Chapter 18

She got up and went to the kitchen after a few minutes came back with orange cake and seven cups of tea and a cup of lemonade for Denis. She cut a big slice for Suran and Taeyan.

"I'm sure you didn't eat your noon meal, so eat well now. Although it's sweet", then pointed to Cera "you shouldn't eat the sweet thing with empty stomachs".

Cera while looking at the cake and his eyes shining said "My dear Aunt, you made my favorite cake again, amazing you, could you please give me a giant slice. My stomach is not empty I already had a full meal".

She laughed and said, "You meant all of that! Last time by your favor, no one even could have seen it, this time you will be punished and will receive the last part after all."

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it," Cera said regretfully.

"How is that possible? You eat as a ghoul, but you're always just a piece of gaunt".

Cera ignored that, only for the sake of that cake. She already cut a big slice for him, just wanted to punish him a little bit, because he only thought of himself at that time, but no one else.

After having their meal someone knocked on the door. Cera quickly got up, opened the door, loudly said "Father!"

He loved his father more than his life, and this time he returned home unexpectedly.

Cera liked to open the door and loved when there were new people who came over to their house, most of the time he was waiting there behind the door to meet them first.

Sarya surprisingly looked at her sister, said "Master Maina!"

Maina smiled at Cera and said, "Won't you let me get in my son?"

Cera smiled and hugged his father so tight. He pushed him away as he realizes he went too much, squeezing him. "Alright Cera", he came inside and after a warm greeting with everyone turned to his seat and sat.

Master Maina is the secretary of war in Fraya and the closest person to King Sayan, a tall man with long blond hair and green eyes. Cera always dreamed to be a strong man such as his father; it was a long time that he went on a mission and didn't say when he will come back, they got surprised by not announcing his return before. But he seemed very tired of the way.

Maina took Denis between his arms and looked at Taeyan with a nice short smile. "I hope you are happy with us, and my kids didn't bother you," and shortly glimpsed at Cera.

"I appreciate everything here; it is perfect, everyone's nice to me."

Suran deeply looked at him and said "You seem tired master Maina."

"Yes, lately the thing didn't work out well at the boundaries, I must let your Father knew."

Suran got more curious, said "Which kind of works? Is that about the outer world?"

"Let's not talk about the job, Jay why not you and Sarya play the flute for us, in this fall evening its sounds perfect," Rita interrupted him excitedly. She didn't want her children to get involved in dangerous events.

"Mom, please tell Sarya to play it only, I'm afraid it's not nice you relay on Jay, you know it's our first meeting with Taeyan." Said Cera with a naughty tune.

"No one asked your opinion kid!" he replied while his face became cloudy sad.

"Hey come on! Don't take it seriously; he is joking" Suran put his hand on his shoulder.

"He is right," Kai said.

Sarya got up happily and said, "I'll bring the flutes."

There were two beautiful flutes on the wall, exactly in the top of the stone fireplace, well designed by roses engraving on it. As she brought the instruments, handed the brown one to Jay, and kept the white one herself.

They start playing the flute, but Rita suddenly stopped them, said "Hold kids," "Suran you must sing with this song, you are singing this song perfectly, no excuse accepted."

Jay as protest put his hands up and said "Oh mom, you paused our song, I just fell into it."

"I'm sorry my son; now you can fell into it again" "What do you think Suran?"

"My lovely Aunt you are putting me on spot."

"Please sing the "peace" kids start," Rita said and pointed out to them.

They start playing it again; Jay blinked at him, he was supposed to accept Rita's request and started singing. Rita was purely right his voice was heavenly beautiful.


Time, like a Levin thunder,

Passing by between the clouds

The green plains changed color

I'll take back my peace, my happiness

I'll make the moments

Tears became spate,

Cleaned the sadness in my eyes

I'll take back my peace, my happiness

I'll learn flying from the sky

Take my hands, set me free

I'll forget my pain

Everywhere is magnificent with you, only you

Read my feeling by my eyes

Look at my eyes

I'll take back my peace, my happiness

I'll take back my peace, my happiness

They start clapping for him; he has gotten blessed with a heavenly voice that could infiltrate the hearts.

"I love to learn to play the reed, but I think you must have strong lungs, Daniel used to play it beautifully."

Master Maina proud of him for a moment, believed that he is so humble as his mother and seems to be so brave that stepped in Farya without any preference. "You gained this from Sarya."

He smiled and while staring at Sarya said: "I wish she teaches me."

She was so interested, he could ask her anything and she wouldn't deny "Of course, sweetheart."

"Did you know that she is one of the school's tutors? The music tutor, that's not the only one, she is the only elf who had gotten educated in man world, studied designing before the war, she has so many friends there, but no one knows that she is an elf."

There were so many elves who used to go on earth and live between them, and everything seemed to be normal, but after the war things changed. There weren't many places to live, the radio actives destroyed the habitat and left ruins behind.

They could live in the part which had better ecosystem or vegetation, every part had different officials who were under a kingdom of Alenan, from the war only the lord of shadows left safe, but for the others, everything starts from the first step.

Taeyan was amazed "what? Tutor? At this young age? Man identity?"

Cera archly smiled and said, "He thinks we are the same age, aunt you look so young, tell us your secret."

She raised her left eyebrow and said "You are so bad, you shouldn't be rude." Then turned to Taeyan "My dear Taeyan, I'm sixty, this is the youthful peak for the elves."

Sarya saw the man's technology before it all had gone and destroyed by them.

"You look like an eighteen years old girl," Taeyan said.

"Thank you for your definition, wish others learn to respect the older one such as you do," she said and pointed out to Cera by her head.

He started laughing and jumped up and hold her, said "You are one and the only, you're my angel, don't be upset with me, I'm joking."

They start laughing at him begging for remission.

Dinnertime arrived, and they had their meal, after that Master Maina went to have some rest.

"I heard men need help, why can't we help them?" Cera asked.

"Not now, but when the right time arrives. They are not ready for the things which they can't see, they will afraid of us and may go in the wrong direction, doesn't accept our help," Suran said.

"Why should they afraid of us!? We are not going to eat them, can we help later?" Cera asked again.

"Yes, when we find mans' leaders and make a brotherhood with, it's possible, they will allow us" Suran replied.

"When is that time?" Cera asked disappointed.

"No one knows about the future, but I feel it's so close."

"I hope so." Said Cera.

"Who are the leaders?" Taeyan asked thoughtfully.

"The ones who fight against the demons to bring peace, soon we will realize that couldn't find them yet" Suran replied.

"My son Taeyan you studied between humans, am I right?" Rita asked.

"Yes, I did, but couldn't join the school last year, while I used to read a lot of books in Atendor's library." He said.

"Oh Atendor, it's been a long time since I hadn't seen him, it's almost 80 years, I think you can give me a hand for my book, I'm writing about creatures of the universe," she said.

Taeyan thought the mysterious wise Atendor knew about the elves and said nothing "Ok, that's my pleasure, but how do you know, Atendor?"

"Yes he is one of my friends, he is one of us," Sarya said.

"Wow! Such a fool I was, his ears were the same as mine, He knew everything about all creatures, and I never got curious! He is mysterious".