam poked my arm, I looked at her, she asked, "How does this one look? Does it look good?"

Everything looked good on her, I nodded, "Yep, you look good, everything looks good on you."

She smiled, "Good, thanks, not everything looks good on me though, but I'm happy you think that."

We spent 2 more hours doing this, my sister trying out clothes and asking me how she looks. I always answer, "You look great" every time because she did.

By the time we went through all her new clothes, it was time for dinner, we both walked downstairs and went to the dining room, we sat down at the table.

While eating, I thought about the changes I should make in Alice's, well, my life. I haven't been in her room yet, I needed to see what her clothing choices were.

Wait a minute, I could just open the memory of the clothes right now, a second later the answer floated into my mind, she wore mostly black, gray, dark blue, occasionally white, it was mostly all neutral colors and dark colors.

She wore dresses and skirts, but she liked jeans, pants, t-shirts, hoodies, shorts, and leggings the most. For accessories, she wore a necklace, and occasionally a ring.

Her shoes were 2 pairs of sneakers and 2 pairs of flats, there were 1 pair of heels and 2 pairs of boots, one ankle boot, and one thigh-high pair of boots.

She had an okay sense of fashion, it was a little like mine, I wore a hoodie daily and I usually wore black and grey. Sometimes blue and white, but I rarely did that. My shoes were worn sneaker boots and one pair of regular sneakers.

About 40 minutes after dinner, my brothers asked, "We're going to throw the football around, want to join?"

I shrugged, "Sure."

They raised their eyebrows, and glanced at each other, looking very surprised, "Wait, you actually want to go outside and exercise?"

Whoops, I forgot she didn't like to exercise, sigh, I need to change that to make her body more healthy, I nodded at my brothers, "Yep, I wanna try."

They looked at each other again, looking even more shocked, "Sis, are you still recovering from the accident? The doctor told mom and dad you were completely fine."

I rolled my eyes, "No, I just want to exercise more. What's wrong with that?"

My brothers 'whispered' to each other, "I think our little sister has been abducted and replaced."

The other one nodded, "Yeah, I agree, our little sister would never want to exercise."

Walking over to them, I reached up and smacked the side of both their heads, "Shut up, I just want to exercise, there is nothing wrong with that."

Jesse shook his head, "You never want to exercise, though."

Alec nodded, "Yeah, it was a miracle you passed Gym class in middle school."

Sigh, "Let's just go outside already." I added, "You guys will have to teach me how to throw a football, I don't know how to do that." I already know how to throw a football, I just had to make them think I didn't because Alice didn't know how to throw a football.

Alec put the football into my small, pale hand, "Place your hand on the ball with your index finger closest to the tip of the ball, then place both feet shoulder-width apart and release the ball in the direction you want to throw it."

Launching the ball through the air to Jesse, he caught it and threw it to Alec, this went on for a while, we finished after 40 or so minutes of throwing the ball around.

Alec came up to me, "Wow, you can actually throw a football with your tiny hands, I'm impressed."

I glared at him, "My hands aren't that tiny, they are petite." My brother grabbed my hand and placed it on his, my hand was just an inch over half of his.

He looked at me, "See, tiny hands. Sam's hands are bigger than yours too." He poked my cheek, "Your pouting."

"Why am I the only short one in our family?"

He patted my head, "No, Mom is short as well. I think she is 5'1 or 5'2. That is where you get it from, Little Sis."

"Yeah, probably." Slipping into Alice was easy, it was easy to talk to her family, they were all friendly and loving with Alice. It was nice to be in a caring family, I smiled.

Walking to my bedroom, I waved, "Bye-bye, big brothers, I need to shower then I will probably bury myself in books and my computer. I probably won't see you guys until morning, goodnight."

My brothers nodded, "Goodnight, Little Sis. Have fun being a nerd."

Flopping my hand at them, I closed Alice's, now my bedroom door.

Looking at the walls, I noticed that they were mostly bare except for a few framed pictures of her family hanging on the otherwise empty walls.

Stripping off my clothes until I was only in my underwear, I flopped onto the bed, sigh, so soft and big.

I got up and walked to the walk-in closet, I opened the door, wow, Alice also had a lot of clothes, but it was nowhere near Sam's amount of clothing.

Grabbing a pair of sleeping shorts and a t-shirt, I turned around and saw myself in the mirror. I blushed and looked away, I really shouldn't be staring at this body, I felt like a pervert.

But I had to get used to it, how else would I live out my life, or Alice's life in this body?

Peering at the mirror again, I blushed again, and looked down, scanning my body, she was slender and petite. Alice's skin was very nice and soft, I didn't see many scars on her soft pale flesh, even the ones that were there, they were faint and almost gone.

Looking at her body wasn't so hard, I clutched the clothes to my chest, but touching her body would be a whole nother deal.

Walking into the bathroom connected to my room, I reached behind me to unclasp the bra, something I thought I would never do.

As the bra slipped off my shoulders, I blushed, I tried to not look down, I pulled off my panties and got into the shower, then turned on the water. I pressed the button on the fancy shower thing, it turned from cold water to warm water in a few seconds, I sighed.

Grabbing the shampoo bottle, I squirted some onto my palm and rubbed it onto my scalp, ugh, why was this hair so long? I grabbed it in my hands and rubbed shampoo into it as well.

Rinsing out my hair, I grabbed the bar of soap and paused, I have to touch...oh crap. Silently apologizing to Alice in my head, I rubbed my chest with the soap bar, huh, surprisingly, this felt almost exactly like my own chest. Flat.

I sighed, good, this was good. I washed my stomach and hips, then I reached the Nether Regions, I rubbed a little soap on my fingers...what do I do now?

Do I reach down there are rub soap on it then rinse it? What do I do? I bit my lip and reached down.

After I finished doing that, I rubbed soap on my legs, then I rinsed my body and shut off the shower, and stepped out. I sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time today, this was sad, I'm not used to my own body. Drying myself off, I slipped on my clothes and wrapped the towel around my wet hair.

Walking out of the bathroom, I walked to Alice's computer, and sat down on her chair, turning on the computer.

There was a password, it came to me half a second later. I entered the password in and searched up a few online games, my typing speed was fairly fast.

It helped me a lot with writing essays in high school and college, it also allowed me to win a bunch of online games.

I downloaded a game and after a minute, I made a new account and started playing. Half a minute later, I won the first round.

After 2 hours of playing video games, I already passed level 100, it was getting a little boring for me, I stretched, sigh.

Getting up, I walked around the room and stretched again while yawning. I walked over to the bookshelf.

Oh, there were so many books I like here. I grabbed one and went to bed with it. I slipped into the covers and opened the book. I loved getting sucked into the fantasy worlds the authors of these books created. Time flew by and after less than 3 hours, I finished the book.

I looked at the alarm clock on the table next to the bed, 11:01 pm, I sighed. I should probably sleep, this body is still growing after all.

Getting out of the bed, I closed the lights, crawled back under the covers, and clicked off the lamp next to me.

Snuggling into the blankets, I slowly fell asleep into the peaceful darkness.