Chapter 20

They stood beside Sino and asked about how it works.

"She has an energy core, in the bottom and it goes to the engine outsides when I keep the lever, I'm able to control the direction of the wings moving by the gears under the surface, if you don't use the lever correctly, you will crash down and may break the wings before reaching the ground".

"Did you name it?" Daria asked.

He tapped the pillar "yes, she is Scarlia". "What's the energy core?" Taeyan asked.

"One of the most powerful healing crystals, while leaving no pollution," he replied.

Obviously, he was well known about the fuels, people used on earth, everyone was talking about the return of the missing prince, and his story was saying all around the Farya ears to ears. "He came back from humans' earth." "The whole time he was there, alive", "maybe the queen is still alive", "if she was, she would find a way to return", "maybe she left the king"; these were all words spreading around.

Sino shown them all the Cemythra and sometimes speeding up to outsoar to make more joy. From above he discovered the whole planet they're living in is a big floating island covered by a circular misty or gas thing outside not like earth at all. The greens and mounts were much more than water, there was no ocean, but all sweet water and lakes, a brininess lake with pink edges.

And that dark forest, it seemed to be bounded. "what's going on there, the forest is already dead!"

"hey Taeyan we got to your favorite place", Cera said excitedly.

As they got close to a floating island, "here I'm, I can't bear this. It's too much".

"Just take a deep breath brother". Daria said.

There was a fury gate on it, Tayan asked Sino to stop for a while, let him take a look at it nearly, Cera and Daria jumped down the ship and started going around quickly. They were so fast, he was staring at them and interested in practice and does the same. Sino sent him down by a stairwell.

The island was green, the gates are strange and a few symbols engraved on them, constellation-things and he couldn't understand the use of them, "what is the reason behind calling it fury gate?" he murmured, While thinking and seeking around it, an ivy wrapped around his ankle and drove him to the ground. He took his dagger out of the pod to cut the ivy, but Cera took his wrist "that's just an ivy, you shouldn't kill it." Then started cuddling it, the ivy lightly screamed and set him free, Cera looked at his Dagger, said "Wow, it's perfect, you brought this from man's world."

He gave him hand to get up from the ground and said "Yes, I made it before I come here. I had planned to work in a smithy."

Daria appeared beside him and took it from him; "it is incredibly sharp, hammering perfectly, designed exactly like our weapons. Clearly it's your idea." He said.

"Yes, I made my molding," Taeyan said.

"We got a talented prince here," Daria added.

"Time to leave your majesty" Sino shouted from up.

"Oh god, I can't bear that title". Taeyan said with deep disgust.

"You have to, if people don't respect you will be underestimated, and it would be bad for the whole Cemythraian clan." Rigorously Cera mentioned.

"Why are you saying that? It seems the king has enemies here."

"You are smart you understand what I mean yourself, now let's get back we have a long way before us", after the past 24 hours it was the first time to see him serious.

"These people are surprisingly marvelous", Taeyan muttered to him. Then stepped on the stair-wall.

They returned to the ship, Sino took soaring up, they scream out of joy; time was passing and had to come back.

They got out of the ship, Cera wanted to pay him, but Sino did not accept it "This is my gift to our younger prince. Welcome home prince Taeyan, I wish you enjoyed the flight".

"I'm honored, it was wonderful".

Suran was there waiting for his brother. Therefore, they got back to their house and planned to see each other for training.


Now he was ready to learn that way he could comprehend and understand this world.

"Now that everyone knows about his comeback, it would make troubles. Those who kidnapped him heard the news. It proves that Farya got traitors, not a simple one, but the ones who can open portals between worlds. The one who did not use the white crystal if he would I could notice that in a second." The king said to Master Maina.

"I'm agreed, I relied this on Roita, he will be watchful your majesty".

The King warned his minister inside the meeting room.


Time was rushing like escaping from us to not to be caught, such a playful life is! Besides, the next week arrived quickly. The first lesson has started in Rita's library with Kai, he entered inside and picked a book out of the bookshelf, stood a front of them "I hope you are ready for the lessons your majesty."

He nodded his head, he knew that out of the house they would call him by title so accustomed after all and picked the quill in his hand dunked it into black ink, ready to write down the notes, and Kai pointed out to Cera and said: "Can you tell me what the cause of elves social rules is?"

Cera paused for a second then slowly said "What the hell is this question, obviously for discipline."

"True, you must know many categories, what are they?" Kai asked

"The first one is about the crimes (fighting, rubbery…) which contain jail for a week and 72 hours of social services. After that, they take a commitment letter from the criminal to do not repeat it. If it's rubbery they must afford the damage price to owner, repeating them all after three times they will exile to the man's world."

"What about legal fines?" Taeyan asked.

"No, there is no way, rules are not for sale, rules shouldn't abuse people and make life hard for them, It had made to make life easier and protect them," Kai said.

"The second group is national rules which is so important and if committed by someone, directly goes to the jail for a year or so… up to the type of crime like going to man's world without permission or to the forbidden places such as wizard's forest, opening the fury gates, killing someone…"

"The third group is the most important one and breaking it has very bad outcomes, and its prescription to the worst lands of the earth or execution depends on various options you will learn about soon, for example, betrayal."

"All the rules contain to people over twenty years old and under it will have only social services, for example, sweeping up the public places or helping for warehouse and … except three options: betrayal, opening gates, murdering".

Everything worked well for Kai. Daria and Cera also liked his teaching way, it was not boring anymore, never thought he can explain things that much fluently.

The hard and strict lessons belonged to Suran, he had no joke and was so serious even Cera had no dare to complain or joke around with him.

They were running in the ruby forest; elves are so fast, cause of having lightweight were able to pass long distances in short times.

"Cera, why are we running this much? It is kind of fun and I like it, but what is the cause of it? They are so fast," Taeyan asked.

"We move so fast; you didn't try it before, we are doing this to make you ready for upcoming drills, soon you will be able to transport, even your vision becomes stronger."

"So if it's the cause, I have no protest, but this funny animal is so annoying to me," Taeyan said.

"That's Chegool, it's so cute, everyone in here is dreaming to have one of them, but you," Cera said

"What a spoof name, why am I supposed to dream it, look at those teeth!" he replied.

"He is so loyal to his lord and doesn't show interest to everybody, it can be tamed hardly if you force him it's going to bite you, and his tears are a cure for swords scars," Daria said and jumped up in a branch and made his speed a little more.

It has been a few days that chegool used to follow Taeyan, sleep out on his balcony, and innocently waiting for to be accepted.

Taeyan got closer to Daria and said "The way you said it's biting I thought it happened to you in the past."

"Yes, in my childhood I pulled its tail, didn't like that and bite my hand, it can be a good pet, in my opinion, accept it, you can teach him talking, has a very cute light voice," Daria said