Chapter 19

Jay was looking at his mother dumbstruck, with a widened mouth said "Mother is writing a book?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Rita said seriously.

Kai was ashamed and said, "We are always outside, of course, I don't know what's going on at home!"

Denis was yawning deeply and forced them to keep the eyes open, but it was her sleeping time, Suran kissed her, Sarya took her away to her bed.


Taeyan laid down on his bed and thought about the whole day; he was happy, but afraid if he will wake up in the morning everything disappears like a sweet dream. He was thinking that if he didn't believe Suran and not coming with them couldn't find his family anymore, he was thinking about people in ruins, wanted a beautiful life for them, not to see them in pain. Tania, Eric, and the others, what happens to them if those strangest were demons its means nothing good is going to happen. While he was spending wonderful moments devils will attempting to take it and find a way into Farya. But his brain was tired of thousands of thoughts and needed to shot down to sleep.

The next morning he was going down the stairs.

Already everyone was there, Cera was eating a cucumber and chewing loudly, he was doing that on purpose. Jay warned him to stop doing that, but he didn't care, Jay couldn't tolerate its noise and snapped it out from him. But before Cera takes his revenge he saw Taeyan and quickly said: "Good morning buddy, come here I kept a seat for you, right beside me".

"Did you sleep well?" Sarya asked.

"Yes, thank you, here is too quiet, no noises could be heard, unlike the previous night it was perfect."

"By his glowing face obviously he had a nice rest, but I think here is too noisy," Suran said and started yawning, he looked very tired, sleepy, and clearly he was awake the whole night.

"Why didn't you sleep well, brother?" "I had a perfect rest, but the bad part was dreaming Cera," Jay asked and Cera snooted his face.

"Yes, you had" "Tell me, is there any way to stop your snoring?" then pointed out to Taeyan and said, "Does the man somehow an especial cure for this?"

"Are you kidding me?" Jay said while widening his hands to the sides.

"Fix the pillow under his head; he must sleep on sides and keep his head down" Taeyan replied.

"Good advice Taeyan, I ran from his noises," Kai said.

After eating breakfast Sarya gave a paper to Taeyan, it was the plan:

First day of the week: Running in the ruby forest, learning rules and history (Kai), archery (Suran)

Second day: Running, jumping, playing reed (Sarya), geography, and tradition (Jay), sword training (Suran).

Third day: Running, jumping, learning the ancient alphabet (Rita), speed, and power training (Suran).

Fourth day: …

They must do their best to make him ready for the New Year with this compressed plan. He was so interested in learning, and that could make it even easier for him and Cera and Daria could be a good help.

"Let him arrive from the way, by the way; there was no lesson by me! You could have made some free times for having fun," Cera said.

"You must take part in these classes," Jay said.

He narrowed his eyebrows and said "kidding right? I don't need those classes," "They thought I don't know anything, I go to my classes by force now you're telling me, huh huh, no" then turned to Taeyan "I'll teach you the alphabet or transporting".

"I know, but he needs help, much better than being alone, you can take Daria with you, transporting relies on Suran you know that's so important, something wrong can take him somewhere dangerous," Jay said.

Cera started nagging by making noises and said to Kai "You are the older brother support me only a little bit."

"I'm only three years older; by the way, he is pretty right" He replied.

"That support, huh, sh such a disappointing" Cera said.

"Thank you, it's a nice program, but how you speak like a human?" Taeyan said.

"We know all human languages, we learn from childhood, I'm sure, you will be ready for this spring, Cera I have a plan for you, you can show him all around Cemythra except forbidden and unsafe places," Suran said.

"I wish to get into one of those ships which carry the foods, it must be too cool, I'm able to see everywhere from above" Taeyan asked.

"Ok, I'll talk to Sino, he is going to help you," Suran said.

He appreciated that favor happily, and wish he stays this much affable all the time. He loves flying and from the moment that beholds them got interested to get into one of those ships. Now he got the chance

In the evening, the two young boys were on the way to Daria's house, which was beside the eastern river. In the middle of the road, Cera used to introduce the families who were on that side.

One of them was the Master of cosmology, Mr. Luyo; his house was more like an observatory. He has gotten three children, two sons and one daughter who was the last child, Hayak and Samut didn't like to be an astronomer such as their father, so last year they joined the elves army, unlike them their beautiful sister Tarian loved astronomy and was the best student in their class.

After a long walk, they had arrived at their destination. A simple marble building beside the magnificent river which could say had hidden magic in.

Big shiny fishes with fair tails were swimming inside the current river. one of them was completely different than the others and had so many fins, it looked more like a ghost. People called it the spirit of the river, more than three thousand years ago the myths had said a dragon saved Farya and then disappeared, rumors said this fish is the dragon and the guardian of Farya. At any time people will need help, he will rose, Cera told him all the story behind the river, but it had seemed very odd to him. A "dragon changed to a fish if I wasn't here now I would say these people are mad and this situation is freaking ridiculous". He was telling himself.

Daria had been waiting for the outdoor,

"Hello, you have been late, it's been two hours that I'm here, I thought you left me behind, when Jay told me about it, you can't imagine… ahh… I'm over-excited" then cuddled Taeyan "Oh, you're so nice Daria", the way that he got so confused he even didn't know him, a fake smile landed on his face. He was treating so hearty.

"You must be Taeyan, very glad to see you, now we have a new member to our clan".

He was amazed by how friendly he is "Me too; I apologize for our delay."

"Other days won't do it, but today only for showing Taeyan around here, I wanted him to learn the way of your house, brother," Cera said.

"Come on, let's get in, my mother made some meal ready then we will go to the ship station."

Daria's mother was the Master of history and one of the oldest friends of Rita and Taya. Daria opened the door she was reading a book, sitting on her sofa.

"Mother look who's here,"

After she rolled her head up, watching him at the first sight couldn't control her happiness, and tears showed up in her eyes.

"Welcome my sons please, come closer".

"Hello, I'm Athor… no I mean Taeyan".

She kindly smiled as they approached said "for a moment I felt Taya is here, please take your seat, I'll bring food then you can go to meet Sino".

After having, the meal quickly walked away to the central Bazar, besides the transport gate of ships Sino was in one of them. Everyone has attracted them, they had the missing prince besides. Now the king was in the strongest position ever. Cera called for Sino, a young blond, blue-eyed boy jumped down.

"Hey kids, I'm here, Happy to see you, Suran asked me to take you around, but are you ready?"

"Yes, thank you," Cera said.

"I'm so excited this is our first time flying with ships," Daria said.

He turned to the quiet prince "it's my honor to give a ride your majesty".

"It's my honor to see such a talented person like you"

"Your kindness, please follow me we don't have much time, I must bring you back before down your majesty."

Your majesty, he couldn't bear that word. Freak words that he never thought to hear. He always hated to be noble because of those greedy people who met before, but now he realized that he is a prince. It scared him, could he become a good one? What is it depends on?

He got back to the ship; sent a ladder down for them, and turn the core on. Then pulled the lever at the end, the two-sided sails that were as if bat wings opened to the west side, and started moving slowly.