Chapter 12

Athor bent and released his breath, felt that his bowel is twisting and about to come out of his abdomen, nausea and dizzy was the other side of his unexpected journey. He glimpsed at them, certainly, they were fine, no sign of annoyance in their faces could have seen.

Although it has sounded very light-weighted as a bird feather, that temporary feeling afterward disgusted him. He found himself, while they were at the end of a big valley; the rocks were such as gray mountains. No trees were there, but thick poisonous brambles and thorn-bushes. A blasted breeze blew and he trembled. He was wearing a green hoodie and it couldn't warm him enough. Suran took another shiny stone out of his cloak; it was literally like a diamond, but not as small as that. It was the size of a walnut. He placed it on a dark side, in the middle of five white square stones, which were engraved by some alchemical symbols, and then an intense light showed up.

As the light flashed Athor closed his eyes, it hurt his burning eyes, for a moment he doubted, but then brushed away the thoughts. Again, he rolled up his eyelid, gaped, and couldn't believe what was looking at; he couldn't deny the terror in each cell of his body. A fantastic gate with long pillars appeared in the heart of that dark place precisely like all he saw in his dreams. Having found his voice, wondering about everything that was happening, the mid-fly eagles, and the tree, everything with the smallest details existed. Rubbed his eyes from it a darted his gaze to Sarya and said, "That's a dream, right?"

"No, believe me, or not, but all you can see is pure truth, let's go now," Sarya said.

Suran knocked on the door three times, and the branch of the tree started to move, then it wide opened.

Athor took a deep breath; his heartbeat raced "This place was calling me for a long time." No tinge of a lie was in all they have said. He wished everything could work well and he is the one they are looking for.

They entered the glowing gate, and the door closed while making a groan.

The beautiful green hills were all around the pillar of the gate, which had scribed pictures of eagles, wings wide open, and was ready to fly beside the gate. There was an ancient seared tree and took Athor's attention, its stub taught him it must be at least a thousand years aged. The weather was cloudy, but not rainy, and the sky almost turning dark.

They headed to the road down the hills. After a little walking, the city entrance appeared, two deer statues standing on half-pillars, and the interwoven horns made by branches of trees. It was a picturesque view; they engraved it on old thick trees, handmade arts by one of the incredible elf artists, which were one of the most beautiful views he had ever seen. He didn't want to blink because of being afraid of if that is just a sweet dream. The marble paving road to the city started from there.

One of the incredible scenes that he had ever discovered in his whole life was in front of him, right up in the sky, the green hovering cone cliffs, and the floating islands, the roots of trees came out of their conical end, and some of them had buildings on.

"Wow, what a weird architecture, such as ant nest!' Athor pointed to the city-style said.

Suran started laughing loudly afterward, "so, welcome to the ants' nest!"

It was after a long time that Sarya saw him laughing. So she got overexcited and went across Athor, her hand wide opened pointing to the city path and said: "Welcome to the lands of Farya, the capital of the whole kingdom Cemythra".

Everywhere was clean and regular, not crowded at all. Elves acted entirely different from humans, and everyone had smiles on their faces. Everything had a rhythm, life was playing a song that you couldn't hear, but feel a song of soul and peace.

He believed that he came to the mouth-opening dreamland of wonders which made him look with widening eyes and dumbstruck.

"Are there bazaars or offices in here?"

"Yes," Sarya said,

"Everything here seems so regular and quiet, everyone is happy. While in our world, it is all crowded, noisy and most of the time people fight each other like creditors and can't speak in peace, but how abnormal it is in here for me. Do you work even at night, like after 7 pm? The time, OMG, the time here is different".

"Actually no, we don't work at nights. Tomorrow is a holiday and tonight is an exception; they will work until 8 pm. Did you work in an office?" Suran asked, there must be many things they didn't know about him.

"Sometimes, I used to go to the post office helping Mr. Ferssi, I heard that after the last war, people have gone mad, and the behaviors changed. Before that technology grew so fast, but suddenly everything changed, fighting for more power destroyed all those technologies. Instead of development, they made bombs and killed innocent people. I wasn't born at that time, but in Atendor's books, I had read about it, now some people are farming because the food is not too much and the grounds are still dirty by radioactive, nowhere is beautiful and ready to cultivate, but here is different. It's like sorrow never came to these lands." Athor said.

"Yes, I'm sorry. We saw everything; it was painful. Men are so smart and intelligent, their inherent abilities are too high, but the conceit and greed of some of these people made your world such a nasty place, they are creative, but they weren't appreciative sadly" Suran said.

"Here is filled with calm, we are peaceful and don't like chaos and anarchy. There is no discrimination between the current king and the others, we believe in ourselves and never use our power to kill each other. Not anymore after the scary years of this land, we earned peace so hard. We have good people, and lost ones anyways, but we live beside each other peacefully. It is the whole world, and black and white near each other will give meaning to life. It's up to us how to choose the way we go through life". Sarya said peacefully.

Elves were looking at Suran with so much interest. He was ideal to them, but today all eyes were on the new member of the town, a handsome young boy who was similar to their prince.

"Why are we still walking while we can go around simply?" Athor said

"Firstly because we want you to see the city and secondly we can't use crystals everywhere. We use it only in emergencies," Suran said.

Athor shrugged and said, "why?"

"Well, if we go around without considering rules, we may get hit by the food's ships, smashed and die or we might hit by each other everywhere we go," Suran said.

"Wow, do you have flying ships?" Athor said.

"Of course we have, how could we commute without vehicles? Look! One of them is exactly behind you, over there," Suran said.

He turned back quickly and saw a supreme and elegant white flying ship behind him. It was like a wooden butterfly, so he couldn't stop looking at it, especially when the two moons were shining on the left and right sides.

A few minutes later, they arrived at a station "Alright, here is the Deymo station; we can go to the castle from here."

There were terrific hundreds of rooms made by sear trees. Like dried trees, a dead wood, and they made this place out of it. Elves appeared there, and the fabulous thing about that place was the ceiling, a picture of space, the same as all he saw in the magazines of the library, was on the roof shining stars, planets... He was surprised by everything and took the attention of all those passerby elves.

"What a beautiful picture, it's like real, I never saw something like this, so interesting, I'm on another planet now," Athor said.

"This is a real, not a picture, imagine that's a big telescope that you can see the space just near you," Suran said.

Athor was completely confused about what he said, "Thinking about what you said is complicated."

Sarya put her hand on his shoulder, "of course, but it is not hard to understand, when everything solved, you will know all the facilities in here."

"Can everyone go to space from here?" Athor asked.

"Well, No, It's just a high-quality lens," Suran said.

"Oh, that's too bad. I wished that it was possible, I love to see the unknown world out there," Athor said.

"This station has another advantage; we can watch where the elves are going and how many entered during the day," Suran said.

"Do you check people? They don't get mad at this law, do they?" Athor said