Chapter 17

He didn't ask anything else; he must search about that to make sure what's really going on there.

Tayan insisted to learn transferring quickly, it was so cool, and kind of weird to him after a short silence couldn't control himself and asked another question "Can I ask one more question?"

"Of course, anything," Suran said.

"What is that huge round thing in the middle of the hall?"

Suran smiled and said, "The time calendar, it shows the month, week, day, and the hours."

"So strange, isn't it purely complicated? You can use a watch which is simpler".

"Not for us, we see it every day, by the time it becomes accustomed to you."

"How does it works?" Taeyan asked.

"There were four interacted circle rings, right? the outer and smaller one shows the hour and every one-hour moves to the next, then the number on the golden crystal shows the hours. The second circle ring out of it which is larger shows the days and every twenty-four hours whirls and the number of that day goes on the red crystal. The third one is weeks, stops on shining blue, and the last one shows the months then stops on purple…"

"Wow, pretty amazing, thank you, it's very complicated, but I got it."

"This is the first calendar of elves which made 10,000 years ago, we use it because it's accurate by our sun, double moons, and earth," Suran said proudly.

"Amazing, the gears in the back were working incredibly, so lasting," Tayan said.

Then while he was looking at the sky said "How are those islands floating in the sky?"

"Because of a central core inside of it, it's resistant against the gravity it calls Mipo."

Sarya had a plan for them, so asked him after showing him around, and making things up to him quickly take him to their house. Their adventuring took time, and they got late. Taeyan needed that time to understand everything that happened in his life suddenly and changed it so fast, anyway it wasn't that easy.

"Well, we must go now, someone invited us, I'm sure that you will love it," Suran said happily.

He tapped his hand on Taeyan's shoulder then they vanished and golden dust remained shining.

They were in a beautiful yard against a big white house; the shiny golden roses were shining like stars in the dark and golden dust flying around it, the trees with colorful leaves surrounded the area.

Taeyan wondered, that beautiful sunset made a peaceful sense in the air "Where is this place?" "I feel so much tranquility."

"Here is our mother's twin sister, Sarya lives here, we shall go inside," "It's been a long time they are expecting for us."

He knocked on the door, and unexpectedly it opened in less than a second. Certainly, they had waited for that moment for a long time. A very young blond boy stood a front of them, staring at Taeyan and if Suran weren't there he would stay there in shock and won't move away till the next morning.

"Hey, Cera why you transfixed right there? Would you let us come inside?"

He got out of the way and said "Oh I'm sorry, welcome, in a moment I just thought he is your small size."

They gained a warmth greet, Jay and Kai came along, hugged them. The last person was Rita who handed her little daughter to Sarya and while tears scrolled down from her eyes hold him tightly.

Taeyan was completely shocked by all those unexpected passions; After all, they sat on the chairs beside the fireplace.

Inside the house was so simple, but beautiful. The thing that rubbed Tayan's attention, at first sight, was the paint on the wall, he was stared at the picture of a woman who had her baby between her arms. This picture must be illustrated right after birth. Rita followed his sight but preferred to say nothing.

Their warm behavior changed his mood and didn't want to think about anything else and just needed to enjoy the moment.

As always Sarya with her special dexterity in breaking ice said: "You got too late, it's been hours that we have been waiting for you guys."

"I'm sorry, but it took time to show around to my brother" he had a pretty amazing feeling by saying, brother.

Cera found a place beside Taeyan, seated himself there, and whispered into his ears "I'm very glad to see you! I hope we become good friends to each other".

He smiled and nodded his head as an agreement.

Cera always is adventurous, brave, but a little bit confused and many times had fallen into troubles and never stopped searching around to learn about new things. Jay was older than him and loved the little brother so much, but always freaked out for his indiscretions and blamed him all the time, but Cera wouldn't give up on his exciting deeds.

"Oh my lord, let him arrive from the way then deceive him, what is your new plan to make an army and burn all around!" said Jay.

"Hey guys come on," Kai pointed to Jay "don't play with him, again he will apply some oleander extract to your toothbrush, I'm sorry, but then I can't handle those giant zits on your face for three days," "that's too much," Kai said the older brother and the serious one.

Taeyan looked at him with a hint of a smile said, "Really!? Did you do that to your brother?"

He shrugged and said, "Wasn't my fault."

Taeyan quietly said, "Once I changed Mr. Ferssi's toothpaste with glue because he had punished me for something that wasn't my mistake, anyways then I regret it."

"Wow! Look what we have here, the carpet matches the drape, by now on, we must stand up by the nights to make sure they won't do something wrong," Jay said gaping and amazed widen eyes.

Taeyan laughed and replied, "I thought I said quietly"!

"Well, we have sharp ears. Certainly, we can hear down voices," Suran said

"Oh, so that's the reason, I always thought my ears have a serious problem," Taeyan said.

Everyone laughed loudly at that excuse; he always used to make stupid reasons for his differences with the others, and convince himself, whatever most of the time didn't care and just ignored them.

Cera's little sister Denis, was only five years old. she liked Taeyan and was interested to pull his silky brown hair over and over, Suran rescued him from that situation, so hold her between his arms, playing with her. Everyone surprised, they never saw him the same before, he loved her because she has been a lovely cute little girl, but he wasn't this much over-happy before.

Jay couldn't keep it in silence, "Hey brother, are you alright? Should I be assured that you didn't hurt your head? You know that's a kid?"

"No, I didn't, you know I love to play with children, they are too cute, innocent."

"It seems you just realized about her existence! Already she used to follow you, while you were hiding to be safe over here!" Kai said

"Yes, and I used to ran away to make her more laugh", Suran replied

Jay puffed and said, "Wow! Such a precise person, this is one of your hidden characters that we didn't notice till now."

Sarya changed the conversation to another side; she knew that Jay wouldn't stop bothering Suran till he's changing his mind.

"Kids, by tomorrow we are going to help Taeyan to get ready for school and become Cera's classmate."

Jay got a serious stiff face "Well, I'm telling you by now, I'm a very strict tutor."

"Whoa, you just carried away again, let the words flow from her mouth, he is my buddy I'll teach him," Cera said and tightened his hand around Taeyan neck. Taeyan was laughing at their funny arguments, but they would do it on purpose just to make him comfortable and happy. When he got to the house he was sad and an absolute gray cold shoulder, they knew what's the cause of it, so did their best to make him feel good.

"I'm sure if we relay this on you, tomorrow the whole Farya will be blown out by your favor, then we have to beg humans to let us live beside them, and they think we are aliens who want to take the ground," Kai said.

"Blah, blah, blah, what do you mean?" Cera said.

"Nothing, but your records are broken already, he is talking about last year, while you were working on your experiments inside the lab and tried to change copper to silver," Jay said.

"That was an accident, it was Lario's fault he used to fight with Daria, and someone must nail him down all the time to make him seated, then purely forgotten about what I had done before it," Cera said vindicatory.

Rita was tired of their boring talk and said "Alright boys, enough you will talk about it till tomorrow" then got up and turned to Sarya, smiled, and said, "Let's bring them the evening meal."