Chapter 11

Jimmy came out, hid behind the wall, got closer while glaring at them, and he got drenched to the skin in that rain. Suran saw him, felt sorry for him, and thought "what could have happened to this poor man!"

He was tired of Athor mockery "if your laughter has ended, I must tell you that's not a story, we created by the halo of light and wind. We can transport everywhere we tend to only by a special shining crystal. We can go among people when they can't see us, we are dainty but strong and fast, our time is different from the earth, and we live longer, I hope I could have convinced you" and quickly vanished and came back in a blink to prove his words.

Athor was very shocked gaped, peering at them, glanced at Jimmy who was smiling happily, and thought, "how could Jimmy found out about who they are, but I couldn't?" He was sure, but asked, "Shall I believe they didn't send you?"

"Who?" Suran said.

"He's talking about the man who I'd showed you two hours ago," she said.

Jimmy interrupted them, "You are elves. Oh my lord, I knew that. I saw you before" he pointed to Suran.

Suran smiled, looked at Athor to make sure "I promise you that those fools didn't send us, please come with us and let me prove it to you. It's not safe for you to stay in such a place anymore. By the way, those people aren't that much scary, they're just two selfish coward human beings and nothing more, but I like your friend, Jimmy. He is a nice guy."

"Am I a dwarf?" Athor said while looking around.

"Not dwarf, you are an elf. Why would you repeat it, again and again, look even Jimmy knew that." Suran said.

Jimmy innocently glanced at him "did you tell them we are friends?! They're telling the truth. You can trust them; I always doubt that you are a human, oh my lord my friend is an elf" said with a big weirdly smile.

Athor drowned into his thought then again started laughing, but this time louder which made so many questions on Suran's mind "that's funny. If I'm an elf why did my family abandon me? And why should I come back to those who never wanted me?"

Suran didn't like those words which seemed to be unwisely and rude. Controlling himself was impossible, but he had to wait and give him the right to be that confused.

He had such a difficult life and no time to find his family and didn't have any clue about his past "we know your parents very well; they are nice people, someone had stolen you from them" Suran said.

Then pushed Athor's hair away from his ear and said: "Have you ever paid attention to them, they're different from humankind."

"Yes, so many people made fun of it, but it makes no sense. It could be genetic" Athor said.

"Of course it is, watch our ears," he sneered and shown his ears.

"Am I awake, isn't it a dream of hope?" he said.

Everything happened so fast. Time flew to release the truth and didn't care if people are ready or not. This time, destiny wanted to see happiness and smile, not sadness and pain for the poor boy.

Believing the truth was hard, only for one reason; after the war, stupid mambo jumbos were made by witches who had gathered with the reality of their intention which was to abuse them, control the horse of man life, but the karma won't be like that. Truth, it will always be out of its house soon, getting in a path and will urge everything, nobody can ignore it, recognition is too hard for Athor, the fact was in the same road beside lies and made it a hard way to choose.

He didn't want to go in the wrong direction, like so many who tried to walk in the right way, but this trap made them choose mistakenly even if the right way was in front of their sight.

"No, this is not a dream, it's all real. Please come with us and see on your own", Sarya said very smoothly humble.

Athor looked at them, pure stubborn like a mule, "believing all you said is hard. How can I make sure that you have a good intention and you are not kidnappers?"

"We have no other proof. Till you don't accept, the gate doesn't let you pass; I don't know why you're trying to overthink about this," Sarya said in annoyance.

When she said the gate, Athor's eyes got widen, it was a shot in the dark; the environment was twisting around to make him crazy, but he felt the frozen world is getting warmer and said: "which gate are you talking about?"

"A boundary between men worlds and ours in the third galaxy."

He got back to his room quickly and came back with some papers in his hands and passed them to Suran "Is it the gate you're talking about… is it similar to this drawing?"

"Where did you get them?" he asked after grabbing the illustrations.

"It's almost a year that I'm seeing this place in my dreams, and I drew them every time," Athor said.

"This is the gate, come with us, and I can show it to you," Suran said.

He said without any defense, "ok, but if you try to mislead me you will see badly," he said.

"You are gallanted," Suran added.

He gathered all his essential stuff and strode out; Jimmy was still there, he went to Athor and said unexpectedly "I want to stop using drugs. I have no business with those witches anymore or those bullshit grass, Please give me a pen and paper."

He gave him all he asked for, and he wrote down an address "This is my address; I'm going to live with my sister and her family. Please inform me as soon as you came back, come to me. You are my one and only friend, your friends are either my friends."

Athor took the address. He was shocked, one kind word made a significant change and affected his soul.

Seemingly he had been waiting for someone to give him the push and motivate him. Athor took some money out of his bag and gave it to Jimmy "you must promise me that you won't touch those devil drugs or alcohol, please take care of yourself and get back to your family. It's snugged me to know that you have a family."

He breathed deeply and continued "if everything works right and their words were true, I won't need this money anymore."

Jimmy was embarrassed "I can't accept it, this is too much."

"Please take it; I don't need it, you need this more than me. You can give it back the next time we see each other. I need you to tell Daniel bout Mr. Vinow if he scares never beat the children again."

"Don't worry I'll make sure about that".

He took the money, and Athor came back to his place and brought Angle. Suran was amazed that he had a phoenix; this bird doesn't choose someone that easily.

Angle flew up on Jimmy's shoulder; it seemed that she knew about their farewell "please give her to Daniel; He is the only person who can take care of her. Will you do that for me?"

"Don't worry, I'll take her to the smithy in the early morning," he said.

Athor asked him to send his fare thee well to Atendor and apologize for leaving quietly.

Jimmy went to Suran and said, "I remembered where I saw you, in my mother's canvas; she used to say elves are real, but some people thought that they are just a fantasy of an old author."

He smiled "she said nothing, but the truth, hope you make the right decision."

And then turned to Sarya and said: "It rains cats and dogs, we must get out of here."

Then he brought a magnificent necklace out of his cloak with a shiny white stone on the middle of a small butterfly's wings. On one wing was a picture of a dragon and on the other was a phoenix. He extended his hand to Athor, but he shook his head and narrowed his eyebrows. He didn't want to take his hand, but Suran neglected his reaction and took his hand out of the sudden, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Some flying silver mists just left in the air.

Sarya and Suran did their best to gain his trust, and finally, they succeeded.

Jimmy still was in the rain and couldn't believe if he was gone. On the other hand, he was so happy that finally, something had changed his life.

He knew himself better than anyone else. He was devastated by others' mockery. No one knew him and knew about his dark past, returned to his place and sat on the left corner of the room and started digging the ground, took a small metallic box out of it, cleaned the dust away, and opened it; there were a key and some old pictures. His eye got teary when he saw the first picture; a little boy and a beautiful little girl in school clothes who were standing beside a fancy car. Then he smiled and said, "It's time to return home."